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Everything posted by bonzodog

  1. Yes and I think the audience makes a difference. In a covers band you are playing most likely to fans of that style of music and will probably know most of the words. When I used to sing full time around the working mens clubs you could normally sing whatever you want and nobody noticed. There are still some shockingly bad singers and duos working every weekend around the clubs who just learn the chorus.
  2. Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated. I think the point I was trying to get across is the fine line between playing the songs perfectly and having to concentrate a little too much against relaxing a little and enjoying the gig but may be forgetting a few words. I appreciate the comment that the band who plays it right will get re-booked, but I also think punters like to see a band enjoying themselves and not too serious. In an ideal world you shoud achieve both.
  3. I'm not in your area but its pretty much the same across the UK. There are loads of agencies around who will advertise locally on yell.com You should expect to pay between 15 and 20% but don't expect to get gigs straight away as they have a reputation to think of so will want to hear and see you a few times first..The work may be drip fed at first but if you are good it will soon build up. The agencies will work on behalf of the venues. On the other hand promoters tend to organise band nights at venues, with a handful of bands on per night. If you are going down that route then don't expect to be paid much at all.
  4. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1378830217' post='2205267'] Cant really go wrong with the LH500.... incredible amount of power from a reasonably cheap amp. I've got one and gigged for a while. If your still looking in a month or two i may have mine up for sale. [/quote][quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1378830217' post='2205267'] Cant really go wrong with the LH500.... incredible amount of power from a reasonably cheap amp. I've got one and gigged for a while. If your still looking in a month or two i may have mine up for sale. [/quote] Let me know when you do as I will prob want one in a few weeks
  5. I play in a covers band and me and the guitarist share the vocals. I sing the songs where its a nice thumping bass and leave the singing to him when the songs call for a more tricky bass line. At present we do a 50/50 share of 15 songs each On the songs I sing, I know all the words but very often get a bit carried away and can sometimes sing the same verse twice but always get chorus and structure right. To me I don't see it as a huge problem. On the other hand our guitarist has a lot of the words written down to his singing songs (in fairness they are on the floor and not always noticeable to the audience) and insists songs should be sang correctly every time. At rehearsals he will always stop a song if he forgets words and start again. Whilst I agree with his thoughts about getting song right I would much rather relax and enjoy the gig without getting too bogged down with learning every word as long as the choruses are right What does everyone else think?
  6. bonzodog


    [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1378901334' post='2206219'] I wouldn't have thought it was possible to write in that manner, just speak that way and most of that is imagined by the reader. Hence arguments start very easily. [/quote][quote name='TimR' timestamp='1378901334' post='2206219'] I wouldn't have thought it was possible to write in that manner, just speak that way and most of that is imagined by the reader. Hence arguments start very easily. [/quote] I think you've hit the nail on the head....IMO of course. These days we write to each other more than we speak through internet and texts so people tend to be more honest and colorful with words than they would if they were talking face to face, and like you say, add to that how the reader imagines it and arguments easily arise.
  7. Just bought a Hartke 115 cab from Phil and very happy with it. It was in immaculate condition and we had a nice long chat and a lovely cup of tea!!!
  8. Cheers guys. Will give it a go at band rehearsal tomorrow night
  9. Never stand back to back with the guitarist while playing unless you want to look like a pair of tw*ts
  10. It just goes to show from the mixture of responses already that there is no clear answer. Like with any product you get good products and poor products from the same factory and also people have different preferences to what they class as a good quality bass. I recently bought a MP Jazz and absolutely love it. I am know expert to how it compares with other Fenders, but it plays, looks and sounds fantastic and was within my price bracket....so I am happy
  11. After a little bit of advice please. I use a Hartke HA3000 into a 410 TP and 115 cab. I know ideally I could do with a bigger amp for those cabs but until a decent SH comes up I am happy with the HA3000 and I like the sound I get from the 2 cabs. I get a bit obsessed with having backups for everything and although I know I could use a DI box if my amp was to fail at a gig I would prefer to have a spare amp but cash is limited at the moment. I also own a Yamaha Stagepas 600i system from my pub singing days and wondered about using the powered mixer with my Hartke cabs. The problem is Yamaha do not say how many Ohms the mixer puts out (or what the stagepas speakers are). I assume the reason they do this is because they don't want people using other speakers with their amps. The amp is a class D amp and claims to kick out 300W per side as it is a stereo amp which is what is confusing me. My intention would be to connect the bass into one of the channels and then connect the 410 to one output and the 115 to the other output of the amp, and as the cabs are 8 Ohm cabs, i assume it would not matter if the stagepas amp was 4 or 8 Ohm per side. I don't want to connect it up and damage either component so just wondered if anyone knew if this was a safe set up. And like I say it would only be in case my HA3000 failed Thanks in advance.
