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Everything posted by waldflote8
haven't tried that one (yet) if the hole is too big then you could dowel it for sure, need to be accurate when re drilling (drill press) also you may also get away with using some copper pipe or something as a sleeve. experiment with some scrap. Good luck.
NGD, what treble guitars on a bass site, whatever next?
waldflote8 replied to ezbass's topic in Guitars
I picked up a Hamer XT archtop when I got the P90 GAS, good sound but the neck is quite chunky for my tastes. What is your amplifier ? (the 15W class A) There's a lot of useful information on the ax84 site, tips on fault finding etc. if you use the search function. -
haha, the stinky chicken factory, yes, I remember that. The big hangar thing is a subject in itself,.. I've never been at a 5k + gig where there was extensive use of banked seating, they've all been mainly on the flat and all crap in terms of the view (comparing with a proper theatre type venue). Sound wise they have all been crap too compared with somewhere like the Royal concert hall. The price of popularity I suppose, I tried to see Rush from 79 but the tickets would go like lightning so it was only when they moved to the hangar (Ingliston) in 81 that I got a chance to see them. I can't say that I fancied it previously,.. but thinking about it now, showing an enhanced DVD/Film from the tour in 3D at an iMAX or the like might not be a bad idea ?? Is that one step closer to the virtual band altogether,.. or are you half way there anyway at a stadium/hangar gig ?
I had looked at the set list online - memories of seeing them at ingliston in 83 and being bored silly, so I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself. The lighting/projections in the 2nd half more than kept me amused though. When I go to any gig now I take my rehearsal ear plugs with me and with a bit of fiddling to knock a few dBs off the volume - can usually get a decent sound that way and prevents two days of frying breakfast sounds afterwards. Didn't work at the Devin gig,.. just too loud and too much going on, loads of synth/vocal samples as well as the band. ... Where we were and with my plugs in, I thought the Rush sound was quite decent ?? Pre ear plugs I was going Victor Meldrew on the subject of gig sound/volume and had pretty much given up going to them,.. a Glasgow venue gig in the early 80s left me with tinnitus, mild but permanent. Sorry Kinder, I could only laugh on the night, he couldn't help being so tall. The ninja view blocker at the Devin gig got what he deserved though
Not a lot of choice where you can see Rush in Scotland unfortunately,.. the new 'Hydro place should be better - purpose built arena rather than large warehouse (SECC). I do tend to avoid bigger gigs as mrs Waldflote is about 5'4" and always has a lot of trouble seeing. Saw Devin Townsend at the start of the month in a smaller venue and we had a large git arrive at the last minute, then attempt ninja style to get in front (we stood directly behind the mixer in order to get a bit of free space) mrs W had to give him the 'accidental' elbow in the ribs move to fend him off He finally got the message and disappeared. I know you don't own any space at a standing gig,.. but further back, away from the more lively goings on, there's generally a bit of consideration, especially with younger kids around. The big guy at the Rush gig was waving his I-thingy about a bit, but so was 50% of the audience, don't quite get that one as some folks seem to spend more of their time looking at the screen than the gig. I could have done with a periscope app. on Thursday though
NGD, what treble guitars on a bass site, whatever next?
waldflote8 replied to ezbass's topic in Guitars
Looks like a really nice guitar. Mate has one of the single soapbar PRS SEs, with a replacement SD pickup and it is lovely to play/ great sound. I like a neck pickup too so my choice would be for the twin pup model,... they seem like excellent value. -
Haha, I should have taken the ladder.. and I should be 8' tall according to my user name, but sadly not. funnily enough I was there with my sister,.. quite a family affair altogether, loads of parents there with kids. The guy in front of me was the big b*gger I 'always' get but Goliath was just so huge that I could only laugh, it was payback for 2011 when by some fluke we ended up 3 rows from the front - was like watching them in a pub,... superb !!
Rush rolled into Glasgow last night and I am sitting as you do, wondering what kind of view I will get. Guy in front is about 6 foot but I'm 5'11" and mrs waldflote is at home so no big deal. Concert starts and the guy in front of him stands up,.. no kidding, he must have been 7 feet tall. My view for the first half of the gig: [attachment=136017:rushe.jpg] 2nd half the folks to my right didn't come back after the interval, so I was able to move over. It's pot luck at a concert so this is not a serious moan,.. roll on the new 'Hydro' venue and hopefully banked seating.
