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Everything posted by Tweedledum

  1. It sounds very good indeed. Very low noise (the 120 Mark 4 I had awhile ago was a noise monster). I don't know the exact weight. A little over 20 kg I presume. Not too bad.
  2. Ah, another 1x1x12 rig. I like that!
  3. [quote name='marcus bell' timestamp='1367266217' post='2063515'] what dya think? [/quote] Very fine collection of basses!
  4. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1366999121' post='2060186'] Please, more pics of the basses. Nice rig, too. Care to tell us more? [/quote] Thanks! More about the rig? Alright, top to bottom: The BS40 by german manufacturer Klemt Echolette is basically a Fender Bassman clone (what else?), except it uses ECC808 tubes in the preamp and EL34 in the power stage. The amp was made in the mid to late 60s. Echolette amps and cabs were very popular in Germany back then. Klemt sold the company to Dynacord in the early 70s. Marc Sieben, owner and only employee of "[url=http://www.sad-audio.de/]Sieben Audio Design[/url]", uses Fostex drivers for his cabs and refuses to use Neodymium equipped speakers, because he says he just couldn't find one that sounds the way he wants his bass cabs to sound. The biggest strength of his cab designs is the extremely high efficiency. In fact, the 40 Watt Echolette amp is more than sufficient to drive the two 1x12" cabs in virtually every situation, except maybe a large stadium gig without P.A. support.... Plus, Marc's factory is located just around the corner from where I live (10 minutes by car), and his customer support is excellent. The Jazz Bass is a 1974/75 model, 4-bolt, 70s pickup spacing. You can tell by the scars that it has been rocked quite a lot, but not by me . I'm not the original owner. The Tele is re-finished. The gold hardware is original. It sound fantastic: punchy, vivid, very even throughout the whole fingerboard. It's a littel heavy, though, but not too bad. The tone more than compensates for the weight. More pictures of the basses can be found on my flickr page: Tele: http://www.flickr.com/photos/74904201@N05/sets/72157632816558215/show/ Jazz: http://www.flickr.com/photos/74904201@N05/sets/72157630982298768/show/ This weekend, I got me a matching cab for my Echolette BS40. It's a Echolette ET5, housing a 18" Goodmans speaker. The ET5 cab was designed especially for the BS40 and I must say this stack sounds really nice! Up to a certain volume, of course... Beyond that, I cannot distinguish the rattle of the cab from the rattle of the windows in my house.... [IMG]http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8254/8684857477_d36c647515_z.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8118/8691076875_eb4bdb6068_z.jpg[/IMG]
  5. Echolette BS40 -> 2 x SAD (Sieben Audio Design, Germany) 1/12 C: '74 Jazz & '68 Tele: (I screwed the tin covers on for the picture. Normally, the covers are removed, the Tele even completely stripped, Dusty Hill style.)
  6. My first amp was a Carlsbro Rebel 45 combo which sounded quite OK. Played it for several years with no issues whatsoever. I gave it away for something bigger, because clearly, a 50 watt 12" combo has its limitations.... The worst amp I ever played was a Yamaha BBT 500. Way too many features. The sound is hard to describe. It just didn't sound live. Like the bass was coming from a CD. Does that make sense?
  7. Tweedledum


    [quote name='Josh' timestamp='1365693834' post='2043072'] Squier James Johnston jazz[/quote] Aaah, I just LOVE lake placid blue!
  8. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1366616682' post='2054775'] Can you play us some German folk metal? If you've never heard of that, it's cool, nobody has. [/quote] Oh, good, 'cause i never heard of that, either. No, that is not correct, now that I think about it, there [i]is[/i] one band that metalized german folk songs: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZH2NAWNoEko]J.B.O.[/url] - that about what you meant?
  9. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1366546201' post='2053750'] hallo avus! [/quote] Na da schau her.
  10. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1366393029' post='2052071'] Welcome Chris. Which part of Germany do you live in? I used to spend time in Ludwigshafen/Mannheim during my BASF days. A fine country. [/quote]Ludwigshafen is actually not that far away from my hometown. About 60 km south from here. I live near Mainz. Thanks for the warm welcome, everybody!
  11. Black'n'Maple family shot (not all mine):
  12. Some pics of my main amp:
  13. Hi, german bass player wanting to join, if that's okay with you guys... Some facts about me: - first picked up the electric bass in 1987 when I was 15/16 - I like old Fenders (yeah, I know...) and small tube amps - I play in two bands (Rock and Praise&Worship) So much for now. Looking forward to some interesting and inspiring bass chat, Chris.
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