I don't gig but I'm always moving my toys from floor to top of amp and then back again but not using effects really only a boss lmb-3 and tuner so they live on the amp
I think that the last decent metallica album was the black album anything after that just does not do it for me and don't get me started on load, load 2 and St anger the biggest turd albums in metal history all hype and no substance imo
I'm not a voter but let me get this right in an earlier post you made about being non binary etc I read it as that you found remarks about it being offensive and about how hard things were but now you've made a statement pretty much insinuating all tory voters do bad things to kids don't you see the double standards in the posts
Just saying
Think we should all get back on topic as it would be a shame to get the thread locked
I can't really think of anything else offensive music wise apart from the silly Roy chubby brown songs and comedy music like that
I'll pretty much be OK with anyone except paedophiles rapists and other scum of the earth you get the idea
I could not care less what anyone else does/ is as long as they are happy and don't hurt others and obey with the law of the land etc etc
I look at these incredible boards and wonder how most of you use the effects are they just for fun or used in actual songs? I understand where preamps and drives are used but some of the boards blow my mind with the cool toys on them and I just can't think how some of them are used 🤔
I don't really understand all the binary and non binary stuff and to be honest I don't care
All I care about is if people are happy and not hurting others it's all good
And if someone regardless of sexuality or colour is nice to me I'll reciprocate as I really don't care about the colour of the skin or the sexual orientation
As my mum used to say there's good and bad in all
I'm a heterosexual white man and I also have black friends and gay friends and I would find it offensive if someone called them the N word or a fag or whatever
But sometimes the friends find some of the jokes etc funny I think it has a lot to do with how it's said and whose saying it