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Everything posted by bonzodog

  1. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1472081265' post='3118436'] None of my business but it sounds a lot like you should consider taking the money you've saved for that Precision and take the 2 of you on a quick holiday instead. I know this is a bass forum and we should all encourage endless bass buying, but that story doesn't sound like it will end well. [/quote] Think it was a joke judging by the punchline at the end 😃
  2. That sounds way too loud for pubs. Are you sure the audience aren't being loud to compensate for the loud band. We play up beat mod and punk stuff so always get rowdy crowds but even then my LH500 is never over 2 or 3 on volume. I can't see how you're getting a balanced sound playing at those levels.
  3. Yes I always thought the Ric bass was more of an image thing to match wellars guitar along with the matching suits
  4. Once in 28 years and that was in the early days. I was so skint the G string just wore away and I played a few gigs with just 3 strings until I could afford a new string.
  5. I went into a cold sweat just reading the title of this thread. I have back ups for every part of my gear and could not enjoy a gig knowing I had no spare. Many will disagree but that's just me.
  6. [quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1471510418' post='3113492'] I have always loved The Saw Doctors. Their style can be summed up by and early quote from Leo (the lead guitarist).... "first we make it simple,then,we simplify it!" [/quote] Was a fan of their first 3 albums but thought they went a bit too middle of the road for my liking afterwards. Travelled to Brixton with 4 mates to watch them in the early 90s and had to sleep rough after gig as we missed last train home. Happy days! N17 is still one of my all time favourite tracks. Great live band too.
  7. It was me that posted that started this thread 😃 Yes my wife does not like my guitars at all. It doesn't help that I play in a working band so have to also store part of the gear in a cupboard under the stairs. It's only the fact that the band brings money in that she tolerates it. Joking aside though it does annoy me that my guitars have to be in cases locked away but I have to respect we have a small house with kids and room is limited. Unfortunately she has no hobbies at all so it's not as if I can challenge her. Just trying to remember why we married 😃
  8. Due to my wife's hatred of my guitars if anyone came round our house they wouldn't know I played guitar. All locked away 🙁
  9. Little green bag. Instantly recogniseable and cool
  10. I use Virtual DJ on my laptop for DJing inbetween sets and it also allows you to build up a play list without gaps. Not sure if it's available on ipads though.
  11. I use two of these and after playing around with them for a while i found the -6db setting the most pleasing to my ears
  12. I read somewhere Geddy Lee used to practice by playing a bass line while reading the newspaper at the same time.
  13. I always like the 'from a pet free home' in sales ads. I often wonder if you have a goldfish you are not allowed to use that phrase.
  14. [quote name='tobiewharton' timestamp='1469999974' post='3102639'] Has anyone used one of these? Opinions? [/quote] As far as i know they are only available in the US at the moment. Due in the UK soon
  15. Hope the wedding audience appreciate you! Most weddings ive been to, most guests are drunk/asleep by 12.30am!
  16. Lol apologies if i confused things. As the cab says they are both inputs i didnt know you can send the signal out of an input.
  17. Well i never knew that!! 😃 I always assumed there was a speakon and a jack input for convenience. I didnt know you could send the signal out of an input. Cheers
  18. Maybe yours is different to mine as my cabs have a speakon and jack on the back but they are both inputs so you cant link them together. Therefore i have to run both direct from the back of the amp which has two outputs.
  19. [quote name='Bass Fumbler' timestamp='1469280613' post='3097154'] We usually do small to medium pubs, with just the pa for the vocals. There's two guitarists, drums and me and I very rarely go above 9 o'clock on the volume and no ones ever said they can't hear me. [/quote] Cool. Thanks. I notice it's only got one output on the MB200 so assume you're using a splitter speaker cable to run both cabs
  20. [quote name='Bass Fumbler' timestamp='1469270787' post='3097057'] I've now done a couple of gigs with both these cabs and the sound is fantastic. A much more solid tone, which seems to give more definition to my playing. I'm well pleased with them. I may now consider selling my GK210MBX cab now! [/quote] Are you using the MB200 with them and what sort of gigs are you playing? As I stated above I have 2 of these and love them. I use a LH500 for medium pub gigs in a rock band with no PA support but want to go to a lightweight head. I like the MB200 but not sure if it's loud enough.
  21. Enjoyed it but wasn't sure if the interviewer was nervous or uninterested
  22. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1468499440' post='3091337'] A P bass with a Jazz Bass neck would be ideal, I have one that I love. Another option (that I also have) you could try is to put a series/parallel switch in your Jazz, it might not sound exactly like a P but will turn both pick-ups into one humbucker. [/quote] Isn't the modern player jazz 2 humbuckers anyway?
  23. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1468070931' post='3088421'] I can't afford a music stand as my band gigs for free because we have no talent. Being talentless means we can't remember how any songs go so we don't play anything. It's an unbreakable cycle but we're all happy because we're in a rock band and the punters are happy because they can hear themselves speak. Sometimes it seems silly but I learnt it all on Basschat so it must be the way to go. [/quote] Next you will be telling us you don't need to use a compressor
  24. A good quality music stand like one below can double up as a laptop stand. The top part will lie back flat or at an angle with the lip stopping the lap top from sliding off. We use one for our PA mixer http://www.terralec.co.uk/other_stands/cobra_adjustable_music_stand/33216_p.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwnv27BRCmuZqMg_Ddmt0BEiQAgeY1l2-KMgRUhUvo4pLyoleMr0mcdwCtto6gNJvTUxXpi7AaAs9O8P8HAQ
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