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Posts posted by cytania

  1. Liked new Beady Eye tracks alot more than when I previewed them on YouTube. However album buyers are in for a shock as some of Be is close to Prog with Liam singing a strange high range.

    Deap Valley must be using a sub-octaver effect as I could hear bass notes paralleling the Jagstang guitar.

  2. Sounds like you need to learn some easy songs. The trick is learning which songs are easy. Learn the 12 bar blues form, then look for it in popular songs. Good way to build up recognition.

    If you know the major scale trying playing melodies. Hymns, national anthems, folk songs often just work up and down the scale.

    Always try and work out a song for yourself before looking at the tab. I think I only really understood the minor scale after pieceing together 'Stranded On The Wrong Beach' by Noel Gallagher. The bass ascends a minor scale missing out the 5th on the verses. On the chorus the 5th comes into play. Working out this song gave me a deeper understanding than just knowing shapes and positions.

  3. Music Inn - has alot of R*ckinbetters but most interesting bass was a mango wood Yamaha . I check it every so often as they do pat ex. so occasionaly have interesting second hand items. The place for childrens starter instruments and those on a budget.

    Fuzz - Tanglewaters, Squier and Fender basses, Epiphone Zenith. Much better on the electric guitar side as a large Gibson order came in.

    Guitar Spot - to the West in Beeston, collectors shop but pleasant staff. One Music Man and some unusual guitars. Street it's on is being dug up for tram, so not an easy visit.

  4. I used to sing and play acoustic guitar. But the singing/playing bass conundrum has made me realise that the guitar was a poor second when I self accompanied. Has made me less happy-go-down the folk club.

    I reckon most of us can only put our all into one musical focus. Those who can do both... respect and awe from me.

  5. I once was having a whinge about our singer running about the stage, almost impaling himself on my bass's pointy headstock. Soundchap (a fellow bassist) told me 'No, that's good. It gives the audience licence to have a good time too.'

    Must be working as I remember seven drunken women on stage with us on Saturday. All yelling 'Ride Sally Ride!' :-)

  6. I gave up wearing a watch several years ago. I realised it was aggravating by left hand, not just when practising but in my day job. Pulling cables under desks doesn't sound too hard but the watch would ride up onto my wrist when stretching. Now I just get time off my mobile.

    The other thing I've found is that our hands are just part of a whole chain of muscles running through the arm to the shoulder. I took up jogging as light exercise to help with on stage stamina and the unexpected pay off is better wrists and fingers. Even though running hardly uses the upper body muscles, it's enough.

  7. "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]when did Led Zeppelin get locked down as metal?"[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I think it was sometime in the Nineties, a vast horde swept in and annexed The Republic of Hard Rock in the name of the Greater Metal Empire. Everything of value from Kashmir to Whole Lotta Love was carried off to the Metal Empire's capital city of Umlaut. Luckily their advance was halted before they got to Cream, although that was later granted entry into the Psychedelic Common Market (now the P.U.).[/font][/color]

  8. Music is getting fragmented into genres. There was a time you could have played Fleetwood Mac, Steeleye Span and Led Zeppelin's latest without being ironic or eclectic. Now they are locked down as Blues, Folk and Metal.

    One of the things with 'super stars' is they crossover. Prince covers funk, soul, pop and rock; sometimes in one song.

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