  12. Price drop bump £120 or trade for Squier Jazz or 400w min amp head
  13. +1 for Hartke SH From a mixture of buying off here and ebay, I now have a HA3000, 1 x 410TP and 1 x 15 (all Hartke) for a grand total of £200. Sounds great and very happy.
  14. Bump Would also consider a trade for a fairly decent amp head 400w min as a back up for my Hartke
  15. Apologies if this is on the wrong board. Although I am happy with my current covers band we decided due to the others work load that we would only gig once a month, and it is more of a hobby than a form of income. However, in my situation my Saturday nights especially, are usually free. Very often I find myself at home thinking I could be out working and getting some payment for my bass playing. Are there any tips or advice anyone can give me about finding work and where I should advertise (apart from on here). I'm not really looking at joining another band on a permanent basis (not yet anyway) but I am happy to dep for bands at gigs or recordings. i would consider myself a fairly good bassist, and although I don't read music I am learning. I play most songs by ear and can usually pick a bas sline up in a short time I also have my own car and gear Any tips on how I can earn more as a bass player whilst still working full time (Mon-Fr 9-5pm) would be welcomed Thanks
  16. I bought an Epiphone EB3 in Cherry Red 2 months ago brand new from PMT Birmingham for £220.00 and am looking at moving it on. Its in immaculate condition and I've only taken it to two rehearsals. Although its a lovely bass to play its not really suiting the music my band is playing (Mod, New Wave) so I am looking to sell for £120 or trade for a Squire Jazz. Ideally looking for something a bit retro looking ie metal plate pick up covers, ashtrays etc, but all things considered, or would also trade for a fairly decent amp head around 400W (HA4000 maybe???) I live in Midlands but am a sales rep so happy to arrange to meet somewhere for sale or trade Cheers
  17. If I'm asked first then yes.........If its assumed then no!
  18. Yes I'm there too. Played in bands for years but now in a mod/new wave covers band and its first time I've played with serious musicians. I think it helps that we are only a 3 piece so less conflict and we all love playing. Can't help feeling its also because we are all past 40 and rock star egos have long since disappeared.
  19. Cheers guys. Just looked on their web site and you can select a none padded 'dust cover' and works out at £25 each. still a bit pricey but better. May try and do the cardboard and gaffa tape type myself as I can claim both those back on my works expenses!!!
  20. Hi Does anyone know where you can buy cheap none padded covers for cabs. Over the years I've bought the padded versions for my guitar and bass combos and whilst they are excellent, they are expensive. When I've spent a few hundred quid on an amp I can justify £40 odd quid for a cover. However as my circumstances have changed I've been buying some SH gear since getting back into playing again. I have picked up a couple of lovely Hartke 410TP and did not pay much for them, but they are in great nick with no damage to carpet at all. I want to keep them that way but can only find padded covers on the web. Is there nowhere that does more of a thin sleeve type cover that can be folded away when not in use, but when on the cab it protects the surface. Thanks in advance
  21. I've sang at plenty of 40th Birthday parties in the last few years and always do a disco at the end. For that age group you cant go wrong with some Ibiza anthems. Born Slippy, Sandstorm, Insomnia etc. There are millions of ibiza comlialtions out there and another good compilation CD or Mp3 is 'Old school disco'. I have sometime just played that start to finish and it works a treat. Also anything by the black eyed peas, with 'Time of my life (dirty Bit) being a particular floor filler
  22. Ive never thought of doing that......but may try it now. I've just bought a Hartke HA3000 (off here) and paired it up with a Hartke 410 8 ohm cab so I'm not getting the full amp potential yet. I was going to start looking for a 115 cab but after reading this post its made me think I have 2 Yamaha 300W 8 ohm PA speakers I use for my club singing, so I suppose I could use one of those added to my Hartke set up
  23. I posted on another basschat forum the other day about my Crate 220W combo buzzing at high volumes as I thought I was maybe asking too much of it (although levels were only up to half way). Luckily I found a local amp repairer who agreed to look at it for me. After various tests he concluded the amp and speaker were fine but the buzz was coming from the cabinet where the horizontal piece of wood between the amp and the speaker was not glued sufficiently enough to the sides. Apparently very common with Chinese cabs. He showed me whilst I played through it that if you turn it on its side it improves as the weight is pressing down on the loose joint. This amp has a built in tuner on the top of the cab and apparently this makes it very difficult to take apart and fix from inside. My question is it worth maybe screwing a few screws in from the side into the cross piece of wood to try and eliminate the buzz or would I be better off just selling it and taking the hit. I would have to sell it as damaged as I am not the type of person to pass on unknown problems. I didn't pay too much for it but I can't use it as it is. Any advice would be welcom
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