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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Lovely bass and a very good price glwts
  2. I think these look really cool glwts chap
  3. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1500221468' post='3336288'] I would tend to avoid Affinity series squiers. They're aimed squarely at beginners who are on a tight budget and are made with cheap parts and materials, and with looser qc. They're essentially built to be grown out of. [/quote]could not agree more 👍
  4. 20 bangers for this is a bargain and as above the pups are really good for the price point glwts
  5. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1500156899' post='3336021'] Not a fanboy. Don't actually give a toss either way, and since I have no plans to do business with the company any time soon I'm not too sure what I might have to gain from supporting them. Just trying to see both sides of the argument. Having run a business myself I happen to know there's rarely one side to this kind of story. OP has sought to paint himself as the innocent victim of sharp practice, but available evidence would appear to suggest it's not quite that simple and that there's been failures on both sides. [/quote]wasn't digging you or anyone else out was just having a bit of giggle 😆
  6. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1500152739' post='3335997'] Ooh tell me more. That sounds like it could be the quickest/easiest solution and as you say, it's reversible. [/quote]if you have a peek on ebay and put in vinyl wrap it should show you what you need I buy a4 size sheets they will do on guard and only cost a couple of quid just take your time applying it and try not to get any air bubble in or then just trim the excess off I use a very sharp scalpel for this if you take care the results are most pleasing
  7. Vinyl wrap could be your friend is easy to apply and easily reversable and cheap
  8. This thread is kinda turning into bass direct fan boys VS haters lol 😂
  9. Just bought a pedal from Lee it was a very easy deal and all was as described and Lees communication was spot on I would deal with him again without hesitation BC as it should be
  10. Try dangleberry music on ebay they sell these but have a template you can download so you know if you plate will fit correctly
  11. I loved most T bird was a great bass just a touch heavy and I just couldn't live with the shitburst finish but apart from that such a great bass
  12. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1499955611' post='3334811'] Me too...... how disappointing [/quote]yay basschats very own Kiss expert 🤣
  13. Hi Mark I would highly recommend the Ed friedland bass books they are graded and very easy to follow and very good value I will try to put some links up when I get home
  14. Great pedal for the money
  15. Wow that has to be a typo.
  16. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]45-105 for me but I have just started trying out 45-100 flats[/font][/color]
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1499791064' post='3333639'] I don't think it's unreasonable to be asked to pay something. They are providing a service after all, a service where they have spent time marketing your instrument, and have probably answered enquiries about it. [/quote]he's not moaning about paying he is pissed at paying a charge he was not told about
  18. Seems a bit out of order to me maybe you should chalk it to experience and talk with your wallet and shop elsewhere
  19. Yep some ones been smoking to much crack its a mutilated kitchen sponge lol
  20. He is certainly a cheery chappy
  21. Can I have the chord octave please
  22. Thanks guys will have to mull this one over there's no rush so might save up a bit more cash
  23. [quote name='MarkG3' timestamp='1499611722' post='3332488'] I've recently got myself a Valeton octave pedal, which is based on the Boss oc2. Even looks like it but is about half the size of the Boss. From memory of when I had an OC2, the Valeton seems to track pretty much the same! It's also about half the price of the Boss at around £50! [/quote]sounds good is that the pinky purple coloured one
  24. Thanks guys will look into those
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