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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. [quote]Bassboy115 - a corvette standard[/quote] Save yourself the cash....go straight for the Thumb Bolt On The Corvette's good but it's a bit like Wilma and Betty, you'd go with Betty but you'd be thinking of Wilma.....(Which 90/80's TV sitcom did that quote come from)
  2. Where do you start? Start small - get bigger! 1. Some decent pickups for my Status-Jazz Basstard (maybe a black perloid scratch plate as well) 2. Dargie Delight Sterling HS 3. Thru neck Warwick Thumb4 - possibly custom shop 4. A Shuker JJB Precision - starting to really like the look of that Oh and some lightweight Mark Bass gear to send it all thru.
  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='4356' date='May 22 2007, 02:08 PM']MM dont have a centre click like most basses and I wondered if the OLP were the same. If you have got the volume and active tones on full beans I would not be surprised you are having problems.[/quote] The MM Sterling does and also the 3EQ Stingray (I think).
  4. [quote name='munkeh' post='3203' date='May 21 2007, 12:14 AM']Then you got the whole Alder Vs. Bassword as nearly all comments i've read, Alder cuts through better than Bassword because of the more defined mids in the wood.[/quote] Not that I have one - but most Basswood Bongos I've heard sound pretty meaty. Gather Basswood is a bit soft though so you have to watch the finish (having said that Swamp ash ain't no diamond)
  5. I've said it before and I'll say it again....I once px'd a near mint 57RI 2 tone burst Precision (1982 - JV series, big 'Fender' on the headstock) for a US Jazz. Biggest mistake I ever made. It played better than any US/MIM/Jap Fender bass I have played to this day. Keep it, even if it only comes out once a month - so what, you'll still enjoy it.
  6. Never really thought about the output - suppose I should have had really. Usually at home I play down low thru a Peavey Microbass. When live (other than jam nights), through the TE combo I always go wireless which takes the 'sting' out of the signal a bit. I even go thru the passive input on the TE.
  7. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='2740' date='May 20 2007, 10:10 AM']My first two basses had plywood bodies and I couldn't wait to get onto a solid wood bodied instrument. I found plywood doesn't really vibrate all that well and it sounded a little dead at certain frequencies (the ones I liked to listen to for slap). So I saved up hard for an instrument which didn't have those problems.[/quote] The materials engineer in me keeps saying that something exotic, say a Wal Pro-something with expensive top and back wood facings is just 'expensive' ply-wood? The reactive stiffness of the piece would be related to the orientation of the grain, relative modulus of the materials, the difference (if any) between the thermal expansions of the different woods etc.... A tricky finite element analysis calculation I think
  8. Had a jam last night. Usually use my 'wick Thumb, but for a change last night I decided to use my Sterling. The Thumb usually sounds ok whatever amps turn up. Plugged into an Ashdown Mag thing - sounded bloody awful, set it flat, played, no good couldn't mod it to make a decent noise. Thought it was the bass as I don't use it that often but then I plugged it into the Keyboardists expensive Roland kit - sounded excellent. Are some basses just more picky than others when it comes to amps?
  9. [quote name='simon73' post='968' date='May 17 2007, 11:18 PM']I will allways regret not buying a jaydee back in about 1990 for £300.[/quote] Ditto, a £300 Wal pro 1 in 1991
  10. They are seriously hideous................did they run out of wood?
  11. Voted Warwick but could easily have put Musicman in equal measure. Every bass collection needs at least one of each.
  12. Martthebass: Aging 40 something know-nothing who occassionally dabbles with the bass guitar. More money than talent when it comes to buying gear. In a trio playing 60's & 70's instead of punk which helps fund the habbit. Will happily shoot dead the next hacker at a jam night who plays 'All along the Watchtower'
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