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Everything posted by timmo

  1. Hmmmm, decisions.It is so hard to make with all the suggestions.I am liking the thought of the 200w Trace Elliot, plus it will make another forum user happy if i bought it.However, it is unlikely i will ever gig, as i am 44 now, so am unlikely to get any chance of joining a band, and working shifts, it is going to be difficult to get much chance to get a regular spot.But i guess there is always chance of getting a slot to fill in for someones illness etc, assuming i will be any good.(think positive).So my heart says Trace Elliot, but the head says be sensible as it is probably a big unit. There is currently a Roland Cube bass 100w currently at £99,plus £12.99 postage.So i would think that would go up quite a bit. There is a Marshall b25 at £5.50 at the moment, but the 300 mile roundtrip puts me off, so one for £35 plus £18.80 postage, The link Dandelion gave, nice amp, but again, as usual all the nice amps require hours of driving, so pushing up the price.I would travel if i found a bargain though. No second hand Ampeg BA108, so puts it in the same price range as a new Fender Rumble or Marshall MB 30. A few Peaveys around, but an amp i looked at had basic in the model name which always puts me off, but maybe a good amp.But i am also liking the look of the Harley Benton for the money, although probably not much resale value if i ever wanted to get rid of it. Up too 30 w sounds probably good for a practice amp, but i guess anything inbetween 50-200 w, would be useless, as too loud for home use, but not enough for a band, which i think Phil Starr is suggesting. So i will see what happens with the roland cube 100, which finishes tomorrow, then go from there,which seems a bit strange after saying it would be in the useless range, but it does seem to have some nice features. Thanks for the great suggestions all. By the way, the classified would be so much easier if it could be divided into either up to £99, !00-199 etc, or up to 100 watts, 200 watss etc.It takes ages looking through them and so easy to miss a bargain
  2. Is a 200w amp good for a beginner.In other words, would they sound ok at low volume as i wouldn`t want to disturb the neighbours as i can`t play yet.I found a Trace Elliot in the classifieds on this forum for £150 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203166-trace-elliot-7210h-for-sale-l150/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/203166-trace-elliot-7210h-for-sale-l150/[/url]
  3. wonder if many of these have been sold? the postage is a bit steep [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marshall-MB30-Bass-Combo-Amp-/190708077979?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item2c6716559b"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marshall-MB30-Bass-Combo-Amp-/190708077979?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item2c6716559b[/url]
  4. Just looked.They are quite pricey at £200.Bit more than i really wanted to spend, but i will consider it.Thanks for the suggestion, as it has made me think of other amps instead of like most noobs, look for Marshall or Fender etc
  5. Currently i am using a Marshall MG30dfx amp.As it is a guitar amp, i would really like to get a bass amp.I would like a small one, up to about 30w, but 15w would probably be ok, as it is just for my living room. Has anyone got any recommendations please.Maybe around £120-£150. I was thinking of a Marshall MB30, as they are only £115 new, but any advice would be gratefully received
  6. People see my Bass, and says, i bet you are good on that.I have to tell them i am useless, and they just won`t believe me.They would believe me if they forced me to try to play it
  7. Probably Ten Years After as i could watch Alvin Lee. But this would have been good to play Bass on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tsw3nKDlBE
  8. Don`t know if it is classed as classic rock, but Melissa Etheridge may fit the bill.I would say Janis Joplin, as she is one of my favourite singers, but someone beat me too it
  9. Thanks very much.I have ordered a set
  10. Easier the better for me I just want to play anything.Probably boring, but i would like to play The Chain....Fleetwood Mac.Probably attainable.But i would like to have played the bass on this [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tsw3nKDlBE"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tsw3nKDlBE[/url]
  11. I am currently learning to play Bass.There are a bewildering array of brands and gauges.Does it matter which gauge or brand i buy, as i have no clue.Are steel wound better than nylon, or nickel?Is there such a thing as a gauge that is best for learning or just buy the mid range priced?
