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Everything posted by bonzodog

  1. I would try and get your sets up to 2 hours total if possible. Anything less is a bit risky. Even if you tell the landlord you can only do 2 x 45 he will quickly forget when he tells you on the night to play from 9pm till 12am
  2. I switched from a Hartke 410 and 115 to a TC BC210 and TC BC212 and prefer the sound, prefer the weight and have no volume issues in a loud band with no PA support. Small pubs I can use one of the cabs on their own too. Using a Hartke LH500 to power them.
  3. I agree that its the pubs fault not the agents. A decent pub would either book acts themselves or maybe offer an agent a couple of dates a month to book for them. Thats how pubs used to do it. The agents are salesmen at the end of the day so you cant blame them for trying to get as many bands in a pub as possible. A bad band can ruin a pubs trade so if landlords cant be bothered to vet the acts themselves then they only have themselves to blame
  4. If you cant get out to jam nights the next best thing is to look at backing tracks on youtube. These will just be loops of drums and keyboards etc in different genres. You can then play along with scales you have learnt and improvise with your own bass lines
  5. Back in my solo singing days I used to pride myself in always wearing a smart Buble inspired 3 piece suit. At one gig in a grotty pub i am sitting at bar waiting to go on and a couple walk in. The guy immediately asks me if I do any Neil Diamond. His wife straight away asks him how he knew I was the singer. His reply was "If he was a customer he wouldn't be dressed like a dickhead"
  6. Yes I know the feeling well. My brother rarely comes to my gigs and he should have come to one last week and he cancelled at last minute. It was a fantastic gig. He said he will come to the next one and I guarantee it will be a flop despite having good nights there before. In 20 years of playing I have only had a pa amp die once and it happened at a gig virtually every member of my extended family came to
  7. Thanks for the replies. I will check out the Allen & Heath mixers. What I guess I was asking was if theoretically we only need all the functions of the smaller yamaha mixer, then is it worth paying £100 extra for faders, if the preamps and compression features are the same in both units
  8. After some advice please everyone. I play in a rock trio (me on bass, plus guitarist and drummer, and me and guitarist share lead vocals roughly 50/50). We play a lot of gigs but virtually all in pubs of around 80-150 people. We only use our amps, never mic up drums and just use a vocal PA for both vocals. This consists of two powered EV speakers and a mixer. The mixer is a very basic Lynx £50 job with only 4 channels but has done job reasonably well for a while. It has no built in effects so we use a separate rack in through the aux. We now want to improve on the mixer to get something with built in effects, some decent preamps on the channels and also a decent build quality. From asking in a couple of shops and general comments on the web it seems Yamaha are a good all round choice and we have therefore been looking at a couple of options as below http://www.gak.co.uk/en/yamaha-mg10xu-mixer/93199 http://www.gak.co.uk/en/yamaha-mg12xu-mixer/93213 Although we only do pub gigs we want a mixer that in the future may be able to handle putting amps and a couple of mics for drums if we ever need them, so we think 10 channels is minimum but there seems to be a huge difference in price between the two for not much reason. The main thing being the lack of faders on the first one How important is it to have faders against just dials? It doesnt say if the preamps on the 12 channel are superior to the 10 channel which is the main thing we would be looking for and they both have compression. We would not use the bus feature so can anyone else advise if the 12 channel is better for us? A halfway house maybe this mackie mixer http://www.gak.co.uk/en/mackie-profx12-live-usb-mixer/22742 Any tips or advice would be gratefully received Thanks
  9. I take my wedding ring off at our gigs. But for other reasons
  10. In my 3 piece band we just wear black suits with black ties and white shirts. Drummer wears black waistcoat instead of jacket and it works well for us but then again we are a mod genre band so it suits the image. I think wearing coloured suits may cause problems with fading and sweating over time. I dont think you can go wrong with black.
  11. Ours couldnt have gone any better. 3 spots and dance floor packed all night. Free booze all night and me and drummer walked home at 3.30am leaving gear locked up to be collected today. Highlight was DJ being too drunk to organise the bells at midnight and missing it by 3 minutes. Paying price now with bad head, bad back and 3 boxes of mic and speaker leads to untangle.
  12. bonzodog


    Virtual DJ is a superb piece of software for mixing your tracks on a laptop. Usually free too as long as you only use it for home use
  13. Playing our local social club so although we could have got paid more elsewhere, at least here we know everyone, can leave gear overnight and therefore drink quite heavily and its 100 yards from our houses. Only problem being I have woken up this morning with a cold!!
  14. Out Fender Modern player jazz Epi thunderbird pro Epi EB3 In JHs Vintage V4 Tony Butler JHS Vintage V4 Standard Ive learnt JHS V4 are great precision basses so much so that I bought two
  15. Just bought a BC210 from Adam. Great guy to deal with and cab was in fantastic condition. Cheers buddy
  16. What annoys me is everything I want to buy goes for way over what I think its worth but whenever I sell anything I get lower than its worth!!!
  17. I got one for my epi tbird from flightcase warehouse for £40 and it fitted perfectly and was well made
  18. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1418767581' post='2633235'] A standing ovation for Lojo there for 10 pages of nonsense! [/quote] And as I was the OP of this thread can I just apologise to anyone that has found it a bit long. Thanks for all the er....advice though!
  19. As gig organiser for our band I normally speak to the landlord after we have packed away (providing he does not look too busy). If he doesn't offer a date there and then I usually drop him a facebook message or email (if I have communicated that way before with him/her) just briefly saying how much we enjoyed the gig and would like to play there again. If no reply to that, then a phone call a few days later. There is also the opposite dilemma where you play in a right s**t hole and they ask you back. We have that problem at the moment where the landlord of a local pub is a lovely guy but his pub we played in earlier this year is very rough. He kept ringing asking for more dates before I had to admit to him we didn't want to play there due to feeling very uncomfortable. I don't think I have ever seen the same band play there twice!
  20. Its obviously become worse since the decline in music sales. Management are looking at other ways to make money and this is it. I agree though that the only way we can vote is with our wallet. I have not been to a 'big' gig for years and have no plans to either
  21. Thought 400 quid was a bit low for a neil armstrong autograph
  22. Open mic (not Mike Lol) are really popular and can be great fun so yes go along with the intention of just watching and take your bass in case you decide to join in. What harm can it do?
  23. I think its an age thing too. Now I am middle age I worry more and am more aware of the consequences so I take spare bass and DI box. Where as in my nephews band of teenagers the bass player and guitarist dont even bother with spare strings let alone guitars
  24. I have a spare that is the same as my main bass so I have two Vintage brand V4 precision basses. Couldnt imagine turning up at a gig with only one bass.
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