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Everything posted by bjelkeman

  1. I really like the voicing option on the M6 and the M9. The compressor on the M9 is rather good. I think @Al Krow is right, I think the M3 is like the flat setting on the voicing. I have played on an an M3, briefly, and it felt like a Carbine.
  2. I stupidly sold my M6. Should have kept it.
  3. Lovely basses. I have too many from the period. But lovely.
  4. I think an B7K (maybe the AO) into the X7 is what I am looking for. But I need to try the X7 by itself first.
  5. The cabsim only affect the Post DI and headphones. Reply about this by Doug. This really does look most excellent. But with both an M900 and the B7K/AO pedals I cant justify getting a new one.
  6. Also waiting impatiently. Stores around here doesn’t seem a priority. Oh well, may just read about midi controls for it in the meantime. DMC Micro with HX Stomp
  7. I have a Tubemeister 18. I need to try this. I suppose I could take the pre-out into the effects loop on the bass amp.
  8. bjelkeman

    Darkglass X7

    Ok. Looking forward to read more.
  9. bjelkeman

    Darkglass X7

    Completely agree about the AO and the B7K. The sound I can get from my VMT Ultra is very different from the B7K and the AO. I flip flop between wether I am going to use the B7K and the VMTU depending on how low down the guitarists are invading the bass soundscape. The AO hasn’t quite found a home with me yet. I will try the X7 or the X7U as I really like the idea of compression on the low part but not the high parts. But until I try it in a band setting I can’t really tell.
  10. bjelkeman

    Darkglass X7

    The DG pedals are often demoed with the drive full on. Personally I really like them with just a bit of drive. I suspect the X7 can be good like that too.
  11. bjelkeman

    Darkglass X7

    Oh, there will be non-slap adverts.
  12. I saw Agent Fresco yesterday. I really enjoy their performances.
  13. I would say that if you are looking for a traditional rock or blues sound then you can achieve it with a Darkglass amp, but maybe it would be easier with something like a Mesa Subway. If you like a modern sound, especially if you like the Darkglass B3K or VMT pedals, the DG amps are great value. I really like mine, but I get that not everyone does.
  14. Now I want to go to Paris.
  15. I normally use a B7K and now recently also a VMTU v2 and after trying out the VMTU-plug during a recording session, I am sold. The sound engineer was super happy too. €99 for the VMTU and B7KU is good value for money.
  16. I has been said, and I agree. The M900 is an excellent amp. To learn more about it and how it came about, check out my interview with the designer of it.
  17. I haven’t actually had the opportunity to try the D800+, but I have read the same thing about it being a lot more versatile. No surprise there Strangely enough I never got to A/B test the D800 next to the M9. The M9 has, as you say, an awesome creamy sound, which the class D amps don’t get. But in my band setting this doesn’t really come through in more than one or two songs, whereas the benefits of not having the preamps/effects I use anyway (B7K/VMT) on a pedalboard (a lot less noice), made me choose the M900 over the M9. I would happily use either amp, if that what was on offer. The last gig we used the M900 and the TKS W2126 for the band that came after us as well. That bass player uses an D800 and Mesa cabs. He turned down the overdrive on the amp and used his B7K instead. He really liked what he heard and I thought it sounded great too, when I got to be audience instead of up on stage.
  18. In the last few years I have used the following, I play mostly hard rock/metal, but also jump into other projects like blues or jazz/electronica fusion, occasionally. An old HH VS-Bassamp (100 W), listed for reference Ibanez Promethean P500 (500 W) Mesa Carbine M9 (900 W), still own it Gallien Kruger MB550 Fusion (550 W) Phil Jones Bassbuddy (5 W), own Darkglass Microtubes M900 (900 W), own The Bassbuddy I keep for convenience at home. All amps used with a TKS 112 or TKS W2126. I have also extensively tried the following, which I really liked (not listing those I didn't like), over the weekend as a result of housing bass metups. All tried with their own cabs (Subway, etc): Aguilar DB751 Mesa Strategy Mesa Subway D800 Vanderklay Aurora My favourite amp was the Mesa M9, but my now two favourites are the Darkglass M900 Mesa D800 The Darkglass for the modern clean rock tone, with ability to ad my favourite overdrives/distortions built in, in a great package and price. The Mesa for the traditional tone, specially when played through the Subway 112 and 115 cabs. If I played jazz/blues more, I probably would use a Mesa D800. But the Darkglass amp is the only thing I use now. Can't make up my mind if I should sell the M9 or not.
  19. [quote name='No. 8 Wire' timestamp='1507388826' post='3385158'] Thanks for putting a name to it, at some stage I need to put a little time into studying marketing and pricing strategies- for a business I have in mind. Are you in marketing yourself? [/quote] Part of my work is marketing and price setting for digital services.
  20. [quote name='No. 8 Wire' timestamp='1507292163' post='3384547'] Maybe darkglass doesn't expect to sell any or many to the general public. They could just be a marketing tool so that endorsing artists can have a wall of darkglass cabs behind them in music videos, concerts and YouTube promos. After all, you can't see a pedal or a class D amp from the back of a gig can you? The pricing is just there so the other gear doesn't look quite so expensive! [/quote] Which is normally called price anchoring and is an effective marketing tool. Every marketing person needs to understand how that work. You should too, then you can make better purchasing decisions. http://www.bonzamarketing.com/4-examples-of-effective-anchor-pricing-tactics/
  21. The 410 seems priced like an EBS Neo 410. I think they are too heavy too, which is why I have TKS cabs.
  22. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1507241081' post='3384251'] Has anyone on here had a chance to try one of these DG cabs? Or compare them with others? They might be truly phenomenal... [/quote] The distributor in Sweden says 1-4 week delivery. Don't think they have any in stock yet. May need to arrange a bass meetup when they arrive to let us do some comparisons.
  23. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1507240408' post='3384248'] Hey - I thought the whole issue was that these are being made in the UK under sub contract? If that's correct, then Euro: £ exchange rate becomes much less of a thing. [/quote] True. I was more referring to the pricing of the rest of the DG gear. I thought someone mentioned the amp went up in price.
  24. I got to try some Vanderklay cabs, both with the Aurora (?) top and, Mesa D-800, as well as the Darkglass top. I must say they really impressed me. Very nice kit. I didn't get to try them in a band setting, which I know is important, but still, very impressive. Otherwise I normally play on a pair of TKS W2126.
  25. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1507096698' post='3383233'] The AO pedal, do a big one and then do a small one just after everyone has bought a big one..........hmmmm The speakers, everyone has said that they would eat humble pie IF it blows similarly specd cabs out the park. We all recognise there is a business behind things and no one is wishing DG falls flat on its face, but there is legitimacy behind what we say as consumers, because of there is a slow incremental hike across the board then we are the ones getting hammered [/quote] Doug said that if the AO was successful, he would consider designing a smaller version. He didn't know if it was going to sell, so he made the choice of designing the bigger version first. Did he do that to rip everyone who bought one off? I don't think so. It may have been only moderately successful, then it would make sense to release the more flexible pedal first. I think it was a sensible business decision. Regarding price changes. The pound has dropped against the Euro from 1.4 in 2015 to 1.12 now. That is quite a difference. It would be surprising if an imported product from a Euro based manufacturer didn't change accordingly. I don't think it is about gouging people.
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