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Everything posted by bonzodog

  1. I don't think a combo that size will be loud enough for that genre and with a drummer. For 250 quid you should be able to pick up something a bit bigger second hand. May be something on the marketplace here
  2. Haven't checked the cab specs but as long as they are 250 8ohm each then you will be fine. I run my LH500 with 2 x TC electronic BC210 and these are also rated as 250w 8ohm cabs. You could also run it with just one as long as you don't crank it up too high. LH500 are great easy to use amps. Never need mine up past 3 or 4 on volume and that's with a loud drummer in pub gigs
  3. We play swords of a 1000 men and although it always goes down well it has also caused lots of drunken men to link arms and jump around quite aggressively
  4. My rig is 2 x TC BC210 and 2 x Hartke LH500. Pretty much covered on both amp and cab should one fail.
  5. Daft question but have you checked its not the tuning peg buzzing. I remember having a G string buzz and found out the tuning peg was loose and buzzing when I played it. Just grip it tight and play the string to see if it stops
  6. I play vintage basses and although can't advise on the fretless you refer to do I do have the Tony butler precision bass and the jazz reissued series. They are fantastic basses for the money with great Wilkinson pickups. I would say they are easily on a par with squiers. Heard lots of good reports on the fretless too.
  7. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1457032918' post='2994714'] I used to worry about that. If you buy super expensive ear buds then I suspect it will, but I use relatively cheap ones and don't push them in too far so background noise gets in a bit too. [/quote] As a trial and also plus the fact I stand next to the mixer when playing I have even thought about plugging some cheap earphones into the headphone socket of the mixer to see how it sounds when playing
  8. We are a 3 piece. Drummer and me and guitarist and we both share vocals. We currently use wedges but was thinking going iem. Thing is we only play pubs so only use backline and just put vocals through PA. If we went iem just so we could hear the vocals and therefore sing better, would having the ear pieces in block out too much of the guitars and drums?
  9. Also does not apply to gear less than 12 months old
  10. [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1456873857' post='2993210'] BTW I don't think Nuclear Assault covered Shake N Vac [/quote] Fair enough. It was a long time ago and I remember a thrash band doing it.
  11. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1456780283' post='2992279'] Some advert songs are classics too. I'd still headbang to the Shake n Vac! [/quote] Nuclear Assault did a great metal version of that on an EP once
  12. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1456515419' post='2989984'] I totally get that, Truck stop. Sometimes you just have to bung on a track full blast and get all the frustration out of your system. My favourite track for this is Misty Mountain Hop by Led Zep. [/quote] Good choice. Sounds amazing loud. Closely followed by immigrant song
  13. I actually thought she did well. Immense pressure to do that gig and if she had tried too hard to wow people she would have been criticised. She did the right thing and did it subtlety. Band were awesome though I agree.
  14. Could also cause problems if you have to adjust volume mid gig as it will be on back of speaker.
  15. Went to Ikea recently and bought my daughter two very cheap table lamps. You put a white LED bulb in and a coloured plastic cover lamp shade shaped goes over the top and they are about 6 inches high. They were £2.50 each and I bought her a red and a blue one. Total cost with LED bulbs £12.00 I got home and put them either side of her bedroom and they looked really effective with the red and blue mixing well. It then got me thinking. Her bedroom is roughly the size of most spaces we get at pub gigs where currently we use LED par cans that cost £250. I don't really like lights flashing too much so if we used these table lamps on constant I think they would look effective. We could always place them behind speakers if having table lamps on stage looked odd. May give it a try at gig tonight
  16. I'm Chris and so is my wife
  17. Maybe he wants to talk about DI's
  18. According to Facebook they will be available in May
  19. Jammed a new cover last night which we have decided to put in the set - The Beatles Come together. We share vocals and I've volunteered to sing this one. Can't belive how odd the lyrics are!! I normally use visual pictures in my head to remember words to songs but I've no chance on this one...they are really off the wall. May have to get the music stand out
  20. I'm 42 but just started wearing my ankle boots outside my jeans. Does that mean I'm modern or is there another word to describe me
  21. It does make you wonder when you see so many comments about people not happy with the sound of a bass or an amp or cab, if they have explored all possibilities with the bass' volume and tone controls before reaching that conclusion.
  22. I play my P bass with volume and tone up full and never touch them. I then play around with my amps Eq to a alter the tone I want. Whilst noodling around yesterday I played about with the basses own tone pot and was surprised in the amount of different sounds I got from only a slight movement especially switching between pick and fingers. As I play roughly 50/50 between fingers and pick I can now use my tone control to balance it out more. Just feel a bit daft not playing about with it before.
  23. (Said to you during break before your second set). "We will say goodbye now in case we don't get chance at the end" = "We are going 5 seconds after you start your second set"
  24. We play a mixture of covers with varying degrees of simple to complicated bass lines. The song that we play that has the most impact from the bass is 'she sells sanctuary' Audience love it when bass kicks in with drums at start and it's the most easy but boring song to play. Horses for courses.
  25. With more and more people listening to music through tablets and phones with crappy speakers, songs with bass in is none existent anyway
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