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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. [quote name='FunkmanD' timestamp='1374824866' post='2153576'] If this is still available by the 5th of august, I'll have it [/quote] Wakey Wakey its September now lol
  2. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1378276681' post='2197910'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-Bass-/231045981081"]Fender Jazz Bass | eBay[/url] Think it may have been a Marcus????? [/quote] I don't know but it looks awful now like some kind of bashed up bass you would see for 20 quid at a car boot sale
  3. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1378239542' post='2197636'] She who must be obeyed [/quote] Ah thanks you learn something new everyday lol
  4. nice bass I might be thick but what does [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]SWMBO mean? [/font][/color]
  5. [quote name='JamesXP' timestamp='1378237700' post='2197596'] Oops... major cock up there! They are £15 posted! [/quote] I thought so lol
  6. It is a great bass/price but unfortunately most people are struggling just to get by I hope things improve soon with the economy so people can finally have some dosh in there pockets to buy nice things like your bass...GLWTS mate
  7. I never used to like Boss tuners but I got one of these from another BC member and I think it is a great bit of kit and I don't get any unwanted noise from mine either
  8. For gods sake some one buy this I keep looking at it and it is torturing me I don't usually look at stuff I cant afford but this is such a good looking bass in fact I think it is the best looking bass I have ever seen, please some one buy it and put me out of my misery
  9. I have never played one but just for the look of it I would love one of those ACG all black basses best looking bass I have ever seen. This one [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/215025-fsft-agc-j-type-4-string-in-grunge-black/page__p__2181559__hl__acg__fromsearch__1#entry2181559"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/215025-fsft-agc-j-type-4-string-in-grunge-black/page__p__2181559__hl__acg__fromsearch__1#entry2181559[/url]
  10. I nearly had one myself I played it and loved it but the guy who I was going to get it from messed me about so it did not happen but yeah there nice basses and I think you will like it ash
  11. Sorry for your bad news Martyn I know how you feel been there a couple of times myself but chin up and good luck with finding a new job soon so you do not have to sell all your gear
  12. [quote name='Rumple' timestamp='1378143855' post='2196257'] Knowing me I'm wrong but I thought I read somewhere that he played a 4 string tuned BEAD? and if he does I would have thought that would have made a bit of difference to the over all sound. [/quote] I thought he did not play standard tuning but in the official bass tab book it shows it as standard tuning I think it is a case of experimentation I wondered about using my Zoom amp modelling feature and then trying my distortion I dont know if this will work or not I am a bit of a pedal noob but like I said in an earlier post it is great fun playing with all the funny noises and pretty addictive lol
  13. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1377993197' post='2194578'] The ones I`ve heard which I liked the tone are: Marshall MB15 (approx £85) Fender Rumble 15 (approx £100) Line6 LD15 (approx £100) Ampeg BA108 (approx £100) I currently have the Ampeg, and it is great, but not the most versatile. If looking for versatility, the Line6 would be my choice. [/quote] +1 for the Ampeg it is a pretty cool amp Mrs Thunderbird uses one and it sounds really good and I dont think it is overly heavy and if you scour the net you can find them for a good price second hand or as Lozz said around £100 new which I think is good
  14. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1378111751' post='2195767'] Yeah Timmy is a combination of pedals he made himself, pickups he's wound himself, combos of clean and dirty amps, custom speakers in his cabs. He's notoriously shady with what gear he uses, his view is that he's spent a LONG time and a LOT of effort scuplting it, why should people be able to achieve it with one pedal etc. He also famously includes pedals on his pedal boards that he doesn't use, empty enclosures etc, to throw people off when taking photos of it. So i'm not saying you can't approximate it, but his sound is his sound, figure out your sound maybe?! Si [/quote] I think you are right I agree why should he give his pedal secrets away I think it is just a bit of trial and error as long as I get close enough that will do me just fine as I am only playing about at home anyway but I will still keep playing these pedals are quite good fun and a bit addictive lol
  15. Thanks for the replies guys I think I will try the Guvnor route and see what transpires
  16. Right I have been trying to get the Rage against the machine sound but cant I looked up Timmy C's gear and it says He uses a Marshall Guvnor and an unknown effects pedal anyone know what the pedal is he uses? the closet I have come to getting the sound is a Behringer vintage tube overdrive but I doubt he uses that I have tried a Boss ODB-3 my amps built in distortion and had no joy I am going to borrow my mates guvnor to see how I get on with that what effects do you guys use to get this kind of sound?
  17. Jailbreak by Thin Lizzy Ace of spades Motorhead Enter Sandman Metallica
  18. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1377908660' post='2193615'] Chances are no - the're more likely to be along the lines of [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Gallien-Krueger-GK-Bass-Amp-Instrument-1-4-Input-Output-Jack-Hardware-Backline-/140963791123?nma=true&si=VRr4YrnStyJiwjlUUgMCXuBOkm8%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557"]this[/url] [/quote] They most certainly are I just opened it up to look thanks mate
  19. I would think that every guitar or bass would go slighty out of tune sometimes due to the nature of how tuners work , but I could be wrong. I just give my bass the slightest little tweak every now and then
  20. I am finding this thread very interesting as I am in a similar predicament as nottswarwick and that shuker is awesome tredders
  21. [quote name='applerocks' timestamp='1377825846' post='2192486'] Hey, yeah sorry I don't want to sell the bridge seperately. [/quote] No Worries thanks for getting back to me about that
  22. Just wanted to do a bit of a double check so I can order parts before I take the amp to bits This is the amp I have. [url="http://www.crateamps.com/pdf/manuals/BT100_OM.pdf"]http://www.crateamps.com/pdf/manuals/BT100_OM.pdf[/url] And these are the input jacks I think I need just wondered if anyone can confirm if this is the right type for me to order. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MONO-GUITAR-AMP-PEDAL-ETC-INPUT-JACK-SOCKET-1-4-6-3-FREE-UK-POST-/390651097612?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5af49eb20c"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MONO-GUITAR-AMP-PEDAL-ETC-INPUT-JACK-SOCKET-1-4-6-3-FREE-UK-POST-/390651097612?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5af49eb20c[/url] Thanks in advance guys
  23. That is a really nice bass
  24. I really dont get the relic/roadworn I just think they look like old rubbish basses that have not been looked after I would just rather have a nice mint bass but mind you I am a bit of a stickler for looking after my gear
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