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Everything posted by kevvo66

  1. It's very cliquey around here ,I did have a opportunity a few months with a drummer m8 ,but we smelt a rat as the person I can't mention names case anyone knows said person as he was looking at forming a new band and was texting my mate Larry the drummer behind my back , not his real name of course who was forwarding his texts to me ,apparently he's was just trying to poach other bands muso's and had used me but already had his m8 lined up to play bass for him who's in the clique what a arsehole ,my m8 told him to f*** off and said we come as a pair .me and my m8 go back 20 years and have worked together in the past but he was going to dep for us as he has his own band and gig commitments, so I have two very good drummers but finding the rest is a nightmare,might give Facebook ago also
  2. Always wanted one of these, played one along time ago wish I could justify buying this beauty, glwts
  3. Wknd bump, you know you want it people
  4. My beautiful p bass as got no attention perhaps just my dodgy photography skills , my heart says keep it my my hands say different I'll ponder this one
  5. What a beauty 😍
  6. Agreed, well said blue
  7. Oh dunc temptation getting the better of me, I'd have it myself if I could sell my p bass
  8. Your a lucky fella indeed ,thanks everyone to form a band that play good music ,my last band we gigged every wknd for 3 years but it became a chore in the end and not much fun at all this one would be maybe one gig a month if it ever comes to fruition
  9. Well just when I thought my new band was coming together it all goes tits up really the singer as no PA that he said he had the guitarist whos very good as buggered off with another band all from join my band think I'll go as a one man bass band as trying to form this new venture just not happening I do miss the city sometimes for the music scene I love my little town but finding musicians who haven't been snapped up already isn't easy I'm even thinking playing guitar again and getting my mate in on bass sad times indeed but needs must I'm afraid can someone talk some sense into me before it's to late and I cross back over to the dark side oh bugger, any other band forums kicking about for my never ending quest before it's to late
  10. Bc It's a great site , but unfortunately scammers turn up anywhere if they can make a fast buck ,I got shafted a few years ago on a famous auction site with a DVD camera no camera no money , f***in skumbags horrid experience
  11. I've used Eden amps and cabs in the past and liked them all cant remember the specific models I used but never let me down unlike some other stuff I've used they were bomb proof
  12. No longer gigging so surplus to requirement to be honest This is as new well it not but you'd never know the difference comes with footswitch box Manuel came of Karl last year brand new looking for a trade really for something as equally good but less watts 800watts is a bit much for the house used at one gig and at home only in no rush to move this on and will ponder and frown at all offers" in a let me think "before the big fight scene finale 😄old martial arts dubbed films from the 70s type of stylie, but tecamp or something Phil jones amp or cab or combo hit me with what you got ,head would seal the deal for me. Full spec on net so won't bore with the details ,loved and nursed as all my gear is Cheers me dears
  13. Very nice dunc, the Matt freeman are awesome basses I have one my self love the jazz neck and the weight is great also my main bass now and most played glwts
  14. OMG if my p bass would sell I'd be all over this glwts
  15. Not for me years of playing and gigging will break it in nicely , I like nice nice looking basses not ones that looks like it be thrown up the pup car park at the end of every gig
  16. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1487099315' post='3237122'] Its a 98,99 model mim .its a sad day but needs must I'm afraid just doesn't get played lovely low action nice shade of blue with mirror scratch plate very thin lizzy iI took this the north west bass bash at the wknd and forget how good she sounds comes with fender flight case that's seen better days buts does it job of protecting this beauty, if this had a jazz neck I'd never sell her but due to a medical condition with my hands she's got to go to pastures new only visible flaw is on the top of the head stock as seen in pic is one small nick and the pic with white flecks was just grime that wiped straight off and last pic to prove so now added not actual damage bit a faint buckle rash on the back of the body but the camera won't pick this upbut won . Would prefer collection but could post at your expense but well worth the journey may part ex for a for a five stringer or a bass collection jazz bass or a fender jazz or fender p with a jazz neck Cheers me dears [/quote] Its a 98,99 model mim .its a sad day but needs must I'm afraid just doesn't get played lovely low action nice shade of blue with mirror scratch plate very thin lizzy iI took this the north west bass bash at the wknd and forget how good she sounds comes with fender flight case that's seen better days buts does it job of protecting this beauty, if this had a jazz neck I'd never sell her but due to a medical condition with my hands she's got to go to pastures new only visible flaw is on the top of the head stock as seen in pic is one small nick and the pic with white flecks was just grime that wiped straight off and last pic to prove so now added some buckle rash on the back as shown in last pic not actual damage . Would prefer collection but could post at your expense but well worth the journey may part ex for a jazz bass or a fender jazz or fender p with a jazz neck Cheers me dears
  17. What a great day,omg some beautiful basses there and rigs , thanks everyone I hope there's many more to come👍😄
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