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Everything posted by warhead_trig

  1. Looks fantastic. My guitarist recently bought one of their electric guitars and was outstanding for £400. heres hoping they launch a line of electric basses soon.
  2. Looks interesting. May to look into that and give a call.
  3. Anyone dealt with Sound Control recently since they started having their problems?? Anyone managed to knock them down a little with the price? Looking at this bass [url="http://www.soundcontrol.co.uk/mod_1/pages/mod_1.12/pages/mod_1.12.1/pages/mod_1.12.1.1/pages/index.php?sku="]http://www.soundcontrol.co.uk/mod_1/pages/...2.1.1-110-13647[/url] Have one of the old bolt on NS2000's which is well made and I wouldn't mind another Spector. Anyone have experience of the Euro bolt on models. Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks. Looks like I'l give them a try.
  5. Looking at getting some covers for my Cabs as they are getting a little tatty. Anyone have any experience of these? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-B410HE-Amp-Cab-Cover_W0QQitemZ330229528446QQihZ014QQcategoryZ10171QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1713.m153.l1262"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ampeg-B410HE-Amp-Cab...1713.m153.l1262[/url] [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/ROQSOLID-POWERCOVERS"]http://stores.ebay.co.uk/ROQSOLID-POWERCOVERS[/url] Thanks.
  6. Quick Hello really. Anyone here from South Wales? Currently playing Spector NS2000Q and Epiphone Thunderbird as back up. Amp wise Ampeg SVT3-Pro, SVT - 410 HE and SVT - 15E. Musicwise pretty much metal.
  7. How does the sound compare to a Spector. Play one of the old NS2000Q at the moment. Thanks
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