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Posts posted by odysseus

  1. Usually ain't enough room to swing a cat, let alone 4 of us move around in the venues we play.  However, loading in and out of some of these venues can be tiresome due to no parking, flights of steps etc.  4 gym workouts a week, two mountain bike sessions and as much surfing as I can fit in keeps me something like it at 49.  Just as well, as nobody else in the band does anything sportwise! 

  2. On ‎22‎/‎03‎/‎2019 at 16:59, Leonard Smalls said:

    They were excellent every time I saw them (6 times),but then the biggest venue was the Astoria so they were still hungry for it!

    That could well be why... 

  3. I'm a life member of SBL.  To be honest, I've learned a hell of a lot and more than had my moneysworth.  As for GW... I guess his time costs money.... if you don't like it, don't do it.  It ain't for everyone.  I didn't because I'm still working my way through a lot of other stuff, and I felt I didn't really need it right now.  That may or may not change, I dunno. 

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  4. On 16/03/2019 at 17:28, uk_lefty said:

    Flea is a huge inspiration and BSSM is, for me, untouchable as an inspired bass album. In 2012 I saw the Red Hots live in Knebworth and it was.... Dreadful, boring, hollow... Nothing like what I expected. So disappointing.

    Yeah I know what you mean. I loved RCHP up to BSSM but live performances always underwhelm me for some reason.... 

  5. On ‎21‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 09:19, HengistPod said:

    My son's band, Orynthia, at Krakatoa in Aberdeen last Friday (not counting my own gig on Saturday :) ).

    They won the annual Battle of the Bands competition on the night - good effort seeing as over 100 acts entered originally, and £2K in their pocket that they're buying studio time with. They're actually very good. The other guitarist tours Europe with a prog act called Sithu Aye, and has an endorsement with Sandberg Guitars. Elements of Pallas, Haken, stuff like that in their sound. If they pull their fingers out they could do very well.

    With those kind of influences, I'm sold already!!


    Umm.... last band I saw was my mate's classic rock band Loco, in Tyack's Hotel, Camborne.

    The last 'name' band I saw was Saxon at Falmouth Pavilions probably 4 or 5 years ago....

  6. 7 hours ago, chris_b said:

    Bad experiences can be minimized if you are with better players. Always aim for the bands with a more professional attitude. Playing with guys who are doing it "just for fun" opens you up to all sorts of bad and flaky experiences.

    I see where you are coming from and I agree up to a point, but I find that playing with 'just for fun' guys can minimise the potential for some idiot disappearing up their own fundament trying to be a 'star', and sundry other diva-esque behaviours.  Bit of a double-edger that one ^_^

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  7. 3 hours ago, ubit said:

    When it’s a supposed democracy that turns out to be ruled by a dictator

    Right on the money!  A couple of times I've been lured into bands with the promise of much jamming and egalitarian creativity, only to realise some weeks later that the general form from the guitarist is, "I wrote a song... learn it."


    Other reasons have included people not learning songs, not turning up to rehearsal, being more interested in talking about being in a band than actually doing it, and on one occasion a drummer being dumped by his gf and making the whole band suffer too for weeks, getting a hissy fit if he fluffed a fill and kicking his kit around the room before storming off to sulk in his bedroom.

  8. Wendron Cricket Club in darkest Cornwall, in 1989 when I was 19 years old.  We were called Cut Loose.  Played a metallic pink Charvel bass which I thought was great until I played a bog standard 2nd hand Ibanez Roadster that knocked spots off it and prompted a swift trade-in.  Songs included Bon Jovi's Runaway, All Right Now (of course), You Really Got Me (yeah, I know..), Waiting For an Alibi, Closer To The Heart (brave effort!), More Than A Feeling.... can't remember much else.  It was OK,... no disgrace...

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