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Everything posted by tografox

  1. [quote name='nico13129' post='694394' date='Dec 27 2009, 05:16 PM']hello! the bass is still available? have you pics of the bass? thanks![/quote] Sold - then lost - see post
  2. B*gger - missed the NY121 !!!!! [quote name='Geester' post='722323' date='Jan 23 2010, 05:05 PM']I have way too much gear and Mrs Geester has decreed this stuff must go, I'll get pix up as soon as I can find the camera.... Ampeg SVP-Pro pre-amp......£350 SWR Marcus Miller pre-amp..£495 Markbass NY121 cab............SOLD All are in excellent condition, drop me a PM if your interested. I'm based near Cambridge but I'm happy to deliver/meet -up if your quite a distance away. Cheers Mike G.[/quote]
  3. My 2008 Leftie Rickenbacker 4003 Jetglo has gone walkies while in the care of a courier company. I would love to hear from anyone who has been offered an improbably cheap 2008 Leftie Ricky bass or has doubts about the parentage of one they have seen. When lost, it had a Pickguardian black pickguard and various other 'upgrades'. The original bits were in the case, so it may have been put back to original, but I have the serial number and there are a few other things that will show me that its mine. Went adrift in silver Rickenbacker hardcase with all the candy. The guy who bought it from me is very keen to receive it, so any help from the leftie bass community would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Bob
  4. Hi all, This item is now sold Hi, have attached some pics. Its now up on ebay - started it at £75 - which is a snip. have now found the Line 6 badge! No bids on it yet so I could end the sale for a firm offer. let me know - best to email me on [email protected] as I've been having trouble getting into basschat bob
  5. Hi all, This bass is currently on ebay starting at £225 - it now has a Bartolini Classic P pickup, Schaller tuners and Ernie Ball Regular Slinky 50-105s on it. It is an absolute snip at that starting price as the pickups/tuners/electronics are worth more than that! If it doesn't go on ebay it'll be kept or traded with a shop. The Ric is sold - but is currently missing in Interlink's courier system - if anyone is offered a stupidly cheap 4003 I would love to know!!! But we are assuming that it will appear of its own accord - fingers crossed!! Hi, I've got a P Bass 'Bitza' - listed on my post somewhere on Basschat!! It's a Warmoth P neck - rosewood board on maple - Japanese P body in Sunburst (possible ash, probably poplar or basswood), mint pickguard, heavy duty bridge (Gotoh 201 copy), Kent Armstrong Vintage pickups, CTS pots. Strung with Fender 9050 flatties. Overall its as good as, if not better than, a Mexican Fender - except there aren't any Mexican leftie Ps, only Js. Can send pics if interested. Would be happy to do a trade - with cash adjustment on my part. (always like the idea of a maple/maple Ray to go with my rosewood/maple Ray and the Bitza is a backup). Let me know if you're interested, Bob (I'm also (probably) selling my Ric 4003 - but that would need a rather generous adjustment from you!)
  6. Update. This bass was sold at the end of December and 'lost' by Interlink on 4th January 2010. If anyone is offered this bass - or thinks they might have been (I have the serial number and other information to identify it) I would love to hear from you. Many thanks. Left-handed Rickenbacker 4003. Jetglo. One of the 2008 batch of lefties (only 60 shipped to the UK and Ireland) - next lot not due until 2013!!! I have fitted a Pickguardian black scratchplate and bridge pickup surround (www.pickguardian.com) but have all the original parts so you can put it back to standard without any problems. Comes complete with silver/blue plush case, all the 'case candy' and an Allparts T socket for the truss rod. Even has the cardboard box it was shipped from the USA in!! Never gigged - mad indulgence!! Minty condition - pics available - sensible offers please. Bob
  7. You don't still have that Hipshot Ric bridge lying around do you? Looking for one but new is tooooo much!
  8. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! The Stingray pickup really is in the 'sweet spot'. Had a two pickup Bongo for a while and couldn't find the sound I was looking for, same with twin pickup Stingray I tried. Sterling just doesn't cut it - more control/sound options for sure but you can't find that MM grunt. After a lot of phaffing about - and mis-spent cash - I come back to my single pickup Stingray every time.
