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Posts posted by odysseus

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441407923' post='2858773']
    Sure, but then there are people who bring two and three basses to a gig in the pub so they get "the right tone" for a few songs in the setlist, which I find a bit perplexing.

    With all due respect, I'd say that's your problem rather than theirs. Whatever it takes for the individual to get the job done and be happy with it. We're all different in one way or another. :)

  2. Whatever it is, and however you've learned them, get the set onto your MP3 player and play it in work, in the car, walking, in bed, wherever and whenever you can to get the music locked into your bonce. I was told this a few years back and it works surprisingly well as a supplement to learning the nuts and bolts of each song.

    Get the overall feel and arrangement and don't sweat the little details.

  3. Nowt wrong with budget gear, and nowt wrong with wanting something better. I played crappy basses for years, but my playing improved immensely as soon as I bought a good 'un. That said, the quality of budget basses is much better than it was when I was a pup. Getting better amp gear also makes a difference to a musician. Like someone said, Joe Bloggs down the Dog And Duck probably won't notice or even care, but anyone who's into their music and sees bands regularly probably will. The band I'm in now gets much more praise for the sound than when they had the previous guy with his tinny little combo, even though he was a good player. I ain't Jaco but I've got good gear and it makes a big difference to the overall sound.

  4. Dunno if you got Guitar Pro software, but it has a speed-trainer function where you can loop parts of a score and it speeds up from and to speeds of your choosing, and enables you to select the number of loops at each speed. With a difficult piece I always make sure I can practice it at a speed greater than the original in order to give me wiggle room when it comes to live playing. Take your time and get it right at the lower speeds first. You'll get it where it needs to be in time! :)

  5. I got 2. One with one pickup, one with two pickups. I find that the one with 2 pickups gives a lot more variety in terms of sound. It covers a lot of ground - I've played heavy rock, rock and roll, funk, punk and various other styles with it and been able to get a reasonably good sound for each. Bear in mind that your amp plays a massive role in your sound too. :)

  6. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1438604297' post='2835689']

    Someone would need to know that what they wanted was what they needed. If they don't, it can be a very expensive way to get a bass that sort-of-does-the-job.

    Fair call. Thinking about it might focus him a bit more perhaps?..

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