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Everything posted by jassbass

  1. Whats the squire p bass 5er like?
  2. Trades?spector rebop 5 dlx?
  3. I might look into what I can get for £300-400 if I off load my back up bass.very tempted now.thanx guys
  4. Ive been playing 27 years or so and never owned a p bass.ive had a few jazzes.lately ive been thinking of trying one.i play 5 string .so maybe a percision 5 or a 4.whats the pro's and cons .it wouldnt be my only bass Thanx
  5. I used to have a dj5 ,lovely bass but I thought a little polite also in sound.nice neck and fretboard though
  6. Maybe ,waiting for the new strings to come and give it a good play.then i'll decide what to do lol
  7. Its a really nice bass,but dont think itl ever get played more than my yammy
  8. Gettin new strings this week so i'll know more about how it really sounds Up to now it sounds punchy nice low mid punch id say,very comfy to play. Ive had a euro 5 in past and think the rebop is more comfy because of weight.
  9. Big thank you to discreet for putting my pix on
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1414439789' post='2589337'] Thanx discreet for putting my pix on here [/quote]
  11. I've tried,I'm using an ipad.not sure how to
  12. I can't upload any more pix argh.says I've used my amount for the the quarter.ive never posted any pix for awhile.crazy
  13. Ok im takin pix today,still got old strings on
  14. If I hadnt just bought a rebop 5 dlx I might have had this
  15. Its a used one cherry red with emg pups.i dont think it has an internal trim ,i was wrong.once I have new strings on i'll post pix with review. Itl be hard to compete with my other bass (yamaha bbne1)its pure quality
  16. Just got one of these as back up to my bbne1 5er Havnt really tested it yet.very light and small body not like myself lol. Is there an internal trim ? Thanx
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