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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. I sell stuff and try to get back the money it owes me so I may buy a bass for say £250 Spend say £50 on it and sell it for £300 but I have never bought basses or anything else to purposely flit straight away as a money maker. Once I bought a lovely travel bootsy bass in here from a great guy at a great price a few months down the line I sold the bass on ebay as I needed the money I think after fees I broke even as soon as the auction ended the guy put the bass back on ebay using my pictures and description of said bass for 3 times more than he bought it for bearing in mind I hadn't even sent the bass to him but anyway that bass still has not sold on ebay as the price is insane now but as long as I cover what a bass owes me I'm happy as it helps me try a few things out for nothing in a way it's a bit like rental lol
  2. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1492445360' post='3280290'] So at Saturdays gig, i tried all 4 channels, with the same result. The sound just breaks up. [/quote]so bearing this in mind would you buy this unit again or something else
  3. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1492456279' post='3280447'] I use Status tapewounds on everything - less bright than your typical steel/nickel string - closer to a D/Bass sound. [/quote]you could use any status strings for the dull sound as 9 times out of 10 they are dead straight from the pack anyway lol
  4. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1492458907' post='3280472'] I completely appreciate that once it's someone's property then they can do what they choose BUT I still think it's poor when dealers/ chancers haunt the classifeds on forums of all sorts and steal in to grab anything at good prices before the community has a chance. I am perhaps old fashioned but I find that a bit low and have refused to sell to such people in the past as I would rather it go direct to an enthusiast. [/quote]I agree the rules of the site do say something about dealers not being aloud if I remember correctly but there are still a few on here buying and selling
  5. Joking aside I am surprised that this is still here I have played one of these and was most impressed and the price is great too
  6. [quote name='olliedf89' timestamp='1492358769' post='3279661'] Fair i guess! Thanks, I'll give ibanez a shout then, see if anything comes back from them. [/quote]they are pretty spot on with spares
  7. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1492353114' post='3279603'] Give over man, this is THE classic combo seen on TV's all over the world [/quote]cmon Karl you know basses so don't give us none of that old bollocks about sunburst you know it's illegal lol but joking aside Glwts geezer
  8. [quote name='Billleivers' timestamp='1492351269' post='3279585'] Not sure if anyone else is going through what I'm going through right now but any help/support would be appreciated! I've had hearing problems and tinnitus in my right ear for years and lived with it quite happily. However, my left ear had been blocked for 3 weeks now and it's driving me crazy! Massive tinnitus sounding like a waterfall! It's been diagnosed as Eustachian tube dysfunction and I've tried everything advised by doctor and online sources (and some not necessarily advised!) but no solution. Both ears seem to blocked and it's robbed me of almost all of my hearing in my good ear. Lower frequencies are just a mush and distorted (which is a bit of a bugger for a bass player!) so it's uncomfortable listening to music and impossible to play. I've got a lot of rehearsals and gigs looming with my 2 bands but can't see me being able to do any of them at this rate. Band mates are so far very understanding but this can't go on for much longer. Will get to see the doc again as soon as poss but it will be the same message - keep on with decongestant spray and inhale steam. Thinking of getting a private ENT appointment as NHS appointment I gather could be 8 weeks. Having trouble seeing any light at the end of the tunnel right now and getting really uptight about it. Anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you resolve it? I'd really appreciate any ideas/support/advice as I'm starting to contemplate life as an ex bass player, something I dread. [/quote]I am suffering exactly the same problem as you right now I've been to the doctors and they said use decongestant and steam etc it's helping a little but not much my doctor seems to think that it will sort itself out in a few weeks it's been four already so I think it will be a hospital referral in the end
  9. What the tech means was he did not wanna do it as it is a sh*t job with the pots on the board Ibanez sell the pots though
  10. Shame you have no use for it maybe you could donate it to a youth group or something that has a use for it?
  11. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1492253824' post='3278987'] I think you have misread it. Personal opinion of a business enterprise is one thing, but it's getting a little edgy where named individuals are being highlighted. I think that's what Mr.Apple is driving at. I may be wrong. If BD was as bad as some people are making out, they certainly wouldn't still be in business and I think they're doing alright. [/quote]I think I get ya my point was kinda yes X is a great shop but Y who works there is really rude if that makes sense? I think it is OK for someone to say that if it really there experience other threads along the same lines exist but yeah personal attacking is not OK
  12. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1492241146' post='3278834'] I would never expect to be offered a cup of tea in a shop, any shop (tea shops excepted). You might get one downstairs at the gallery, but it's a workshop with an entirely different vibe. BD don't let you take the basses down off the wall and this is for the gain of the ultimate buyer.. That's you and me folks! So they're not about to risk hot liquids being spilt on them. There's a caff nearby if you want a brew. As for personal discussion on individual members of staff, I've found Marcus to be helpful and enthusiastic, but then I engage with people, what you give you get back. I think we've had a balanced view of BD staff members from both sides and I'm asking at this point that we stop being personal at this point, otherwise sanctions will be applied. Just remember, the reason BD gets under the microscope so much is it is one of the very few shops that does what they do. If I go to GAK and buy some strings and the counter hipster is clueless, it doesn't really bother me too much. Perhaps a sense of proportion is needed. [/quote]not really sure if I have read your posts correctly and apologise if I have the wrong end of the stick but I thought people were airing how they personally find the shop and staff but it seems if some one says something negative you want to sanction them? I don't see anyone being on a personal attack just saying how they found it themselves and I don't know BD well enough to make comments on the shop I have met a few of the staff at times and was not really impressed but that may be down to me and as for cups of tea and coffee in the shop I agree it is a no no
  13. Also bear in mind that the bank will most likely charge you for a payment from abroad
  14. Not heard of half of the acts on the bill
  15. In basschat style if only this had five strings was red instead of sunburst and wasn't a fender it would be mine now lol Glwts mate
  16. [quote name='geoffbyrne' timestamp='1492126118' post='3278205'] Not so interesting when you see the price - I'd go for Schaller. G. [/quote]just checked out the price and it is ridiculous I also looked at the schaller bridge and have to agree seems a bit of a knock off
  17. Never heard of them but like you say they look interesting
  18. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1492101668' post='3278000'] Hopefully you'll have a happier experience with this Chinese knock-off than people have been getting with the fake Elixirs! [/quote] I wont be buying one but in all fairness to the seller he doesnt seem to be advertising them as genuine comfort straps
  19. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1492103229' post='3278017'] I bet most people spent more on beer last weekend... Includes stand and PSU. [/quote]I. Didn't bet I've not spent that on beer in the last 5 years lol anyway Glwts geezer
  20. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1491984891' post='3276885'] Totally this. It's only other musicians who notice. I've never understood how the likes of Limelight can legally sell an instrument with another companies logo, but that's another thread. [/quote]I don't understand this either its not as if limelight or the likes are cheaper than proper Fenders really but hey ho each to there own
  21. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1491935439' post='3276650'] It's a 3U sleeve, so assuming your rack tuner is 1U it will fit nicely... [/quote] Lovely yeah the tuner is just bog standard size I will send you a PM when I get in cheers
  22. Hi Mark I'm wondering if the top case on picture 0079 would be suitable for a hartke ha2500 and a rack tuner any idea's thanks
  23. Not anywhere near in a position to buy but these are very good basses Glwts mick
  24. Great basses these and they are so under rated Glwts
  25. [quote name='Basscabman' timestamp='1491780975' post='3275366'] I thought black was always earth? I'll swap em see what happens. Ta mate. [/quote]9 times out of 10 it is but it does sound like you are out of phase I'm sure the black wire is ground on those pups though are you using a blend pot at all
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