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Everything posted by kevvo66

  1. Would you consider, courier options at the buyers expense of course? 😀
  2. Hey people, does any know where I can spares from, I'm looking at changing the equalizer section as a couple of the sliders are broke but work it's just aesthetics really is it a big job?
  3. Bless him, I don't know what he's doing but it looks painful
  4. Chuck it in the bin , the muppets they can't enforce it ,my mate had a similar incident, just so happens one of his mates is a lawyer and told him to appeal and they just gave up as it was in the dark and a tiny sign in the corner which you could hardly see in daylight never mind in the dark , they do try it on . Just a thought good luck and do keep us upto date 😕
  5. No probs mate, thanks the offer,
  6. Bugger if was near London ,I'd have this kind of bump😍
  7. Let us all know what you think
  8. Yeah big shout out to peavey bomb proof
  9. It's probably been done but ,I've been pondering this one for a while this can be a combo or rig , but nothing other £500 pounds as it just get silly , I've played and owned some great cheap rigs and combo and some top end stuff that was errr shite I won't mention names as people get a bit tetchy over such things . right people lets have it see me as your weekly confession box or agony aunt , so lovies let's begin 😏
  10. Yes I've just fitted a set on my farida p bass sound great so contradicting myself about cheap strings from my earlier thread , really good for the money , I read a string test on line and they came in at no 1 one there as good if not better than other high end strings if you can get past the snobbery , I like them about £14 notes on eBay psst but don't tell everyone as it will bang the prices up 😂
  11. All I use now is flats gives me the sound I want not everyones cup of T or coffee, but you need some decent flats and not cheapo make I now retract this statement see my next thread further down the page, eating humble pie yes indeed 😗
  12. Hiya people, this probably been discussed a million times thinking of adding one these to my rig as I'm not willing to waste anymore money on bigger bass amps that don't meet my expectations sound wise or power wise as most of them are complete let down, my fave heads are my trace 150 and my Tc electronics 250. So stupid question as I'm a bit naive on the power amp thing, like set up and stuff, I don't won't to fry my amp, my cabs their 800 watts combined, any genuine advice and set up as I'm a bit clueless much appreciated 👍
  13. Another schecter session 4 looked great £700 pounds of a waste of money and sold with a massive loss too me, my other scheters are ace by the way, oh bugger on that one
  14. Hiya lownote , 2 of them their 400 watts per cab at 8 ohms with 150 watt bullet tweaters , I'm in Nantwich in Cheshire , full spec tonight pics added and in mint condition also cheers kev
  15. Unfortunately due not using these great cabs and they need to be used and not sat in the attic unused far to loud for the home use letting these great cabs go but would maybe trade for another pair of cabs or a decent light weight rig something that catches my eye , these cabs are 400 watts per cab and 150 watt bullet tweeters that's 800 watts of loveliness, these cab came from Brian (old man )from this very parish who had them imported from Schroeder and Brian ran them in with ear candy I think , then I bought them never gigged and these are has new , beautifully made and the sound immense, full spec will be on tomorrow night, and pics added, mint condition try me on part x .the price is for both cabs and does not include courier fees, could box up but courier will have to be sorted by the buyer as I have too much going on right now, but really would prefer collection or possible meet up. Regards kev
  16. Man alive, it's Gorgeous
  17. Picked this beauty up yesterday from whizzy alias Colin from this very parish thanks col , I'm really liking the sound of this shorty it's bloody loud and a blast too play , now I don't know if I'll swap too ss basses exclusively but if this is anything to go by I may well do 😏
  18. Your never to old for anything , if your minds in the right place I honestly believe you can do anything , but I would I'm only a youngster at 50 well 51 on the 26th ,still chasing girls I just can't catch them these days 😫
  19. That's a fine looking beast 😸
  20. I'd love to build a short scale ,I made a guitar years ago mmm the action was awful the neck was Nicked of something awful but the pups worked ok , so how do you-build such beautiful basses no idea myself , but maybe one day I'll have another go , can't wait to see the finished project
  21. Hello and welcome, only problem you will encounter , you'll spend some serious cash lol 😂
  22. Stunning ,bumpage , I'm very tempted as I'm moving to short scale .Will is a top guy to deal with . Hope your well matey
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