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Posts posted by odysseus

  1. Yes it's great when that happens.  My current band have been together for 18 months now.  Writing our own stuff, playing a few festivals, nobody wants to be a star or is concerned about getting paid for playing, as we all work jobs.  Going to do some recording, make a couple of vids for a giggle, write more stuff, rinse and repeat.  It's a nice, and rare, place to be!

    • Like 1
  2. Just bought a Marusczyck fretless off Ed. Everything was as described, he provided every single detail necessary for me to organise a courier effectively, his communication was top notch, and the bass is great and arrived very well packaged.  Top man, smooth transaction, and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks Ed!!

  3. 1 hour ago, taunton-hobbit said:

    Now and again, along comes a thread that reminds me of why I'm never going to get married/co-habitate again.............

    ...........and b r e a t h e ...............


    Amen to that, sir.  Never again.

  4. It all depends on what the people in the band are aiming for. I've been in gigging bands, I've been in studio-only bands. If you want plenty of gigs around here, then you're going to have to play the same type of tired old covers that everyone else is playing (unless you are in your teens and got a college following). That can be fun, but the 'fun' element wears off real quick when you're a bit older.
    I've been in plenty of writing/studio only bands, and that's more fun because the band can follow their own direction without having to accomodate the level of populism required to get a gig schedule. To be honest, some of the stuff myself and my friends have written would have very little appeal to the average pub crowd, and we're all too old to be considered hip, but we enjoy the whole creative process (and the social) immensely. I guess it boils down to whether everyone in the band is getting what they want out of it. And yes... fun!! :-)

  5. I'm covering bass duties over xmas for the rockabilly band I used to be in, as their bassist quit a few weeks ago. Played Newlyn British Legion on xmas eve. That wasn't bad - nice sound there, unlike the previous evening where we were playing in a little 'box' in a corner of the Royal Inn in Par.

    NYE we're down at the Lugger Hotel in Penzance. Never played a New Years Eve gig in all the years I've been playing. The place got slated in TripAdvisor for poor service and shoddy housekeeping, so this could go either way - it'll either be empty because of the crap service, or busy because the food is quite good, so I read. Apparently there is a £35 price tag for the meal and 'entertainment', so we'll see what happens!

  6. He's a pretty boy who fell off the boy-band conveyor belt. Without his support team, he'd be nothing. If he looked like me, he'd be nothing. But he can hold a tune and the girlies love him, and that sells. Good luck to him. He's not fit to be held in the same esteem as Elton John and David Bowie though.

  7. [quote name='Heathy' timestamp='1472240880' post='3119803']
    Likewise. Although I had just turned seventeen when I heard Yankee Rose on the Casey Kasem American Top 40 radio show, so I left this off my earlier post!

    At that time my first band was at a low ebb and I was thinking that bass playing may just have been a flash in the pan. Hearing that song changed everything for me.

    Yes indeed. I was in the process of losing my way with guitar at this point, still 3 years away from picking up a bass. But listening to Steve Harris then Billy Sheehan, I got to thinking...... :happy:

  8. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1471711324' post='3115273']
    Emailed them late last night. Had a reply at 07:40 this morning. Top service.

    Amen to that. One of their guys lives in the same village as my parents so he delivered mine himself. Service doesn't come much better than that!

  9. I'm a hobbyist with a day job.

    Money is all very nice, but I'm more into the music than any income from it. I've often thought that making money solely from music would be great, but then I get to thinking that having to rely on music to make money would remove much of the fun from it, and force me to play cheesy 'popular' songs in order to get the well paid gigs.

    Everyone's different, but I'm happy with doing things on my terms :)

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