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Everything posted by Colonel36

  1. I remember hearing somewhere that George wasn't too pleased with Paul's bass contribution to "Something" Some of you will probably know what it was about, but I think it's great. Perhaps George thought it was too busy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2RIkY-wI5s
  2. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1384979682' post='2283137'] I forgot that Rob Brydon was in the audience. [/quote]
  3. [quote name='squire5' timestamp='1384947600' post='2282583'] But did anybody think,like I did that there was absolutely NO rapport between him, the 2 guitarists and Wix Wickens?Apart from 1 'almost' back to back with the lead player.As I said in my OP,Abe Laboriel got most of his attention,and if I'm not mistaken,seemed to be giving him a hand with his vocals by singing in unison with him.Between watching his hands AND his autocue,maybe he forgot to acknowledge the other 3.But hey,fair play to him for still going out and doing it at his age.Would have liked to be there. [/quote] Yes...I did. Something not quite right. Not his usually happy self, but seeing that guy in the audience that thinks he's funny when he's the most "unfunny" bloke out there,...made me realise why.
  4. Lovely playing. Reminds me of "Breakout" ..Swingout Sister.
  5. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1384004379' post='2271774'] The Jacksons had some great baselines in some great songs. I always loved ABC. Craig Charles has been playing an absolutely killer remix of that recently on his funk and soul show on 6music. [/quote] That'll be "The Reflex" mix uncle p. Some of those "Reflex mixes" are class.
  6. I saw that Roger2611 It was just last week that someone said to me...is not this the greatest tone you've ever heard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nzIKAhNTW0
  7. This...is the stuff
  8. [quote name='Turk' timestamp='1375296322' post='2159485'] I hardly ever use my Warwick Streamer due to a chronic neck-dive issue. A leather strap with a rough unfinished underside helped a little, but now the issue is sorted thanks to one of these: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190875549598"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190875549598[/url] I can now just let the bass hang 'sans-hands' stylee, and it does not move. Well pleased with the outcome, quality of the strap, speed of delivery, price. [/quote] I got one of these Turk thanks to you. Great strap.
  9. It's driving me mad now.
  10. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1382152579' post='2248748'] The husband of a mate of my wife's has been bugging my wife to get me to teach him to play Bass and I keep turning him down, because I am not fit to teach (I did teach guitar to a mate's daughter for a while but I hated it, horrible child...). I have yielded a bit and said he can bring his Bass over for a jam and see how it goes, I might be able to help with some basics, or at least make sure his Bass is set up right. [/quote] Please just try to teach a little to this bloke. Not easy, but maybe just a little patience on your part. You've nothing to lose and maybe, just maybe you might just see that you've got something important to give to this guy that could benefit you also. You probably know a lot more than even you think you do. Go on...........just do it even if it's "your way".
  11. I've sold on Gumtree and Preloved, but I'm hyper honest and if ever I want to buy something not near home, I ask them to use Skype and try to gauge things that way. I even suggest it if i'm selling as well. If they wont use it, then that's a finisher for me. Not perfect, but it all helps.
  12. I did the Beeswax today. Bit tricky to use but looks good now. I'll get some Dr Ducks for the next time. Thanks all
  13. Right then. I'm down to Dr ducks - mineral oil - Lemon oil - or ..I quite like this - Beeswax. Thanks.
  14. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1381419673' post='2238866'] Like danish oil, 'lemon oil' refers to various different things, maybe some will dry your board. Probably the ones that are a detergent cleaner. Others are actually oily and make your board oily. Need to establish what the board is made of before suggesting what to do though. I've danish oiled finished maple boards because they need a finish and it feels nice. Rosewood boards, not so much. [/quote] They're rosewood Mr foxen. I'm only playing around really but I'd just like a nice near gloss look...well. a nice shine if you know what I mean. Does what you put on the fretboard affect the sound?
  15. Alright...thanks guys.
  16. Just wanted to try it and try to achieve a nice finish but if you say it's no good then I'll try and find some info on tung oil and dryers..how to apply etc.
  17. Ok thanks. When you say wipe on and wipe off what's left do you mean wipe it off with the same rag or a dry rag and does it matter which direction it's done?
  18. Hi. Does anyone put Danish Oil on their fretboard and if so, is there a good way to do it?
  19. I'm listening to this now Happy Jack as your suggestion to flunkie and it really suits me.
  20. Class band, singers, sound and bass. Class.
  21. I can't get that photobucket link to open up Bigwan. Is there a trick to it?
  22. I've just bought a Fender jazz bass from Simon and it's great. He has been extremely helpful to me and posted, tracked and communicated with me all the way through. Top guy and a pleasure to deal with someone like this. Thanks Simon Rob.
  23. Lowender ...Evil Undead. I really like this as i've never heard it before. It's going to keep me busy for a while.
  24. Well some people couldn't give a flying... about their stuff and that's fair enough as it belongs to them, but - when they decide to sell it, some of them still want top money for it and then wonder why it wont sell.
  25. Rose Garden...Lynn Anderson.
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