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Everything posted by bonzodog

  1. Rock band I played with a while back used songs from the film 300. Have a listen to some samples because if I recall you could use just about any song off the album [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Original-Motion-Picture-Soundtrack-Version/dp/B001F5VKZI/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1366396629&sr=301-1"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Original-Motion-Picture-Soundtrack-Version/dp/B001F5VKZI/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1366396629&sr=301-1[/url]
  2. Hello everyone. I played bass in a rock band when I was in my teens, and then moved over to lead guitar up until recently. I was asked to start a new rock/punk covers band and as the other guitarist was so amazing I offered to go back to bass.......I cannot believe what I've been missing. Playing bass again feels like I have come home and its brought back memories from playing as a kid. Just wish I had stuck to bass all along now. Bought myself an Epi Thunderbird Pro as I have always loved the look and sound and am currently on the look out for an amp for practise/small gigs/DI to PA, but needs to be fairly light (on going back problems) in region of £200. Hope to be a good contributor to this site and a long term member. Cheers
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