I've always found some rap a bit odd groups like NWA and the like always say n££££r and it seems not to offend would it be offensive if a white band used that word in a song? Does that make sense?
Voodoo labs 4x4 just sold mine but that would be ideal for your set up and it will power the boss 500ma is quite a big draw but the voodoo should do it it powered my Fender downtown just fine think that was 500ma
Forgot about them
Slightly off topic I was watching a mini documentary thing on youtube about the cradle of filth J is a C$$t T shirt the backlash was huge think it offended millions of people and most of them had never heard of the band lol
Do they bother you? Im thinking along the lines of
Anti nowhere leauge
Macc Lads
K$$t and the gang
Steel Panther
None of them offend me but then Im a big kid but I can see why they do offend others
Thoughts ladys and gents?
I believe it is a Metallica fan who plays bass on the "remaster" it is called and justice for Jason if memory serves me correct the fan presented it to Jason and said this is how the bass should of sounded
Sold James a multi effects pedal and he was great to deal with instant payment polite communication and he let me know the pedal was safely with him something that is always appreciated 10/10 a right good fella