From liking a band to being an active fan - when does it happen?
waldflote8 replied to xilddx's topic in General Discussion
Original example of Rush is an interesting one for me too. I got into them in the late 70s, 'Hemispheres' was just about to come out and an older family member let me hear 'A Farewell to Kings' - friend of his had seen some tracks on the Whistle Test. I'd never heard anything like it and became a fan,.. collecting the back catalogue, new albums as they came out,.. telling people that you were a fan. ( big thing when all around you was new wave and the media seemed to hate your fave band, no airplay etc.) As you say though, the exclusivity became a positive thing and I cringe at many aspects of their current popularity (saw them last night in Glasgow - thread to come when I can upload a pic) -
Just been reading the posts about Ric copies,.. posting pics etc. I picked a good time to join the forum with my introduction of " Hi I finally got a 4003 ",..... Please forgive me, I also have an old Overwater Ent bass and I promise to burn my Shine RK2000 despite it being jolly decent.... Happy to report that the neck has been fine now for the last week or so. The ding and reducing value doesn't bother me so much as I really wanted a blueburst and I gather they are not so common ? I spotted a thing at the Stewmac site doing repairs to binding by making a filler from acetone and old binding,.. conjured memories of gluey fingers and what they do to the windows of your Airfix Spitfire (giving my age away) I expect that is dependant on the type of plastic too,.. so won't try anything without a lot of caution and pre testing. Interesting stuff on the truss rods, will have a look around for info. on that too. Thanks again...
Oh o, trouble ahead for me then maybe I ended up stripping the organoil finish from the body of my parana build, so is back to bare now. Thanks for the info. any suggestions for a good tung oil in the UK ? haha, it was a conversation with a mate about using loads of coats of lacquer and it being like putting the guitar in a contraceptive which led to the organoil experiment. I had made a nut from an old ebony piano sharp too but he persuaded me to use a brass nut. Be interested to hear how it sounds if anyone has tried an ebony one. cheers
very nice, the top is striking and the ash grain has come out really well with the finish. Lovely looking rosewood too. To work with,.. how did you find tru oil with the different woods ? I used Organoil ( I gather they are both tung oil based) on a recent parana body/rosewood neck,.. gorgeous with the rosewood but didn't really like the parana. Very easy to mark the parana although I wonder if that is mainly due to the relative softness of the wood rather than the organoil,.. the neck is holding up pretty well. cheers.
I have an XF212, can be seen in this messy shot. [attachment=134817:SAM_0432.JPG] Was built for guitar - theory being that it disperses mids.highs better than a 4x12, less directional. I also hoped that I could use it for a stereo cabinet. Thoughts on it - for clean sounds and house volumes, really excellent. I could literally hear things I hadn't previously, subtle differences between different tubes and the like. Great stereo effect at low volumes. Rehearsal levels (very loud) It sounds a bit thin - as you might expect due to hearing the mids/highs better. Dispersion is superb,.. but,.. for a very loud metal trio in even a fairly big rehearsal room, loads of spill into the vocal mic and I had to go back to 4x12s. You could say that it did what it was supposed to, just too well. Hoping to give it a blast as part of a bi amped bass rig. Will let you know what it is like in that mode.
