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Everything posted by bonzodog

  1. So we were booked to do a 50th birthday last night. Arrived to find the room was up two flights of stairs and the people attending was now 40 instead of the original estimate of over 100. Plus he was a works colleague of the guitarist so we were doing mates rates. Turned out to be a great night. Lovely family who danced all night and some of the younger kids were so impressed they actually had a live band in the room. There was a queue of kids at the end of the night having photos taken holding our gear which was great. The guy whos birthday it was has had a rough couple of years so he was visibility emotional with how well it went. So was one of the smallest gigs we had ever done and i earnt very little money but I drove home feeling proud we had given his family a night to remember.
  2. I actually prefer WASPs version of 'the real me' over the Whos. And thats coming from a big Who fan.
  3. That new Epi looks stunning. From a playability point of view i still regret selling my pro 4 so may have a look at this when its out.
  4. Passing through Birmingham yesterday i called into PMT and was surprised by lack of bass amps in general. Theyve had a bit of a change around and seem to be selling a lot more used PA stuff than normal where bass gear normally is. Had a selection of ashdown down stuff but nowhere near the range theyve had before. Anyway ive ordered a markbass blackline online which is coming monday so looking forward to trying it out 😀
  5. Been using my GK MB500 now for a while and love it. Its got a lovely tone and my back is over the moon! Therefore ive just got rid of my old hartke LH500 as that had become my back up amp amd decided to get a small 200w amp to stay in my case as a backup. Obvious choice was an MB200 but on my list was also the Rumble 200, markbass blackline and TC Bh250. I planned to vist all my local shops around the west midlands to try them out. These include PMT and guitar guitar as well as a few others. I cannot find a single one of the above amps in stock in any of the shops which i find bizarre. Even PMT who usually stock a lot of TC stuff only have one in Leeds. I know its been discussed before but i think amps around this level are being phased out. I will prob just buy an MB200 online as i know what it sounds like and i have a gig on Saturday. Never done a gig without a backup!
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1485287861' post='3222846'] I used to spend all day in musical exchanges in the early 90's, had my SGC Nanyo bass collection from there, the shop in the arches was out of the front door turn right and up to the arch over the road, turn left and it was on the left a few arches up. That was the Bass Centre. [/quote] Yes you are exactly right. Think i only went in once as it was only small and i felt you couldnt mooch round like you could in exchanges
  7. When i was a teenager i went through a glam rock phase while my older brother was a goth. He had a spare ticket to see the mission and insisted i went along. In protest i wore my bright yellow shirt and stood in the middle of the NEC with 15000 people in black.
  8. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1484970379' post='3220120'] Fair enough my memory must be playing tricks on me. I was sure there was a specialist bass shop less than 5 minutes walk from Musical Exchanges in the early 90s. [/quote] You are right. There was 100% a dedicated bass shop round the corner from musical exchanges. I thought it was the bass place but maybe there were two. I used to catch the bus to musical exchanges and always go in there first. They could never compete with exchanges so it wasnt there long. Id say it was around late 80s
  9. I love this https://youtu.be/LQlrYblhR9I
  10. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1484589192' post='3216585'] Ever fallen in love. [/quote] Buzzcocks?? We love playing that and it goes down a storm!
  11. My GAS coping strategy works perfectly. Im always skint and whenever I do get any money it goes straight to the wife and kids 😣
  12. Led Zep 4 . But then again i think everyone knows every bit of the last song on side one 😀
  13. First song i ever learnt and then when i switched to playing guitar it was also the first rock solo i learnt note for note. To me this songs is the classic example of how instruments complement each other. When the main drum rhythm kicks in and brings together the bass and guitar it sounds amazing. Simple but so tight.
  14. Id go for whatever suits you to play Mojo. You are a great player and i know you have suffered with back and hand issues when playing so comfort and enjoyment comes way before looks. If you were in a specific tribute band then that maybe different. As you know i have been ribbed about getting a ric but as we move more away from Jam songs thats becoming less of an issue. 😀
  15. I use an MB500 with 2 x 112 fender rumbles and have lots of room to spare. Played a scooter bash over xmas to a room of 300 people with no PA support and it was just ticking over.
  16. I like the idea of an ambient mic which would solve some of the issue maybe, thanks. As i stand next to and opertate our mixer for the vocals i wonder if just using the mixers headphone socket would suffice initially to see what it sounds like before investment.
