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Everything posted by timmo

  1. Whatever the causes of people not wanting to pay the £20 for selling, i m staying here regardless.I like it here.There are some really friendly people who give advice, and some not so friendly, that still give advice, which you can take on board or ignore.The help and advice far outweighs any negatives.Some topics i have avoided as it can get controversial, most topics i have read, and learnt a lot from .
  2. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1366552200' post='2053850'] This forum has about 90% less agro than any other I post on. Debate causes argument. Its inevitable. We can't all agree on everything. If you find yourself getting annoyed, just leave the thread. If you find that certain posters consistently wind you up, use the ignore function. Part of me wonders whether the increased vocalisation of displeasure has to do with the introduction of fees (even if that displeasure has nothing to do with the marketplace). Once money became involved the relationship between poster and forum changed a little bit---subconsciously at least people might now see themselves as a "customer", with all the expectations and so-on that that brings. I know that attitudes among students have changed since the introduction of tuition fees---there is an expectation among many that Universities will get them a degree regardless of how they perform, because they've "paid for it", despite that clearly not being the deal. [/quote] How much are the fees?Are we talking the £20 for selling stuff, or are there more fees to pay for certain services in the forum? I mean, if we are talking twenty quid to sell a £300 item, should people really get upset?The fee is clearly stated if you want to sell.If you are unhappy about the fee, then ebay is an option.Some people contribute without selling.I am not sure how much it costs, but i am sure there are certain costs to run a website such as this.You get free membership for most things.If people are getting upset about £20 for selling, then i would be surprised personally. A lot of forums, you have to pay too get anything out of it.
  3. I have only been here for a month, and it is the best forum i have been on, in any subject. Every question i have asked, 99% are really helpful.A couple seem to be wanting to make a fight for some reason, and some of those are quite amusing.I guess it is hard though, as some people look at things as banter, others see it as abuse.
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1366416317' post='2052496'] Why do drummers use more than 3 drums? Why do keyboard players use more than 1 keyboard? Why did Roland Kirk decide to play 2 saxophones at the same time? How can anyone with a brain worry about how many strings are on someone else’s bass? [/quote] Not particularly worried about it Chris, just curious as to the reasoning of why people would rather have 5/6 strings. I find you are without a brain if you do not try to expand your knowledge by asking the people why they use them over a 4 string.But i take your point of needing more drums than a standard kit
  5. A five string sounds interesting.I wanted to get an Epiphone Jack Casady, as i love Jefferson Airplane, but maybe look at a 5 stringer instead
  6. That looks a nice project.Are you going to try to restore it back to the original `75 Gibson, or a custom job?
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1366401185' post='2052260'] Ha I was thinking similar but we like what we like, sometimes change what we like and then change back again. Freebird can be played on any timmo and just to fully contradict myself none of my uprights are 5 string even though Gedo were selling the 5 string version of mine for £250 less than the four! Lol [/quote] I have a feeling Free Bird is going to haunt me
  8. I am ruling out a 5 or 6 string at the present time, as i have blown all my meagre savings on buying a 4 string.Maybe in the future.Another thing that i have learned, it is very rare to find a one bass person, so i still have to add to my collection.I had the presence of mind to buy a 3 rack stand, so i have room for 2 more
  9. Ahh ok.Thanks for the replies.Not something a beginner should worry themselves about then.I haven`t really noticed them until a few months ago.But when you take up a new hobby, you tend to notice things more.Like i always listen to the bassline closer than i used to when listening to music
  10. Maybe a silly question, but why have more than 4 strings on a Bass? Are they better? Have they always been around, or is it a fairly recent occurence?
  11. oops, beginners mistake
  12. Thanks i found one eventually.It took me a while to find one.Just in time for my lesson
  13. That sucks.I guess you gotta look at the brightside of it.You have 3 litres of cider I wouldn`t know it has been repaired if you never said anything
  14. The wires on the input jack have come off.Two of them came of the Wednesday, and had them soldered on, but one has come loose again.It has obviously been repaired before i got it with the amount of solder it has on it.The question is, does it matter which wires go where on it? As two came off at the same time, i was unsure how they went back on, so they just soldered them on in hope.I am going to try to get a new one, so i will also have to solder it, something i havent used since i was about 10 years old.I have a Warwick Fortress Rockbass.The worst thing is, i have a lesson at 1pm today, so i gotta try to get the plug, a new soldering iron, plus get the soldering done. Anyone with a warwick that can look please? I am getting desperate
  15. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1366231498' post='2050025'] If I can't get my leg over Catherine Southon off Bargain Hunt in the next four years I might give up trying. I could go on about the restraining order but certain people might think I was whining. [/quote] If you are already thinking of quitting, i would stop now and not waste any more of your time. Personally though i would encourage you on this, and tell you to hang in there, and give it more time
  16. Thanks all for the great advice and encouragement..Joining this forum has been an astute move on my part As i have been on nights and not able to get the practice i wanted, i bought a 10w amp for a tenner and took my Bass to work .I have looked at the homework a bit more methodically, and not as a whole.It is not looking so bad after all the support and encouragement.Luckily there are only 24 frets, so not many roman numerals to learn, and maybe i can easily learn those when i am having my tea or whatever. Even the one or two negatives have been helpfull, as it has made me more determined to learn. Free Bird...That was the first song that came into my head, so it is looking good for me, as i have read it is easy(ok, in comparison to a lot of songs i could have picked), so within 4 years, i will be here to tell you i have cracked the Bass line
