But he's still a multi millionaire and I've never heard of her
Don't see anything sexist in his comments I'm sure they were light hearted
I'm not even a Clayton or u2 fan
Silly question but doesn't fitting flats to basses such as stingrays and jazz's kind of defeat the point of having a bright sounding barking bass? I know it's personal taste but genuinely interested 👍
Does anyone know what would be the matching bridge pickups for the DP127 I really want a set of dp126 but they seem really thin on the ground right now
Bought a pickup from Dan in a flawless deal
I've done several deals with Dan and they have all been great can't wait to get the pickup in my bass now
Cheers mate thanks for an easy stress free transaction
I have 12 I have 9 longscales that I don't use anymore due to injury 😭 but I just can't bring myself to sell them
I've 3 shortscale basses that I alternate between
I guess 2 basses would honestly be enough 1 to use and 1 for backup