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Posts posted by Chiliwailer

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:

    Having never listened to 'em, I can't disagree. I'll maybe redress this. Thanks for the recommendation (if you're right..! xD ). :hi:

    So many good albums in addition, Green River, Cosmos Factory, Pendulum (but the skip the last track... southern rockers on acid ain’t pretty...). But if you like/dislike one, then you’re likely to like/dislike all 

    • Like 2
  2. Jeff Lebowski was a CCR kind of guy, upsetting Eagles loving cabbies along the way.

    In fun - being a CCR fan too, listening to Eagles recently made me think about Lebowski, the dude.  I’m not into all their stuff, but I won’t knock Eagles as the proof is clearly in the pudding, great talented band. Our rabbits love them, but not CCR 😂, which made me wonder what BC thinks?

  3. 6 hours ago, Peejay said:

    Wise words and thank you. I was going to take a few photos on my phone to use as reference, but one at a time and patience seem to be the way to go along with pre-tinning.

    I have the finesse of a buffalo so hopefully it will work out OK. 😁

    My best tip is to cut the wires from the old pickup, that are on the board already, and solder the new pickup wires onto that.

    Worked for me recently on a Stingray 😀

  4. 6 hours ago, Peejay said:


    I have the finesse of a buffalo so hopefully it will work out OK. 😁

    Maybe think twice and pass on the job- you’re soldering onto a fragile circuit board with easy to damage terminals. 

    Good luck though 👍

  5. Pre-rant disclaimer: I’ve previously owned some great Custom Shop basses, so am not painting all with the same brush...

    ...but I’ve just seen one for sale on line elsewhere  - AND IT DOES NOT DESERVE TO WEAR A VINTAGE FENDER LOGO -  Looks shocking, IMO. 😁

    I won’t go any deeper than that for risk of offending. And please don’t take me too seriously, it’s just an interesting flip side. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, hiram.k.hackenbacker said:

    . I would be more than happy to have a Limelight with their logo, or a Bravewood with theirs or a Nash with theirs.

    Urgh! Have you seen a Nash ‘logo’ 😂

    Im a Fender fan, even worked for them years back, but after the price fixing scandal I have no qualms about my Bravewood - it’s just a bit of fun. And easy to see it’s not real if you know, and if you don’t know and you’re buying vintage, you know the risks.... 

    • Like 1
  7. I’m lucky to have a stunning Bravewood, it puts some Fender Custom Shop basses to shame - so the fact it wears a Fender logo, to me, is not a problem. It’s a respectful homage, and not a con. And other logos or headstock shapes  just look shi*te on a vintage replica 😂

    • Like 5
  8. 4 hours ago, Reggaebass said:

    Thanks for that chiliwailer 👍, I feel comfortable around the 40mm mark, a friend of mine has a 74 and it’s 43mm , I know it’s only a few mm but it felt really big , and it is quite deep front to back 

    Yeah, does make a difference. Good hunting for the A neck 👍

    • Thanks 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Reggaebass said:

    Although I prefer jazzes, I’ve been looking at a few 60s and 70s precision’s lately, I don’t like chunky necks, so was there certain years or periods that would have a shallower or slimmer neck profile or is it a bit hit and miss 🙂

    For 60s, the the std nut width got slimmer around 68, when the logo and lacquer changes came in. Being finished by hand back then there are sometimes little differences in the necks.  I’ve played some very comfy late 60’s necks, 68 to early 70s could be worth checking out... but if it’s not an A, you may struggle if preferring Jazzes? A shapes are out there, you’ll find one 👍

    • Thanks 1
  10. 3 hours ago, sammybee said:

    It was a Shoreline? Gold 1960's Fender Jazz that I was considering.... was that the one

    I took NWRs Jazz apart once, think it dated both 61 & 62, I remember that as I was suprised at the time it had the mute holes despite being a 62. It was a good while back though - cracking bass, but his ‘Rhythm Stick’ 70s P Bass is truly something magical , what a bass 🤤

    • Like 1
  11. If after getting used to playing again it doesn’t go away, then a short scale is worth a try IMO - a short scale was my main gigging bass for many years, definitely helped with my physical issues and at the time made it easier on me than a full scale.

    Could also be a reflection on underlying issues with your neck, shoulder or back; or posture. Just mentioning that as something to look out for perhaps. 

    Best of luck.  

  12. On 09/05/2021 at 06:15, Chiliwailer said:


     I have Thomastik on my P & J basses, but for me those strings didn’t suit me on any Ray. 

    I stand corrected - turns out they sound great on my ‘95 2 Band Ray 👍

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