  17. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1366230536' post='2050003'] You're still whining. Go practice. [/quote] Excellent advice See, it isn`t hard to give good advice is it
  18. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1366221467' post='2049849'] Maybe this will refresh your memory. [i]"If i can`t play something like Freebird, Lynyrd Skynyrd in 4 years time, i will give up. "[/i] Maybe you were kidding. At any rate, if you want it, you;ll keep doing it and you'll get as good as you can with the effort exerted. It's as simple as that. [/quote] Your whole argument revolved around me being a whinger, and saying i was quitting.As i have said, i have no arguments over whether i am a whinger, that is your interpretation.If you are saying i should give up now as i said i would give up in 4 years(yes it was not meant to be taken seriously, i must use emoticons more ). But even if it was meant seriously, i think giving 4 years is a giving it a good go, and if i still couldn`t play, then i think most people would agree, i should give up.If i went to a tutor, and said , i am struggling, but i am giving myself 4 years to learn a song, i would hope the tutor would say, fine, we could have a good crack at that, as long as you don`t whinge that it is too haard.On the other hand, you would say, as you are going to quit in 4 years time and a whinger, you may as well quit right now. So yes, i think you are putting words into my mouth by telling everyone on the forum that i said i was quitting
  19. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1366215318' post='2049736'] It wasn't I who put any words in your mouth. I just can't take anyone who's been playing for a few weeks and threatening to quit seriously. You say it's hard. What did you expect? [/quote] Go on then, where did i say i was quitting, or even threatening to quit? Can you show me where please? It is hard to take you seriously if you lie. Anyway, on a side note, mostly everyone was encouraging, which i found great, and makes me want to stay.If i find things tough, and i want advice, i will ask in the forum, as that is what i thought was one one of the forums purposes.If people want to respond and give me advice, i will be well chuffed regardless if it is relevant or not, as they have taken time to answer me.If it is a stupid question, then tell me, and give reasons if you feel the need to reply to it.If it is just plain rude or nasty, then fine,no problems. if it includes lies to back up an argument,and put words into my mouth to imply something then i get annoyed
  20. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1366170872' post='2049175'] You keep missing the point. It's fine. Let it go. Just don't use your confusion to put words in my mouth, okay? [/quote] Yeah, it isn`t nice having words put into your mouth is it
  21. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1366148238' post='2049063'] Is this really necessary? [/quote] I don`t mind being called a whiner, that is open to interpretation, and that is how it was interpreted,so fine. It just gets on my nerves when i get things attributed to me that i never said.If there is an argument, fine, but don`t make up lies to support your point of view
  22. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1366121069' post='2048573'] This is obvious in response to my post in the other thread which was misunderstood. I think it's important to encourage when someone shows effort. I do not believe in coddling someone who's been playing for 4 weeks is whining how hard it is. I realize also that whenever anyone has a difference of opinion or adds any perspective that isn't in concensus with the majority, it's considered trolling. My point remains -- when someone is enthusiastic, they'll love the process and nothing can stop them. That deserves encouragement. If they ask questions...that deserves encouragement. If they complain how hard it is and say they may give up...let them give up. [/quote] I don`t believe it was whining.If it did come over as whining then i am sorry, i must get better at expressing myself .I was Merely asking for a little help which most people seemed happy to do,which have been very helpful to me.Even your quote about it not getting any easier.I also never said i was going to give up, so not really sure where that came from.I still enjoy learning, just that sometimes it frustrates.But if you really want to say how it is, don`t attribute things to people that were never really said.I took on board your quote saying it doesn`t get any easier.But if want to come over with attitude, that is your choice.
  23. Cajoling and encouragement is always good, buit also some "telll it like it is" can be just as helpful. Depends on the context and the way it is written.Most disagreements can be down to the written word, by people not expressing themselves correctly, or people reading it in a way the OP never intended. So yes, i think both ways can be valuable.
  24. I have read all the posts of wisdom and encouragement, and Grangur has sent me a couple of easy bits of music i can play, so it is all good.I am working nights this week, so i have taken my bass into work to practice on my breaks, as i get 3 hours of breaks in my twelve hour shift, so the little 20 minute sessions have really helped.I have my next lesson on Friday, so i will tell him i feel i am overloaded with theory, but he assures me all the work he has given me will be well worth it. Sometimes, i sit there, look at the work and think it is too much.But after reading your encouraging posts, i realise i could never play a note 4 weeks ago, now i can play 10 different Pentatonic Scales, 10 Arpeggio scales, and know around 12 notes.Although not everything is locked into my memory, i am taking a little more in at the end of my days practice. Anyway, again, thanks all frt the encouraging words, and in some cases, some hard facts, which do need to be said sometimes.
  25. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1366078556' post='2048139'] You're playing for 4 weeks? COme back when you're playing 4 years. That's when you start to realize it's even harder. [/quote] [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1366083700' post='2048143'] If i can`t play something like Freebird, Lynyrd Skynyrd in 4 years time, i will give up. [/quote] I have never really said i was giving up, but if i was still trying to learn songs which i should have a reasonable chance of playing in 4 years time, i believe there will be a good chance i will never make a Bass player. I would think i would have given it my best shot if i still am trying after 4 years.But it is a good post Lowender, as you have let me know it never really gets easy, which i think i need to know at an early stage
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