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Total Watts

  1. lol maybe I should have called this thread 'MIM Fender Marcus Miller jazz basses ... any good?' I've hijacked my own thread by giving it a silly title. BTW I am well versed in the arts of debt, I have a mortage and 2 kids so my current welth is in the region of -£6million. So these MM Jazz basses ... any good?
  2. [quote name='edstraker123' timestamp='1397421309' post='2423807'] Buy it -you know you are going to anyway You could be dead tomorrow ! [/quote] Finally! I was beginning to think I was in the wrong place.
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1397331765' post='2422971'] Buy it using what? [/quote] Credit card obviously!
  4. Namely a Mexican Marcus Miller mk2. Unless you know of any horror stories of course. Put me off and save my marriage
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1396272095' post='2411602'] I think that constipation is the thief of time. [/quote] No constipation here today, I was paying for a Sunday of real ale and roasted meats. The stuff was flying out of me.
  6. Warning Newb question. While I was on the bog earlier I was pondering my rig set up. I play an active bass (Ibanez sb700) into a Zoom B3, thru a couple of pedals, and into the amp.The Zoom B3 has an active/passive switch on the input. So naturally I have the B3 set to Active. But what is the output of the B3 classed as, Active or Passive? Ie which input should I be using on my amp? To be honest I've been putting it in the Active input cos its an active bass, but it occurred to me today that maybe the B3 is doing the Active/Passive crossover & leveling bit, and that I should plug into the Passive amp input. what ya think?
  7. I'm bassing in a Folk band atm (no don't laugh) and our 2 mandolin players seem to rate 'Shippey' as a good go to brand
  8. I really wanted that bass. I had a budget of £180, so naturally I bidded up to £250, it went for £289. I'm still in mourning for it.
  9. wow those new fenders look ace! One of the things putting me off some of the other amps is that they 'look' crap (yeah yeah I know). But why don't they make them look sexy? So that's it, it'll be one of them fenders, now I have to decide on the 40 or 100.... grrr.
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1395840621' post='2406927'] Good suggestion, but you'll have to look for a used one: [size=3][color=#80a0c0][font=Tahoma][b]Sorry, this product has been discontinued[/b][/font][/color][/size] Quite easy to find on eBay / Gumtree / BC though! [/quote] Balls!
  11. coolio. The Ampeg looks nice, would 30watts cut it? I know watts doen't really mean that much, but you know what I mean.
  12. Please forgive me for the 'what amp do I need' thread, I have looked through the forum ... honest guv anyhoo the twist, I'm after a small amp quiet amp. In the band that I'm in all I need to do is compete with an acoustic guitar, acoustic mandoilin, and a bodhran, plus the PA. So onstage volumes don't need to be much as I'll DI the amp into the PA. Do you think a practice combo would do the job? Clean sound is all that is required from the amp, budget upto £200 The guitarist suggested a Behringer BXL900a but the word Behringer put me off. Im thinking one of the Fender Rumble 75s. 2nd hand is good if you've got something to sell
  13. Curses it's as I thought then. Didn't know about the older MIJ ones though so I'll seek them out on t'bay.
  14. Namely for the SR1800 which comes in at a divorce inducing £990. Can anybody put me off them by telling me that they're rubbish, or failing that recommend a good back street surgeon who might want my kidney?
  15. Well it turns out that the Digitech Bass Squeezer is an absolute pile of poo. I thought it was maybe just me but reading the OVNI Compressor review site confirmed it. I suppose it could be useful if you wanted to make lots of hissing noises. Bugger Anyone want to buy it? It's really good.
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