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About squire5

  • Birthday 25/08/1952

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  1. Sunburst and Tort forever.Also plain chrome control plate.
  2. 'I Can Hear the Grass Grow' by The Move.It has an opening riff played on bass.Took me ages to get right.14 I was.(simper)
  3. 'Sufferin' sukatash' was a favourite utterance of Yosimite Sam IIRC.
  4. What I have discovered though is that the tremolo effect can only be heard when I use the 'Line out/headphone' socket.Also the effect is present overall,just more pronounced at the bass end.Not to worry,as its only for practice purposes anyway.Appreciate your input BBS.
  5. I've never tried using the bass on its own.I must give that a try.I cant share any music as its original material and the author has asked/told me not to.But thanx for that anyway. PS.I'll tell you what I've done.I recorded a few seconds of bass through the Tascams mikes and on playing it back thru headphones,the 'tremolo' effect is prominent.On playing through the mini stereo amp I use with my PC,connected to the Tascams 'Line out' the effect is there BUT..Connecting the Tascam via USB and playing the tracks,The effect is gone.No trace.Tearing my hair out here.☹️
  6. I use a Tascam to record my mates acoustic guitar and my bass in rehearsing some of his original material.I'm through an amp and hes playing and singing acoustically,My problem is that on playback,the bass sounds like it has an added 'tremolo' effect. We've tried different locations for the Tascam but that same effect is still there.Would it be down to room acoustics,do you think? Thanx.
  7. Yeah all good now.Minor glich.Had to change my PW tho'.
  8. Just tried.Had to wait for a 6 digit passcode in an email,enter that and then be told that I should change my password.Now its telling me to log in,and when I click that it tells me that I'm already logged in.What a palaver!
  9. I never watched it right through but I remember the fretless bass in the theme tune.For some reason Mo Fosters name seems important, but it might have been some wee unheard of session man.Still like it though.
  10. Just noticed on the news that Bergerac is making a comeback.I always liked the theme music with that lurvly fretless bass.I've googled best I can,it but nowhere can I find out who the bass player was.Anybody know?
  11. Do you not find it a bit heavy?I had one but had to pass it on because of the weight.
  12. I remember reading a few years ago that Liam Gallagher "Resented being called a professional musician.I take that as a f*****g insult" he said.Dont worry mate,I doubt very much if anybody EVER considered you a musician even,unless of course you include banging a tambourine as being a musician.
  13. I couldnt make out that logo,and as usual the cameras spent precious little time on him.That seems to be the norm.Its as if theyre told 'see the bass player,dont bother with him,just focus on the rest of the band'.Thanx miles'tone
  14. Just watching The Nutty Boys.The bass player is playing what I thought was a Pino styled P-bass only its not.I cant make out the name on the headstock and its not the Fender shape.I'll tell you wot though.He's playing some tasty bass through a large Fender setup with a tone to die for.Some of their stuff is quite complex,chord structure wise.can anybody identify that bass?
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