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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. Have come to senses - this is too nice a bass to part with. I'd only do bedroom Mwahing with a fretless anyway.
  2. Can only comment on Sterlings I'm afraid, but IIRC it's just the 4 string version ;-). Points: 1. Didn't find as much difference soundwise between Maple and RW as many people have commented on in the past. 2. Hate the way that the finished maple sticks to your fingers when you get sweaty compared to RW 3. Maple looks nicer. Personally, IMHO, pickups and strings make more difference than the board wood does. So it's mainly down to cosmetics and feel. But what do I know I play through a Trace.
  3. The MM Sterling is sat in the back and never comes out to play. I purchased this bass from the Bass Merchant as NOS last year. It's a 2004 black on black with RW neck. There isn't a single mark on this bass - not even swirl marks, it really is as new. Full MM HSC and case candy
  4. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='50701' date='Aug 25 2007, 10:05 PM']Yes, Dave's slipping a bit there... I don't know if you tried the JayDee as well, but that's in dire need of some TLC as well. Certainly didn't inspire me to buy either of them! If I ever open a bass shop, all used basses will be set up and have clean strings before they go on sale![/quote] Yes, noticed the JD in the corner looking a bit sorry for itself - didn't pick it up tho. Have to admit it's the first time I've been into Electro and thought the stock was shambolic. It didn't encourage me to get my wallet out....thank God.
  5. If I hadn't just blown my GAS fund on OHM's S1 Precision - I would have bitten your hand off......
  6. What about the old?, 'could all the good musician's take one step forward....wait, not so fast [insert name here]' Sorry, I'll get me coat
  7. Size wise (5-7 meself) I find the MM Sterling the most comfortable, balances with a slight upward tilt and the 12th is just in the right place - nice slim neck also. Mine feels a bit heavy though on a long gig. On the other hand a Warwick Thumb gives my arm a stretch session - worth it tho.
  8. Can't answer all these - never owned a Sub. But IIRC: 1. I think the woods are the same (non trans finishes could be Poplar, Alder or even Ash) on both 2. The Ray has a profile where the arm rests i.e. not slab body 3. Think on the active the sub is the 2EQ like the 2 EQ Ray. Soundwise I did find a little difference to my old (now gone) 2EQ Ray when I had a noodle in a shop but not £400 worth.......however if you're gassing for a Ray nothing else will do.
  9. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='48153' date='Aug 21 2007, 08:41 AM']Hey P, Played a Lakland DJ at Electro the other day & wasn't particularly impressed. It was very heavy & awkward to play, but that could have just been the setup and the inordinately heavy strings! The sound was very flat and dull, and that was through a MarkBass amp as well. I know a lot of people rave about them, so there must be some lovely ones around.[/quote] OTPJ, the strings were deader than a very dead thing on that bass - I had a go on it on Sunday am. Struck me that with a new set it would be the mutt's
  10. Very nice. Love the quilt - that's exactly the same pattern my eyes make when I drink too much Whisky.
  11. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='47619' date='Aug 20 2007, 11:22 AM']I really regret selling my US Precision (went to marthebass so I know it will be well looked after). It was the best playing bass I've ever owned. It was just too thuddy for gigging in the 3 piece. It had to go (to fund my latest purchase) and I'm happy with what I got. I've sold some beauties in my time (an 80's Status, Fender Jazz, Ric 4003) but the P-Bass was my fave. Anyone know the way to the closest Foreign Legion Recruiting office?[/quote] OHM, You'll be pleased to know it saw 'first light' with my [limited] playing last night. You're right about the playing - plays much nicer than I remebered my old (albeit 20 years ago) JV precision. Think the Sterling (though having more 'life' to it) might get left at home even more than it does already. My 'mistake' was a Westone T3 fretless - px'd it for a G**tar, holds head in shame.....
  12. [quote name='iggy_999' post='47410' date='Aug 19 2007, 03:39 PM']Hi Is this still up for sale? Are you anywhere near Ewell where I am by any chance?? cheers[/quote] Sorry mate, it's all tucked up nice n snug at chez Martthebass
  13. [quote name='MattyB90' post='44285' date='Aug 11 2007, 08:24 PM']Any decent shops that sell Warwick bass's that you would recommend? The closer to Cardiff the better obviously.[/quote] Unless you wanted something special/custom I would deffo go used. A used excellent Thumb BO4 went for £543 on the bay last week
  14. [quote name='MB1' post='43359' date='Aug 9 2007, 04:23 PM']Have heard, if its got silicone in it you shouldnt use it!check its ingredients.[/quote] Not sure but I think this is on the laquer on the bass body/back of neck - the silicone makes the finish go hazy. Don't think it's a problem on the unfinished RW. Having said that you can't beat Lemon oil, a little goes a long way and it's cheap.
  15. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='43084' date='Aug 8 2007, 10:36 PM']Faliling that, use some Grolsch bottle rubber washers over the top of the strap...[/quote] Good one, never thought of that. Regarding the Schaller thing, considering the price of an MIA you would have thought they would have included straplocks especially as the buttons don't work with 'ordinary' straps - Warwick do. Vorsprung Durch Technik
  16. Well, I've just got my nice minty fresh US 2007 Precision (courtesy of OHM) and one question I gotta ask - are the strap buttons meant to hold - Seriously!? They look like the lockers on my Warwick and nothing at all like proper strap buttons like on my old (and departed) MIM Jazz and current MM Sterling. If I have to do a swap out for lockers what do you suggest - I'd prefer not to do any drilling (the dunlops I got for my MM would have needed this and I didn't want to tempt fate so I went out and bought a nice Levys tight strap instead). Cheers guys, Mart
  17. Sterling's are truly beautiful in every way.....this one is no exception.
  18. Most 99 year olds are a little more chilled. Hope you get your cash quickly, cos you're running out of time to spend it. Apologies to the ageist police and any bonifide 99 year old Basschatters who may be reading this drivel.
  19. Very pleased with the Precision OHM, seems to weigh only about half what my Sterling does - brilliant. Recommended for any bass related transactions is OHM, Cheers, Mart
  20. Strange as it sounds I prefer the sound of my WW (Thumb) passive, I find it too much of a beast with the active in (the 60's/70's band I'm in doesn't play much Mudvayne). OTOH I don't think the active on an MM Sterling is too obtrusive (but then how would I know I can't switch it out?). I've just picked up a US precision so I'll be giving the old (proper) passive a run for its money again.
  21. +1 on your comments. I had a '57 P JV 1982, Large Fender + small 'Squier series'. The later ones were Large Squier.
  22. After playing bass for some 20+ years and having no where near enough talent to justify that time I've just bought my first black fender P off a fellow Basschatter. 20+ years since I had a Precision of any kind - can't wait! Enjoy!
  23. It all adds to the spice of life. I usually go with 'throw a few more random notes in and they'll think I meant it'
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