panic mode imminent ! ok. here are some more of the heel [attachment=134813:SAM_0434.JPG][attachment=134814:SAM_0436.JPG] the white line along the edge is not a crack as far as I can see, but looks like primer (white) which has not been covered by what I assume are tinted blue laquer coats. That reminded me of something which I noticed at first inspection - underneath where the neck joins the body is not the tidiest finish I ever saw, pic below. [attachment=134815:SAM_0440.JPG] I've taken the saddle slots down a shade, that and previous truss rod tweaks, currently measuring 2mm on the E string at the 22nd - happy enough with that, no buzzes and sounds very nice. cheers andrew
[attachment=134812:SAM_0432.JPG][attachment=134810:SAM_0431.JPG] Some pics attached. I have some tail lift - but looks similar to others I have seen online and wouldn't directly affect the action The binding ding is very narrow and deep, looking for some 'filling' advice please apologies for the messy room, will do a glamour shot in due course. cheers
Thanks again, I couldn't see anything at Joey's site regarding bottoming out the bridge (apologies if I missed that) one or two threads when googling - but the frustrating ones which don't give an update to say if it was fixed or ?? The bass is perfect, no cracks or anything nasty. It is actually quite playable at the moment, cue stupid grin as I am thoroughly enjoying getting my hands on a real one...... I think that the chap who sold it just wasn't into making any adjustments, probably untouched from new. Thanks for all the feedback so far - any thoughts on ding removal ?,.. the binding one especially (some pics from me might help) cheers
I am not familiar with the POD 2.0 but the two PODs I have owned (XT Live and HD500) have settings for output mode. Studio mode for direct to PA/recording and combo/stack/power amp mode for running to an instrument amp. I could run the XT in studio mode (full amp models, cab sims etc.) then into the JCM,.. was ok. for most settings. But when I changed to the HD500 I had all sorts of problems - ready for chucking it - finally resolved by using pre amp models and no cab emulation. I thought it was a bit of a waste having the full models, cab emulations etc. and not using them 'live' but it sounds great through a pretty neutral amp like the (50+50) I use the studio settings at home though my desk and monitors. So worth a fiddle with any mode options too; the HD500 does what I'd expect, the XT didn't
Hello and thanks for the welcome folks, No probs on the truss rod warning, I had a lot of relief ??, probably about 5mm. (by using the string as a straight edge) So I'd reckoned they would need adjusting and gradually did that / straightened out the neck ,.. is currently virtually flat and my action is about 6mm on the E string, which is fine now for me to play. I used a screwdriver type tool as opposed to a right angled device (eg. socket set) in order to limit the torque I could apply,.. and tweaked it over 3 days with the strings down a semitone. I reckon on having it at a point now where I can let it settle and play for a bit, before re stringing - happy to use lighter ones,.. 40 - 100s ? I do like a very low action though and have no buzz at all currently,.. so thinking that I can go a bit lower. That is the problem though, the bridge is bottomed out and the two height adjustment grub screws are sticking right out (not keen on that either as it will be like a magnet to my hand and guaranteed to get me at some point ) I don't want to take a lot out of the saddles - break angles etc. - but that would seem to be my only option at the moment. Luckily I am virtually there, but I am at one extreme of the bridge adjustment range,.Wondering if anyone else had a similar experience ? thanks
Hello folks, sort of first post, so Hi to everyone. After many years of looking, close calls etc. I finally managed to get a hold of a 4003. She looks to be in pretty good condition (couple of dings) no real signs of fret wear etc. The action was very high to begin with; 15 mm or so at the end of the fretboard but there was a lot of relief in the neck, so I've gradually brought that down to about 10mm by adjusting the truss rods. My bridge is bottomed out though so wondering how best to get the last few mms shaved off the action - eg. file the saddle slots ? She's certainly playable at the moment and sounds very nice (pickup outputs not very balanced at the moment, but will work on that after re stringing). Current strings look to be 45 - 105s,.. maybe even originals as I don't think she's been played much. (2006 model) For the dings, I was thinking of mixing some powder dies with laquer and building that up. One ding is right through the binding - any good suggestions for filling a binding cut/gash ? thanks..
Hi, I was using a Marshall JCM800 Super Bass with a POD XT Live for guitar,.. running into standard Marshall 4x12. My first choice was for a bass amp as had used JMP super bass amps in the past - preferred the more mellow, cleaner sound when using a lot of pedals. The Marshall definitely warmed things up very nicely, but when using patches with full modelling (esp. noticed when moved to POD HD500),.. there were a lot of EQ conflicts. The JCM has a tone stack which is very unlike the earlier JMPs - Mid Parametric type control. I tried the POD with a JMP super bass clone that I'd built and to my surprise it wasn't happy at all,.. too much gain in the JMP clone (even after swapping the pre amp valves for lower gain versions) so my 2p - I prefer my POD going into a very bland amplifier,.... try it into the FX return (I now run mine into a Marshall 50+50 power amp and it is superb). Guitar + OD type pedals (tube screamer , booster etc.) into a bass amp like the JCM/JMP Marshalls,.. superb ,.. as long as you drive them pretty hard.