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martthebass last won the day on May 9 2022

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  1. Is the fingerboard on the graphite necks this composite or is it just a slab of phenolic? It's blacker than black on my CW-1 so can't tell; there dosen't seem to be any surface features so to speak.
  2. That’s interesting. When I worked in R&D, I did a lot of work on phenol formaldehyde resin systems (aka Bakerlite - I assume the main component of ritchlite) and the levels of the catalyst, resol and novalak made a big impact on the modulus of the cured resin. I guess Rob did a lot of work getting the mix right to achieve the properties he wanted for the overall sound.
  3. Often wondered what factors are at play. I had an early Streamline, with its basic 2 band EQ I didn’t find it brittle sounding at all and could get some quite warm tones from it. My CW1 despite it having an alder body seems far more hifi to me.
  4. Yup, no doubt the ‘ministry of truth’ will be rewriting documents and destroying old ones to support this as we speak.
  5. Sadly you can’t cure stupid Cat!
  6. Quite a few have made the mistake of thinking because it looks a bit like a P it’ll sound like one. I’ve never been too keen on the P bass sound on stage and prefer a hotter set up (hence my other basses being EBMM and Status) so I appreciate the more aggressive take in the Lionel.
  7. I had the Sterling shortie before the full fat version came along (took an age to get one…..). Yes the US one feels better but sound wise I’m hard pushed to tell much of a difference. I do need to change the strings though it’s got D’Addarios on and the gauge is a bit light for me on a shortie. Yep, the Lionel is gold finish….soft core aged, you can only get the gloss finish in soft or hard aged at the minute. It’s alder so it’s lightweight at about 7.5lb.
  8. Wish I had your level of versatility Pete…..I go ashen when someone requests Sinatra at a jam night 😂
  9. Great review BBS. I know some change out the pups to something more old school, to be honest I quite like the extra bite and have no intention of doing a swap out. My Lionel is alder with a rosewood fb so there might be some slight tonal differences. Do change the Sandberg strings I found them harsh on mine and got rid quickly, it’s wearing EB hybrid slinkies Shortscale no (50-105) which seem to suit it. The bridge isn’t too tough, and one positive certainly with mine is once I’d set the action nothing has moved in 6 months. If you can afford to keep the Ray and it’s a good one, I would, it’s always good to have a different tone I tend to alternate gigs with my 2.
  10. Lovely, gotta admit that the Lionel is my favourite gigging bass. In terms of shorties the Ray and Lionel is a combo that’s difficult to beat…..great minds think alike (fools seldom differ?).
  11. A ‘charridy’ job for the Glam lads last night supporting Leukaemia and bowel cancer charities. We were asked to finish the night off but for various reasons we asked to be penultimate. Didn’t get a sound check as time was tight and we were rushed on….consequently I struggled the first few songs as there was no backfill or monitoring on my side of the stage….still the show went on and apparently it sounded fine out front. A fairly full gig list until the end of May now…onwards and upwards.
  12. So I spend £4k plus on basses over a few months and I don’t even get a sticker. That’s it, they’re dead to me now…..
  13. Wish I had your will power Chris. But you know, deep down, you want a Sandberg Lionel 😉
  14. I was concerned I'd feel guilty about my 2 EBMM basses........I've consoled myself by deciding that they are proudly built by Mexicans in the Democratic Republic of California.
  15. Sure I saw something on YT where a guy had both the CW1 and the newer all-wood CW2 and played them against each other. Sorry, it was the S2 classic vs the S23.
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