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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Strangely I really like this...strange as I dont like P bass types but this is interesting only £375 short so far lol
  2. Heard good things about this range of boss pedals a guy I know says they are good but very power hungry I think he has the bass distortion is it a BX1 or something like that
  3. Awesome thanks on the subject of chorus do chorus pedals have to be bass specific only asking as I have heard they should be 🤔
  4. We mostly just mess about with the noises lol if I play on my own all I really use is a bit of distortion as I mess about with classic rock stuff I only play at home as not in a band or anything My boards pretty simple Tuner/Fender Downtown and a Yellow fall delay I have a Zoom B3n which I really like but I have not sussed it out yet due to lack of time also use the Vox Stomplab as its pretty easy to use the fun pedals we play with are an EBS Fuzzmo ( thats nippers favourite and he nicks it lol ) few drive pedals and a cheap Chinese Phaser and Chorus we do have a T rex bass juice incoming Not really looking for anything particular maybe a decent Chorus at some point and finding time to get to grips with the Zoom would be good
  5. My bit of random chit chat is that I've never really been into pedals always tried a few out but mainly just use some drive anyway me and my son have been on the pedal journey together which is cool but now we want more pedals lol but my wife ain't so keen on the idea and neither is the bank lol
  6. I'm not in the market for a bass right now but all I can say is mick is a fine chap to deal with and I bet the spector sounds awesome glwts
  7. It's a shame about Big Al would of been good if the band was willing to dock his rehearsal money from his gig money but then again it's not really practical
  8. From an engineering point of view it looks pretty cool but I really don't see how it is better than most other bridges out there but maybe I'm missing something
  9. As above vintage basses punch well above their weight glwts
  10. Such a shame but I think someone will snap it up I have the emg hz pickups in mine and love them so yours must be awesome with the upgrades which by the way ain't cheap 👍 sorry for the derail
  11. Bugger I thought you would love this bass anyone thinking of buying it do so it's so much more than a metal bass glwts
  12. I hate P basses but I do have a Hard puncher and I think it sounds great sadly I never play it but would like to give it to my youngest when he is old enough or sell it they can only go up in value I guess glwts
  13. Thanks for the reply oh dear Is your pedal still in production ? after a Fuzz pedal for my boy and the Fuzzster might be just the ticket but the little 5hit is a brand snob lol would like to add I won't be buying the coolmusic one as I try to support British companys when possible 👍
  14. I thought Jack was just a bass player but its obvious from the moustache that hes really a porn star lol
  15. Are you a Metallica fan by any chance 😊
  16. No negativity here 😊
  17. Not critising anyone I said it was my personal opinion geez
  18. Might get shot for this but just been looking on the ritter website and God they are blooming horrible looking imo sorry that's all lol
  19. I believe that it's a glockenklang pre young man 👍
  20. Does anyone know if this is the chowny fuzzster or does chowny still make the fuzzster Thanks in advance
  21. These basses are really punchy I had one for a while and the pickups boom but in a good way glwts
  22. Looks great if its anything like mine will be awesome
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