I picked up the Sphere yesterday. It plays just as nicely as I remember. I'm just sat in Brent Cross waiting for the useless specimens that make up the rest of my band to arrive (two hours late and counting) so I can drive us back up north and get it plugged in.
There are two i found. One in Coda the other is in Andertons. I'm picking it up from Coda in the morning as I'm gigging in Islington tomorrow night. It's been a while since I had my hands on one, but I was blown away when I played one. The switching system works great on them.
Do it!
I've not tried th sp6, but I've tried a tc6 and one of the spheres. Both great guitars. The Sphere was incredible. If I can manage to find a second hand one I'll be twitching, badly.
Hope that helps you gas.
I'm not sure on the age. It's one with a metal vent on top and a di on the rear panel. I'll be moving the rest of the back line to the studio tonight so I'll check with another cab. Thanks for the tip Billyapple. That's a relief on the standby.
I wouldn't mind the opinions of a few of you chaps.
I took my Matamp GT200 and matching 2x12 to a gig tonight. All fine and dandy through sound check.I left it on standby until we went on.
When It came time to go on there was no sound at all. I had a look at the valves and they were all glowing.
I tried various leads and still nothing. I tried a different speaker lead and iec with no luck.
I do tend to drive the amp pretty hard.
It was working when I put it on standby. I'm hoping that the speakers haven't blown and the amps been sat there with no load for an hour. Really effing hoping.
Any thoughts?