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Everything posted by bonzodog

  1. Although learning bass on one borrowed from a friend, the first time I went into a music shop to try one out plugged in, I just played The Chain over and over!
  2. I never been sure if the T in Hartke is supposed to be silent.
  3. Bass Heaven - Finally bringing home from the shop the bass you've been dreaming of for months and plugging it in for the first time Bass Hell- The following day when you're bored of it and already looking for something else.
  4. Great album. My favourites are Supernaut and St Vitus Dance.
  5. Great bass line to play though. Especially the solo
  6. I would definitely go down the active speaker route rather than dedicated wedges. Virtually all speakers are shaped so that they can be tilted back and they also double up as a backup FOH speaker if one dies. We use alto Ts212 as monitors and they are good for the price
  7. Yes and I think that was the point I was trying to make in my original post. I feel sorry for him. He didn't want to play bass and years later no-one is even sure what recordings he is even playing on. Some might say he was lucky but who knows what he would have done if he had followed a different path on guitar.
  8. I've seen that before and quite like it. Towards the end of the experience, Fat mattress supported them on some gigs with Noel playing in both bands
  9. The sad thing is no one really know what he played on as there are so many conflicting stories by people who have long gone. I also read Chad Chandler played bass on the recording of Hey Joe. To be the bass player in such an iconic act of the 60s producing only 3 albums, and people not knowing what songs you played on is very sad indeed
  10. Shouldn't the album be renamed Ace of Spayed! RIP Eddie. I only ever saw the line-up with Lemmy, Filthy and Wurzel but he had such a great tone to his playing. Sad way to go too.
  11. I've just ordered a copy!
  12. Yes i read that. He kept the beat to allow Jimi and Mitch to be more creative. From the live performances Ive seen he is a solid player. Jimi is said to have expressed early on it was always the intention to change the bass player. I think he was just waiting till he had hit the big time before he could get his friend Billy in.
  13. I've always been a fan of the music of Jimi Hendrix but only recently read in depth about the band history and specifically Noel Redding. Can't help feeling a bit sorry for him From what I've read from various sources - He wasn't a bass player and initially auditioned as rhythm guitar but they decided to go with a 3 piece and Noel was asked to switch to bass as they liked his big hair and image! Many of his parts were over dubbed or completely replaced on all 3 albums by Chas Chandler early on and then Jimi himself on Electric Ladyland. He was eventually replaced by Jimi's old friend Billy Cox and when they decided to get the original three back together he was dismissed again when they changed their mind. Years later he sold his original bass to a collector and signed away his rights to royalties as he needed cash. I suppose you could argue that he was lucky to get the part and should have been thankful for the experience he got (excuse the pun) but can't help feeling a little sorry for him. I find the whole Jimi Hendrix story very interesting.
  14. I had the Blackline for a while and whilst it sounded good with my cabs I found it a little underpowered. The extra speakers with the TC combo will certainly give you more volume paired with your cab as you are moving more air. I like Hartke stuff and for the genre you're playing it will sound great. Also check out the Hartke LH500. These are built like tanks, very loud and sell quite cheap at the moment. They also have very basic controls so easy to get a great tone with the valve preamp.
  15. Surely the worst sound is what they refer to as the 'orchestral hit' that keyboards were over using throughout the 80s
  16. I use two of the new style fender rumble 12s.
  17. If anyone is concerned about the power of this amp then fear not. NYE gig last night and my MB500 died on me at sound check. It was a marquee gig with 250 loud punters and no PA support. I got my back up ELF out and it handled the gig fine. I had to push it with gain and volume at 2 o clock but it still sounded clean. Bumped into an old muso friend at the bar and he complemented me on my sound too. Now to get the MB500 fixed.
  18. It's the perfect backup head. Sounds great, has a DI out, loud enough for pub gigs and will fit in any guitar case with your bass.
  19. Is anyone playing this New Year that has to do the midnight ritual of Big Ben. We have done it a few times and ive always struggled to find decent midnight music. I was looking for maybe a countdown followed by the chimes and then an upbeat version of auld lang syne. This gives us time to exchange handshakes before our third set of the night at 12.05am. I've found backing tracks online that are okay but nothing that contains all three of the above. I'd be keen to see what other people use?
  20. I think it comes down to how good your memory is. In our 3 piece band where we share vocals I don't use one as I can remember lyrics and notes fairly well. On the other hand our guitarist can't remember lyrics no matter how many times he sings them so uses a music stand. He is a very good guitarist and singer so don't think he should be deprived of being in a band just because he has an awful memory. However I do admit if I am putting live photos of us up on our media sites I do try and edit out his music stand from the photo.
  21. I posted this question on here a couple of years ago and it turned into a very long thread with some strong opinions on both sides of the argument.
  22. Thanks This is the 4th class D head I've had and like I say I've never had this issue before to the extent when it was too hot to pick up. I am well aware of physics and putting the same components in a smaller area will likely increase the heat. I am just relying on the Trace designers to have already worked this out and I was just curious to see if anyone else had noticed it. I guess it's a little early yet with them being so new. Will use it over the next few gigs to see
  23. I bought this purely as a backup to my MB500 and from a size point of view I appreciate there is a limit to how small a class D amp needs to be. However a lot of the claims from other class D amps that they fit in your gig back are simply not true unless you have a very big bag. The Elf actually fits into the compartment of my gator jazz case where you normally put the strap along the side of the neck. Therefore it doesn't even need to go next to the headstock.
  24. That's great thanks. Both my MB500 and my markbass heads were warm after a gig but this was noticeably very hot. Didn't cut out so will just keep an eye on it and ensure it's got plenty of room around it.
  25. I have invested in an Trace Elliott ELF and am blown away by it's sound and power. Although we are only a 3 piece we have a loud drummer and play upbeat Mod and Punk songs. Using it tonight through my 2 rumble 12 inch cabs it easily held its own in a pub of 100 loud punters. I had the gain and volume at 12 o'clock and the sound was lovely with my MIM Jazz. However my only concern was at the end of the gig the amp was red hot, almost to the point I struggled to pick it up till it cooled down. Has anyone else used one at a gig yet and found the same? My previous class D amps have never had this issue
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