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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1383120804' post='2260307'] Oops - oh yeah - so it is... . Now corrected, thanks for that. [/quote] No worries mate
  2. The Harley Benton stuff is actually quite good I bought my son a guitar and it sounds pretty good and is very well made
  3. Good video it is not my type of music but I thought it had a good solid beat too it It really reminded me of the Proclaimers
  4. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1383084551' post='2260126'] Price or Trade Value : £75 Struggling to make this gig now. Was originally rescheduled from 20th March earlier this year. Now [b]This Friday[/b] 1st November MEN Arena (or whatever it's called now) Manchester. 2 x Standing tickets for the floor. Tickets state over 14's only (!) Face value £32.50 x 2 = £75.00 [/quote]Did you go to the same school as me Martyn? £32.50+£32.50=£65 lol
  5. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1383081213' post='2260068'] I think Mr Foxen tried to get something like this going but it never really took off FWIW, I travel between Brum and Weybridge Surrey every 3 weeks or so and wouldn't mind taking a bass with me. Also do a run to Milton Keynes now and again. [/quote] I think it is a great idea as lots of us on here don't drive or have cars
  6. Wow they are really good
  7. I would never boil strings as the way I see it is I keep my basses in the nicest possible condition that I can so even though they are not the most expensive basses in the world, so I personally do not see the point (for me) of putting strings back on that are not really going to last very well and I may be wrong but some one told me that boiling strings caused small amounts of the metal to flake so if that is true I don't want to risk small particles going in my bass I think I would rather put new cheap strings on as some of them nowadays are really good quality for not bank busting amounts of money but that is just me and I am having a fad at the moment of trying different budget strings
  8. Your local car sprayer may be able to help you out and there is also a guy listed in the affiliates section here who sprays guitars and basses he is based in Liverpool and I think he charges about 100 quid for a spray job I looked for the thread but cannot find it though That bowfinishing looks fantastic but I bet there not cheap but would be interesting to know if you find out cos there work really looks like it is done to a high standard
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383056753' post='2259598'] Thanks, but I haven't really... just meddling with forces I do not understand. In this case a couple of hundred quid. [/quote] Phew forces you do not understand can be dangerous I heard that playing a 6 string can unleash all kinds of demons its a bit like the Necronomicon in the Evil Dead........Just be careful mate lol
  10. [quote name='mikegatward' timestamp='1383064193' post='2259743'] If you mean the advert in Items Wanted, they were after a black one [/quote] No I was not on about that one mate I think Sibob is looking for a chrome one
  11. I Think Si was looking for one of these?
  12. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1383049086' post='2259463'] Better be quick guys there are bids for it on FEEBay. You will be lucky to get another near this price. [/quote] True but if More people bid on ebay and it gets to a decent amount he will be better off money wise selling it there even after paying the rip off fees
  13. This is like some other stuff on basschat atm it just should not still be here and it is a great price also GLWTS mate
  14. Went for the Picato strings in the end after your advice and reading some very positive reviews online cheers guys
  15. I thought that was good I loved the vocals apart from the kind of shouting bits the guy did and thought the song was a bit too long but apart from that I really enjoyed it
  16. Nice six stringer Mr discreet even though you have turned to the dark side lol
  17. [quote name='prisoner6' timestamp='1382954694' post='2258283'] Hi, is the markbass mini dist still for sale please? If so would you accept £40? Thanks [/quote] Hi mate I know you are new to the forum so may not know but questions regarding price etc should be done by pm
  18. Just sold Stuart a strap he paid instantly Would buy or sell to Stuart any time good guy to deal with
  19. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1382947408' post='2258155'] Cheers T'bird certainly no offence taken by any comments about the bass :-). I think the bass looks like a dogs breakfast too, but it plays and sounds great and wouldn't be unhappy to keep it. I was more surprised by Wayne's defence of the communities right to "lay in" to people...., didn't think anyone had that mindset here?! It's all good. [/quote] Thanks mate I do not agree with attacks either to me it is all about the bass I am glad you see there was no offence meant anyway as far as I see it the bass is now sold so topic over
  20. [quote name='oldslapper' timestamp='1382913953' post='2258060'] You obviously do have feelings about it as you said its a little "unfair" that "we" can't lay into whoever we want. Don't really understand why anyone would want to "lay into" anyone else for advertising a bass, or a guitar,.....ffs!...it's just a bass. [/quote] Agreed it is just a bass and that is my point that I don't like the bass and my comment was in no way a personal attack on your self mate so I am sorry if my comment caused offence It was not intended too I don't really know why this topic got so "heated" really anyway the bass is sold now yay All the best
  21. I van bought some connectors from me and paid instantly I van is also a really nice and polite guy I would deal with him again without hesitation 10 out of 10 another BC good guy
  22. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1382886234' post='2257548'] I did, sold the first day. This is my second attempt at painting. This colour is called yellow number 2. Kinda catchy huh? [/quote] I knew I was not imaging it lol cheers for the answer mate
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