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Everything posted by Thunderbird

  1. Dimarzio dp126 p EMG's are good Tesla pickups are fantastic Seymour duncan spb2 hot are awesome
  2. Hi mate welcome Congratulations on your 1st post I've never got on with octaver pedals but that's down to me but I've heard other people using them and make them sound great
  3. @tom1946 light enough for you mate
  4. I had one of these particularly liked the drive and compressor glwts
  5. Selling the above it's in very good condition I've only thumbed through it a couple of times Price includes UK postage
  6. Selling the above it's brand new and price includes UK postage
  7. Big Bag of used patch leads appropriately 30 leads mostly 6 inch leads There a few pancake jack leads and also some homemade leads that are about 1m long (no idea where they appeared from) will also include a couple of the jack to jack straight connectors and there's also a bag full of used Jack's that I've cut off from bad cables in the past I've not checked the leads but think they are all good and even if there's a couple of duff ones they are cheap enough price includes UK postage
  8. Selling the above cheap and cheerful strings no idea what they are like but they are new and cheap Price includes UK postage
  9. Hi all I'm selling the above bridge it was taken from a Mexican Fender bass standard string spacing in great condition no screws included 10 pounds posted in the UK please
  10. Joking aside so can't wait to get megadeths new album And hope DE does something better than the Lucid this year the music was OK but the vocals were shite Imo
  11. Try playing for about 10mins at a time each day as it will let you absorb what you are learning better but more importantly will let your wrists and fingers build up strength then you can gradually build up how long you play
  12. Wouldnt recommend those look at the troubele DE got in.......oh wait that was his banjo string lol just kidding huge DE fan here
  13. To complex for me but it looks cool as f##k glwts
  14. Think you need a standard 6mm push on knob for the splined pot
  15. Had a Chinese meal with the wife and kids at home then later on binged watched the big bang theory with my wife and headed off to bed at about 11pm
  16. Would love this but times are hard And to be honest it would be wasted on me 🙄
  17. Fumps/gavin I think was his name was another member who was cool and vanished
  18. I liked Thumper didn't know him that well but he seemed OK Another member I likes was called Merlin I bought a bass from him and he and his wife delivered it lovely people
  19. I'm 45 and have thought about going back to college to retrain due to health issues and the thought of sitting in a class with young adults fills me with dread they seem to be on a totally different wave length and I feel like a dinosaur as times have changed so much oh god now I feel old lol Anyway back on topic 👍
  20. I understand the words better than those strange cryptic symbols lol
  21. I think Mr punkdude got banned from the forum I remember something happened don't know what though
  22. Very nice good luck with your sale matey 👍
  23. Don't think I'm going to buy anything else next year only stings and maybe plectrums My amp gas is sorted and I'm very happy with my gear Although if I manage to earn any money in 2022 which I've not done since covid kicked in I might treat myself to a les paul Jr bass 🤔
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