  12. [quote name='umcoo' timestamp='1364900785' post='2032280'] The first nuts on stringed instruments were made from cashew nut due to the ease of use of the material and the abundance of them. They changed to bone (and a variety of other materials) after the cashew nut 'corroded' and wore down, usually over the space of a few months. [/quote] That sounded like it should have been written on April fools day regardless if it was true or not
  13. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1364924981' post='2032786'] I am sure they did this a few years back and The Clash London Calling came out top...I liked that list...I like this current list less! [/quote] I remember that list.That was titled the most influential album list though.
  14. It is irrelevant.In 30 years time, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones etc, will still be in the list, Keane and Coldplay, will have been forgotten.Tommy, was not as good as Quadrophenia in my opinion .Fairly happy to see ELO in the list.I always think they are under rated
  15. If you want to play like Stuart Zender, this girl started 4 years ago, and Jamiroqui saw her youtube posts and took her on their South American tour at the start of this year.Keep practising, and who knows where you could be in 5 years. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Xy_pD_Or8"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_Xy_pD_Or8[/url]
  16. Sid Vicious couldn`t play Bass, and he was probably one of the best known bassist in the late 70`s. So there is hope for everyone if they find the right band
  17. You have all these posts, and no one mentioned any Wham record.Not worth mentioning anyone as they all made me sick to the pit of my stomach.I hated them. Anyone for 99 red balloons by Nena?
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1364733394' post='2030093'] I would say the guys who do setups and minor repairs only (sometimes attached to guitar shops) are guitar techs, not luthiers. [/quote] Ahh thanks.That clears it up.I thought there may be a difference, but not sure
  19. loo-the (as in theo, without the O) er is how i pronounce it
  20. Bought a battery at an inflated price i might add, being Easter, but the good news, is it sounds perfect again. Thanks for the help everyone
  21. Ok thanks for the reply. I would also say it the same as Musky, but i only heard of the word about a month ago
  22. Is a luthier someone who makes and repairs guitars, or just someone that repairs them?
  23. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1364682640' post='2029707'] Could very well be - especially if you left your lead plugged into it. [/quote] OOPS, i was warned not too leave it plugged in by the person i bought it from, but i forgot.If there is a shop open tomorrow, as it is Easter Sunday, i will change it to see what happens.Hopefully that is all it is, as i really don`t want to spend lots of money having just bought it. Thanks for the reply
  24. I bought a second hand Warwick Fortress Bass.It worked perfectly for 3 weeks.Then it was silent.I have tried 3 different amps.Anyway, it has a pre active amp, so when i pull the knob out, i get sound, but a lot of buzzing from the strings.When i push the knob back in, it is silent.Typically, it has to happen over Easter, when all the music shops around here are closed until Tuesday.Then a thought came to me.Could it be the 9 volt battery that is dead? I have no idea about the Bass , as i have only had it for 3 weeks.I will get a new battery, maybe tomorrow, just to check that.If no one can come up with any suggestions, i will take it to a guitar shop on Tuesday, which looks like it will have to happen anyway Thanks
  25. timmo


    Hello I have a Warwick Fortress Bass. At the moment i have a Marshall amp, but is a guitar amp, so will get a bass amp in due course. I have had a Bass for around 3-4 weeks, with no knowledge of how to play it, or any instrument whatsoever. I took my first lesson about 3 weeks ago, and had my second yesterday.I am currently learning the Pentatonic minor and major scales. the Arpeggios scales, and i am learning to read music.So far i am learning G,A.B,C,F, and E chords.I have a long way to go to call myself a Bass player, but i may make it one day. The reason i took up the Bass ( beside the reason i have always wanted to play some instument), is because i have arthiritis in my hand, so am hoping it will improve the mobility of my fingers.It has improved in the last week or so, so i am hopeful. Oh, i forgot. My favourite Bass players would be John Entwhistle, Flea, and Stuart Zender, Roger Glover, and bruce foxton, amongst others
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