  9. [b][u]For Sale[/u][/b] Tografox: P bass bitza (Warmoth/Japan). Sunburst. Mint pickguard. Kent Armstrong Vintage pickup. I'm keeping this one - but the pickup is going on Ebay Tografox: Rickenbacker 4003. Jetglo. Pickguardian black pickguard and bridge pickup plate (see www.pickguardian.com) + all original parts, case and box. 2008 model (next batch 2013 I believe) Now sold Josh3184: [color="#FF0000"]Warwick $$ £550 plus postage with Hiscox case[/color] Lefty68: [color="#FF0000"]Stingray5 Black with 2 necks one maple and one rosewood[/color] Whynot: [color="#FF0000"]Shuker 5er - £1200[/color] PaulWarning: [color="#FF0000"]Stingray 4 3EQ Black amd maple with MM case - £750 or Part ex for Fender P[/color] mntl73: [color="#FF0000"]MIM Fender Jazz[/color] JAZZEE999: [color="#FF0000"]Custom built SG based on 64 model[/color] Lefthandedfrog: [color="#FF0000"]1991 Alembic Epic 5 - 800e/700£ plus postage[/color] Nevernever: [color="#FF0000"]Tanglewood Canyon II - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=39841"]£300 [/url][/color] LeftyJ: [color="#FF0000"]G&L SB-2 - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54966"]€800 [/url][/color] Leftybassman392 [color="#FF0000"]87 Jaydee Supernatural MK - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=55213"] Feeler [/url][/color] The Kerb's [color="#FF0000"]77 Precision copy - €500[/color] Yorick: [color="#FF0000"]Kramer Stryker[/color] If everyone posts below what they've got I can update the thread as it goes along![/quote]
  10. Update. All these items have either sold or are being retained - except the Bitza P which is currently on ebay. The Ric, although sold, is missing in the Interlink courier system. We hope (and assume) it will turn up - if not I'll be posting all the details for a Basschat community hunt! Bob Update - all these items are on ebay until Friday - I'll at a note to anything that sells. Hi, We are having a bit of a clear out (partly due to band changes). Mixture of bass, PA and guitar stuff. All in good to mint condition. Contact me if you are interested in any of it - sensible prices. Bass: Line 6 Lowdown 110 bass combo - really nice little modeling bass combo - it has a red grill (rock and roll!) but easily put back to black, or any other colour, with a can of paint. Left handed Precision bass - this is my backup bitza bass. Warmouth P neck, Japanese P body and 'mint' scratchplate from Brandoni, Kent Armstrong Vintage pickup and heavy duty bridge - currently has Fender 9050 flatties on it for that classic vintage sound. Apart from Fender Japan, you can't get a leftie P unless you buy the American one. I'm looking Mexican Jazz bass price - not expensive, but not silly cheap. Left handed Rickenbacker 4003 Jetglo - 2008 model - complete with silver case, cloth, Allparts truss rod key, Pickguardian black scratchplate and bridge pickup plate, all removed original fittings ('horseshoe', white scratchplate, screws etc) and original shipping box. Never gigged, as good as they get. This is as rare as hen's teeth - next batch from Rics will be 2013 - and I love it to bits but would let it go for a seriously serious serious offer. T-Rex Mudhoney - boutique overdrive - works well with bass or guitar T-Rex Comp Nova - compression - good with bass or guitar (these are Danish, build like brick privvies and very high quality) Guitar: Marshall Vintage Modern 2266 50W 212 combo. Its purple/blue, its a Marshall and we've fitted Fender wheels 'cos its so heavy!! My guitarist loves it, but we just don't play those sort of gigs so it never goes out. Ovation Elite Special in New England burst - electro-acoustic guitar - this is the Made in the USA model, not the current, cheaper, Korean built version. Looks gorgeous, plays beautifully (has been set up with a fast, low action) but never leaves the house so really needs to go. PA: AER AG8.2 60W powered PA speakers. We have two of these in mint condition in their tailored bags. Although called PA, they make perfect vocal, keyboard or guitar amps. Also great as stage monitors. Very high, German, quality. I can sort out pics on request. All this stuff is going on ebay fairly soon so get in there first fellow Basschatters! Bob
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