Hevos Powerset incl Hevos padded covers.
Technically completely in order, some minor wear
The ideal combination for the discerning player who wants a perfect sound and a portable manageable set!
The cabs are located in Belgium
Since pictureuploader is not working : for more info and pics :
Price 1049 EURO (Retail incl covers almost 1900 EURO)
or trade with a nice (equalworthy) bass :-)
specs :
basscabt 2x10 with tweeter
8 Ohm
800 Watt AES
40hz - 20 KHZ
100 db
Only 22 kg
Basscab 1x15
8 Ohm
500 Watt AES
30hz- 3,5 khz
100 db
Only 22 kg