Hi there.
I got this in a trade but don`t really have much use for it.
Mint apart from a couple of tiny marks on the pickguard.
No trades on this.
It should be about fifteen quid to post it.
Look! I even managed to put pics in!
Thanks for looking.
Morning all.
That's a good point Loz. The cheeky sod didn't thank me either.
We're playing with them again in Newcastle next month. I wonder if he'll ask to use it again? I've got a funny feeling he will.
There are a couple of the band that we've known for a few years. They seemed pretty embarrassed after it happened.
The guy who did it can't actually walk now (self inflicted). He is that pissed that he's just tripped over his bass in the car park and fallen on his face.
Bad drills.
On the bright side, the amp worked fine for our set. I'll have a good look at it in the morning.
Well, the support bands bass player just managed to drag my matamp off the top of the cab.
Maybe his second bottle of wine wasn't a good idea.
Next time someone turns up without an amp they'd better be offering me a reach around.
f***ing pellet.
Afternoon everyone.
I'd decided to hold on to it for a while. But I've just got too much gear (it's a hard life) and I'd like to get a ring on my good lady's finger before she gives up hope.
So, I'd be happy trading for something of lower value and cash. I'm open to anything trade wise as long as it's a passive four string.
Something from the fender custom shop would be nice.
Hey Quimby.
You could always get it recovered. If Jeff wouldn't do it there is always Sgt Pepper. I'd be up for taking the head. Only thing is, I've no cash til my student loan gets in at the end of next month.
Damn these first world problems eh?
Cheers for the replies gents. If you see an AP200 knocking about feel free to give me a shout. I've just swapped one of my Matamps and have a 200w sized hole in my rig.
Morning everyone.
I'm just interested to hear from anyone who has experience with running these amps with bass. It's the ap200 that I fancy getting hold of.
Any info would be much appreciated.
Regards, Dave.
Mines nice and broken in now. I'm using a valve head cranked to buggery and beyond. Stays nicely round and fat. Great dispersion too. I still can't get over the weight.
Bankai, I've had the 4003 for about fifteen years. My grandparents put a pound a week in an account for me from 1981. Topped up with birthday money and what not, it paid for the Ricky and a trip to the states when I was seventeen. Money well spent!