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Everything posted by lowerbassment

  1. Really interested in this also. I contacted the UK distributor and it seems the amp is unlikely to make an appearance before 2016 in the UK.
  2. Has there be an announcement by now who the dealers are going to be in the UK?
  3. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1390781498' post='2349556'] Thomann have it up [url="https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&ved=0CEoQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thomann.de%2Fgb%2Fdarkglass_microtubes_vintage_deluxe.htm&ei=7KPlUorYIYqu7Aa1poDwBQ&usg=AFQjCNFOKbeFgsjC8ONHLrVelrlln_Tu1w&bvm=bv.59930103,d.ZGU"]https://www.google.c....59930103,d.ZGU[/url] £40 cheaper than the B7K. [/quote] I would be surprised if that price stands for long though. Doug mentioned it to be in the same ballpark as the B7K. When Thomann introduced the B7K they sold for a short time around £250 but then it went up by £40-50 more in line with what it costs elsewhere. I am just guessing - but now might be a good time to pre-order this if you were thinking of getting one.
  4. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1386228053' post='2297353'] Just for the record, I am absolutely loving my new NX2 212T. Reasonably portable and light. Beautifully balanced sound which responds very well to EQ. Very pleased I went for it. [/quote] [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1386229647' post='2297363'] Very pleased with mine too. [/quote] +1
  5. [quote name='Lenny B' timestamp='1385884767' post='2293090'] Are these cases (protec / mono) strong enough for air travel? Or is a proper hard case/ flight case preferable? [/quote] The Protec would be fine as long as you'd manage get it on the plane as carry-on luggage imo. However If you have to check in your bass its a different story. I would be very nervous about the outcome of airline baggage handling using any hybrid case.
  6. Looks great! What is the nut width on this - is it the standard 1.875" or 1.75"? Do you know if the bass is chambered or is it solid body?
  7. I guess you should be fine if you haven't heard from them by now (see below). That said I found their performance on my first occasion dealing with them less than stellar. I phoned GAK about availability Friday and was told there are a few left on the batch. I placed an order straight away. However my order got cancelled a few hours later. They then said they ran out of stock earlier in the day. At that time they still had the cab up on their site for sale. Anyways not too bothered - I know I am now in capable hands ;-) and would have gone down the Bass Direct route anyways if the option would have been avail Friday.
  8. The NX2-212T seems now in stock at Bass Direct for £399.
  9. Nice demo video from Mesa now up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b3tgaUcMBc
  10. Hi Guy, the bass in the photos is a Sadowsky UV70-5 (20 frets, blocks, full-sized J body) not an MV5 (21frets, undersized J body). Do you have the approx. weight of this? Nice bass!
  11. There is a demo video of a prototype of Spencer's (3Leaf Audio) upcoming Fuzz [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EMJJmjDWCU[/media]
  12. Pre-order price for the Duality Fuzz from Bass Direct is £195 - http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Darkglass_Duality.html
  13. I personally prefer using a few pedals (comp, EQ, OD) to do most of the tone shaping these days and DI where needed. Main reason is that I often play in rehearsal spaces with rented backlines that are all different so that I only use the power section of the amp to avoid too much additional colouration. That way I don't have to waste too much time finding a setup that works for me.
  14. Looks fantastic! Whats the weight of this?
  15. 20 frets, blocks, 70's pickup placement and a full-size body - its a UV70 (Ultra Vintage) model! A MV4 has an undersized body, 21 frets and can't be had with blocks and binding. See http://www.sadowsky.com/instruments/metro.html Good for you its a UV70 - they are dearer ;-)
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1369651932' post='2091181'] But, if up to this point you`ve liked the OTB, maybe adding in the Sansamp VT Pedal would be an answer. Use the OTB essentially as a power amp, get the Ampeg tone/breakup from the VT. [/quote] This. I think the VT DI version should be out soon.
  17. Very interesting and GAS-inducing ;-) What is your impression how well the CN112 (single or pair) would work with the Markbass Big Bang? I think in an earlier post you mentioned the Big Bang to match well with the CN212.
  18. Another aspect to take into consideration apart from the lower weight and additional options (nut width, finishes, wood combos) on NYC models is the resale value. A 5 String Metro is now coming close to 2.5k (or above for some models) in the UK and Metros are imo not holding their value as well as NYC basses. I played a number of Metros and NYC's and in terms of quality there was not much between them - very consistent build quality with great attention to detail. Slight edge for the NYC's I'd say. Worth noting that the Metros are not mass-produced but workshop made in relatively limited numbers so that you can't necessarily compare Metros to other "value lines" from other brands.
  19. Thanks molan for the detailed comparison - much appreciated! Sounds like a trip to Twyford to Bass Gear is on the cards.
  20. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1368831736' post='2082192'] I finally got a chance to try a CN212 at BassGear today in the new amp demo room - much better acoustics than the main showroom and you can play really loud Stupidly I forgot to take my AE210 in with me to compare but I was able to run it against a pair of CN112's, HD112's, Aguilar SL112's' some very cool ATS cabs (combination of 10's and 12's) and a weighty Bag End 2x12. To be honest the Baggie was my favourite but it's just too heavy for my ailing back these days Of the others I'd say the CN212 was the best all round cab. Plenty of low end punch and very nice note definition and articulation. Didn't have the mid growl the Aggies have when pushed clean but, using a TH500 or a MarkBass Big Bang, you could dial in some of these mids to get close to the growl if required. Very nice piece of kit indeed. I must get my 210 in ASAP before they are all sold! [/quote] How do the CN112, HD112 and the Aguilar SL112 compare? Thinking of perhaps grabbing one 112 now and adding another oner further down the road.
  21. Congrats on a fantastic bass! Did you go with Single Coil or Humcancelling pickups?
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