  17. I know there are a few threads around discussing IEMs and some of them have already touched on this but I wanted to ask specifically about using IEMs for vocals. We are a 3 piece of drums bass and guitar and me and guitarist share vocals. We play small to medium pubs and use backline and vocal PA. Diary is pretty much full now with regular pubs so there is no prospect of ever moving to putting all band through PA as we are happy with our overall sound. We use a monitor and have used 2 in the past but we always have the struggle of hearing the vocals over the back line and feedback which i know is a common battle. Guitarist is dead against IEMs and happy to persevere with the monitor but I want to try out an IEM. After seeing some video footage of us on new year its clear some of my vocals are flat as im struggling to hear myself. My question is how usable are they for vocals only? Forgive my ignorance but would i still be able to hear the baçkline with my earbuds in if i turned the volume of the IEMs down? All i am after is a trickle of vocals so i can just hear if im in key? Or is it feasible to just have one ear bud in? I am just worried about feeling isolated from band. My intention would be to try a cheap wired system first before going wireless. I assume there are lots of bands on here who use vocal PAs only so would be interested in seeing if anyone does this. Thanks
  18. I think the problem is its a mixture of things. Breweries can make more money on food than on wet sales so hence the rise in pub restaurants. Drinking culture has changed and not as many people drink out anymore. Those that do drink choose to drink at home. Noise levels have become an issue where it is no longer acceptable for a pub to have music that annoys neighbours. Your average punter doesn't know the difference between a live band and a duo playing to backing tracks. All of these contribute to a decline in pubs having bands on and thats why the few that do are busy as there are less pubs for the people who enjoy live music to go to.
  19. bonzodog


    I have two 112 rumble cabs and they sound great with my MB500. I think the rumbles look awesome too.
  20. I must be in a minority then but ive had an LH500 for 3 years and use it weekly for gigs and rehearsals. Never let me down once. I recently bought an MB500 for back issues but between the two I pefer the sound of the Hartke.
  21. Get the zoom b1on. That has pretty much same effects and an aux input so you can plug your ipod direct into it and a headphone out too.
  22. At our gig last week I had a guy vaping right by me so had a haze effect for free 😀
  23. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1481961876' post='3196530'] Yep, we use 2 x American DJ Sweeper Beam Quads [url="https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/led-bar/american-dj-sweeper-beam-quad-rgbw-led-bar?gclid=CL2MsMbh-tACFUWfGwodStoMQA"]https://www.bax-shop...CFUWfGwodStoMQA[/url] on stands (one each side) at the back and also a twin pack of AM DJ VBar Pak [url="https://www.bax-shop.co.uk/led-bar/american-dj-vbar-pak-led-bar-kit?gclid=CLWS_Zzh-tACFQrjGwodfMEJhg"]https://www.bax-shop...CFQrjGwodfMEJhg[/url] on the front floor as uplighters. The Quads are set on an internal program to rotate and the VBars are set on a slow colour change fade. We experimented with a DMX controller for a while but couldn't be arsed with the faffing about programming them - this is just a case of link them together and switch them on. They come with remotes so you can mess about with them a bit changing programs during the set. The good thing about them all is that they give the effect of lots of lights but its only actually 4 units so nice and easy to set up/break down and very few cables to trip over. Its just 4 power leads and 2 DMX cables for the whole lot. The cash for 2 gigs paid for the Quads and i reckon we've got a load of better gigs because of them. The VBar's are just a downright bargain - think we paid about £120 the pair in a sale last year but they've gone up a bit now. [/quote] Great. Thanks for that. Will look into them.
  24. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1481794603' post='3195139'] We use a Hazer - it's loads more useable and effective than a smoky. Pretty good in smoke monitor equipped venues although it will set them off if you go nuts with it. It's pretty essential to get a variable one - ours has a good remote that you can set to constant or timed output and also alter the intensity of the haze. That's what makes it so useable..... And it makes a huge difference to the lights and lasers. Ours is a Beamz H1500 from Electromarket. (We had a smaller Kam one before but it was rubbish and kept conking out) Here's a little clip in a smoke alarm equipped pub https://youtu.be/CVYY7eCcH3s [/quote] Looks great. Do you know what lights they are at the back pointing down on drummer?
  25. Whether he is worthy of this award is debatable but i dont think you can argue he has worked incredibly hard over the last 20 odd years to get where he is. I think to many musicians the fact he doesn't notably play an instrument makes him appear less talented. I think he is a great showman with a good voice and im not sure his arrogance is any worse that a lot of other performers. He is one of the most instantly recognisable people on the planet and has given pleasure to millions of his fans so I think that is pretty iconic. Having said that i cant bear to hear Angels anymore.
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