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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1373453395' post='2137698'] A back on the market bump. [/quote] Blimey this bass is on elastic it sells then it don't.......GLWTS mate
  2. I saw a local band a few years ago they were a cross between guess who their name was MotorPriest
  3. Shocked this is still here good price too
  4. [quote name='Rasta' timestamp='1373309768' post='2136020'] Haha...you can have it for £499 + VAT [/quote] Wow result lol
  5. Think Im gonna hold on to the G+L for a bit and may keep my eyes open for a geddy like I said I dont really want to part with the G+L unless I really have too
  6. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1373268686' post='2135356'] Lakland JO/44-60 also has a slimmer neck than a US jazz. [/quote][quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1373268202' post='2135344'] I've also got hand and wrist troubles, and find that Ibanez Soundgears work for me, so if that's the model that you have on the way then that might work. Yes its a Soundgear I have coming [/quote][quote name='ikay' timestamp='1373268686' post='2135356'] Lakland JO/44-60 also has a slimmer neck than a US jazz. [/quote] I like the Lakland but way blows my budget booohooo
  7. Thanks guys, The Geddy is sounding really appealing but I'm really thinking on this one
  8. Dunno if I like that or not
  9. Hi mates Dunno if this is in the right section but if not sorry, I am thinking of trading my G+L SB-2 tribute I don't want to trade it as it is the best bass I have ever owned but due to the injury with my hand and wrist I am just not playing it as I cant stretch my hand properly on the neck so really I want you guys to give me some ideas at basses I should be on the look out for that are about the same trade value I am obviously looking for a nice slim neck and some thing that has a similar punch to the SB-2 and is a 4 stringer and also in top condition I don't mind what make it is only thing I'm not looking for is an Ibanez as I have one on its way to me. I might even keep the G+L if the Ibanez works for me just because I don't want it go and hopefully I may be able to play it again in the future if the quacks decide whether or not they can fix my hand/wrist anyway enough of my waffling. Thanks in advance guys
  10. C'mon guys buy this beauty for Rasta has to give it to me mwah haaaa haaaaa haaaa (evil laugh) lol
  11. Just got the Boss pedal from Mark all is perfect again just an all round top guy
  12. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1373210878' post='2134731'] Sting's Granny? You sick bastard. [/quote] Why not his mum was good lol
  13. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1373048104' post='2133268'] Awesome grain in the body! [/quote] I thought that very nice eh
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1373199832' post='2134567'] putting this here as everybody seems to be putting anything and everything in GT or OT these days So, friday nights gig, dreadful sound and loads of squealing from the PA PA was up on stands as per usual, i put my 410 up on two low stools so it was up and isolated from the ground anybody have any practical tips on how to deal with playing in pubs with flagstone floors? ta muchly [/quote] My mate always puts some old carpet under his amps/stands as he says it cushions the "blow" from the amps to the floor dunno if he is talking BS but it kinda makes sense.
  15. Have you tried strings direct I find them really good I don't know if they do the exact ones you want as I have never looked but there prices are very good also believe it or not amazon have some good strings but I always go to strings direct they are helpful and if they dont have it in stock they would get it for you I would imagine.
  16. I don't know much about pedals but could it be a power drop in your power supply maybe your pedals are drawing to much juice if its OK when you take the Boss of the chain have you tried removing other pedals and running the Boss ones to see if you have an issue?
  17. Why does everything turn up when I have no money? could of been fun for my project bass oh well GLWTS
  18. [size=4]I am really struggling to play anything atm boohooo[/size]
  19. Yay thanks does it work now then? its a good prize was kinda hoping for a Stingrany or a Fender jazz oh well lol
  20. For some reason I love the look of this I think the block inlays do it for me
  21. Hi guys, Just wondered if anyone had ever heard of this make? I have recently acquired one of these for one of my sons but I know nothing about the brand I cant seem to find anything on google about it either I thought it was just some cheepo make guitar but it looks and sounds far to good when he plays it, I cant find any serial numbers on the guitar all it has is ICTHUS stamped on the headstock. It looks to me like it is from the mid 70's to early 80's but I'm really just guessing here so if any of you guys have any ideas on this brand that would be great Thanks in advance
  22. Phil Lynott Lemmy Blly sheehan
  23. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372859085' post='2130788'] I'm a decent player, I can write, play other instruments to a good standard, and I've got good ears. I don't know much theory and I don't read music well, but I thought my ears and experience compensated for those lackings. I play with some great musicians in amateur and professional bands. I've been playing for 30+ years. I really thought I knew some sh*t about music and playing bass. But having started taking lessons from Jake, I have had my brain fragmented, and we are in the process of putting it back together to create a new improved mass of grey sh*t in my bonce. I've realised that my lack of confidence was compensated for with a certain vanity, and a bunch of excuses. The fact is, I'm feeling like a musical baby now, starting with the very basics of music theory and building towards a proper understanding of my fretboard and harmony. I've imparted a fair bit of 'wisdom' on this forum about playing bass over the last few years, but looking back, most of it is utter bullshit, rubbish, imparted from a position of blind ignorance and sheer laziness, and a lack of ability to perceive the benefits of learning music theory and notation. I think I'm beginning to understand now. I feel like I have wasted decades f***ing and fiddling around, trying to unlock the fretboard through pattern recognition and reading crap out of various books without understanding why. I could have spent a little money on a tutor, and some focused time and energy, and saved years of aimless pissing twattery. I'd be a helluva lot better now if I'd have done that, and I'd have talked a lot less f***ing bollocks on here. [/quote] Hi mate I think perhaps your being a tad harsh on yourself here I mean I though it was all about enjoying the music and the instrument, I am not a fantastic player but I enjoy it and what might sound like bollocks to you can be helpful to someone like me as anything I pick up can potentially be of use and another thing not to forget is experience counts for alot its like working as a tradesman the time served guy may not have all the bits of paper and know all the theory to the job like a new person fresh from college but 9 times out of 10 he can do the job much better I hope this made sense and stop beating yourself up mate I think your being hard on yourself
  24. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1373047365' post='2133257'] I agree, that's a nice colour. I can understand why people want something original but if the price is right this no longer bothers me. Look how many refinished Fenders there are out there. I bought an old 60s British bass recently which had replacement pickups. In the past i would have found some original pickups for it but because these replacements sounded better than with the originals i left the bass as it is. The fact that someone (probably in the 70s) had put these pickups in is to me part of the basses history. We live in a world where there is a demand for everything to be perfect and sometimes it's just nice to have something that no one else has got. [/quote] Thats one of the most sensible things I have heard all day
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