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Everything posted by AmpDoctor.pl

  1. That's quite common, I've serviced a couple of amps because of the same reason. Sometimes I wonder if some people can read simple stickers like "Fragile", sometimes I wonder if they can read at all.
  2. Discreet, Phil, thank you for your posts, they mean a lot. I think that we owe a discount to the entire forum for this lesson If the Administrators will approve, we'll prepare a detailed service listing with a showcase in the Affiliate Section and start walking on the "bright side of life" Have a nice day, Radek
  3. I admit that our start around here wasn't the best in the World. To clear the situation about the "Orange" copy. That's true, the project was a total mistake, the client bought the original panels and insisted to use them. Even though the amp was made point-to-point, the panels have ruined the entire concept. This won't happen in the future, thanks for all the PM's and the lesson. Everyone learns from his mistakes. We'd be grateful if you would give us another chance. Best regards, Radek Ratomski
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