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Everything posted by mzdt

  1. [indent=1]Name on machines only left out initially as I didn't think it was that big a clue - ignorance, not willfull - tbh few of my other basses have anything useful on them, as I recall - Westone, Shergold, certainly not the Ashbory, possibly the Aria fretless...[/indent] [indent=1]The selctor switch has been replaced by an allen screw - and the socket, presumably ropey, has been replaced by one set into the rear electronics cover plate![/indent] [indent=1]It's nice looking, agreed, always preferred wood finishes (and non-clones, hence Westone & Shergolds). I wonder if Yamaha & Samick bodies came from the same place at that time, or had designer connections? It's not a field I know that much about.[/indent] [indent=1]A new set of strings, refurb/replace the electrics and I'll see what happens.[/indent] [indent=1]Thanks, everyone.[/indent]
  2. Hi again - glad to see it wasn't immediately obvious to all but me ;-) I omitted to mention the Samick logo on the tuners - at the time I assumed they may supply to other makers or part of the modifications that hve been done to it - but a bit of googling based on that suggests it's a Samick Saturn 5; certainly the body, if not the neck; haven't found a satisfactory pic of a saturn head yet. the logo/writing still intrigues - it looks like 'SJP guitars' to me - but google comes up with nothing on that. I can't help feeling it is unlikely to be a different, UK made neck, what with the neck/body fitting, so I think - there's been a bit of sanding, either someone has built a new neck or just played about with the oroiginal and put a different logo on. Cheeky to have 'made in UK' though! A 'shed project', like the man says... ;-) It plays OK; haven't really had time to try it through a decent amp. Came from a car boot sale for a more than reasonable price; I've been playing a [Thomann own brand, but not bad) acoustic fretless 5 string for folk stuff for a while, sxo was tempted by a fretted solid body. Thanks for all suggestions. Like dogs, it's the character not the pedigree... ;-)
  3. Hi - can anyone identify this bass for me? I can't work out the script on the headstock! (the text under 'guitars' is 'hand made in the UK') thanks!
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