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About GrahamT

  • Birthday 15/03/1958

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  • Location
    Hemyock, Devon

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Enthusiast (6/14)


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  1. @scrumpymike and his brilliant group of helpers excelled themselves again this year. Scrumptious food (did you see what I did there?🙃) and great company. Always an excellent day, and an opportunity to stoke up my GAS. I was particularly taken by Scrumpymikes’ Sandberg superlight and Kevin’s Sandberg California 5 string with humbucker and P-bass style split pickups.
  2. Hi Danny, I have just tried out one of these at the local bass bash and liked it. Is yours still for sale?
  3. Personally, I would be happy to pay a higher ticket price to ensure that the event is self-supporting.
  4. Thanks Mike.
  5. Kateplaysbass - what was the make of your very quirky white ‘rockabilly’ style bass please? I took a photo of it and the name on the headstock is sliding off the top of the shot 🤦🏻‍♂️
  6. NO.7 Graham Tottle GrahamT
  7. To Scrumpymike, Mrs Scrumpy, The Scrumpettes, fellow Bass Bashers and anyone that I have missed out - I had an excellent day, loved the multivarious gear, loved the crack, loved the scran, and loved the raffle. Lovely.
  8. That’s a great idea.
  9. Wow! What a shock and an absolute tragedy for his family. More so if it came out of the blue. It just goes to show just how thin a thread we all have with this life. It could happen to any one of us at any time.
  10. The SW Bass Bash just gets better and better! Many thanks to ScrumpyMike, Mrs Scrumpy and their supporting team of family and friends for putting on another superb Bash. It was great - great venue, great food, great bassists, great basses, great cheese (scones). Nice to meet old and new faces, try out some exotic gear and exchange stories. I’m already looking forward to the next one!
  11. Hi guys, The basses I will be bringing are my NS Radius CR5, Spector Spectorcore 5 and defretted Line 6 Variax 705. Amps are Genz Benz Streamliner 600 with GB Focus 112 cab, and a battery powered Pignose 30 which sports an 8” driver.
  12. Ahh, but you always punched above your weight, Jim!
  13. Thanks Mike. Even if marketing them doesn’t happen, I would still like to buy two of the current printing, size large.
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