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Everything posted by davedave

  1. Hi mate. Is this still available?
  2. I had a feeling you'd say that.
  3. Hahaha! Mazes tov on the new amp. Are you going for a standard one?
  4. I'm still rattling now! The perennial volume monster who is the guitarist in my band just shook his head and said " there is no need". He was smiling while he said it, so I assume it was a compliment. If any of you are in Hull next Tuesday night feel free to come to our gig at the sesh. Apologies in advance for any fillings that are loosened as a result.
  5. Well, I broke down on the way out of Huddersfield. Bad times. However, I did get to rehearse with the gt200 and an 8x10........... Holy s*iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! I couldn't stop laughing for the first three songs. Settings as follows; depth, all the way left, gain, full, bass full, treble 10 o'clock, presence 9 o'clock, volume full. My word!
  6. Nice one matey. That cab of yours is a beast by the way.
  7. Right, I'm just sat in the Matamp factory waiting for a case to be made for the very last gt200 mk1. I am beyond excited! Pics to follow.........
  8. I may well have a GT200 in the next couple of weeks. I`ll bung some pics up when i have it. Cheers Steve, You were a delight to deal with.
  9. Hi Steve. Glad you like the amps. Nice to meet you too! Enjoy.
  10. It's a great amp. It might be going to a new home this Sunday. If not, it should be in the classifieds on here soon.
  11. Here are mine. I`ve developed a little bit of a fetish for valve amps over the last few years. We eat alot of smart price beans at my house. [attachment=134408:photo (1).JPG] [attachment=134409:photo (3).JPG] You can see the burgundy snakeskin better on this picture. [attachment=134410:MJWBantam.jpg]
  12. Don't forget to poo in the kettle. Leave that for him to turn on though.
  13. davedave


    Ace! Thanks mate.
  14. I've been using a Matamp gt40 into a 4x12 for a while now with, a slave into a 1x15. No problems yet (touch wood). We're a pretty loud band, and the matamp gets pushed pretty damn hard.
  15. It's a guy called Nick Page that made Lemmy's metal front. http://www.nickpageguitars.com/ I've never had the chance to play one. They look pretty darn sweet though.
  16. Hell's teeth! That's a splendid sight mr Foxen.
  17. davedave


    I'm happy being a sexy offender. Especially in light of who Craig Meehan is!
  18. davedave


    I've never heard them actually. Thanks for the tip though. The plan was originally for a Pedal Steel, a Tuba, and just one guitar. The Steel player didn't have the time sadly. Oh, and it's a Trussart Steeltop.
  19. I can only afford to go monthly. Mainly due to some very "necessary" gear buying. That said, I am a slow worker. Took me just under a year for the first one and now I'm well on the way with another three. It's damned addictive! If you get to meet Jeff ask him about his cling filmed fish story.
  20. I use a Zvex Super Hard On. But then I enjoy playing through dirty valve amps . If you're handy with soldering have a look on here. http://shop.pedalparts.co.uk/Boner_Boost_Kit/p847124_6343638.aspx
  21. davedave


    Mirrors covered! I feel much better already. Thanks for the lovely welcome. I feel all warm and fuzzy now.
  22. If I can shift my Ampeg b15 I'll be all over this! I'm not following you by the way.
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