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Everything posted by bjelkeman

  1. Yum, active Darkglass internal preamp. Sounds perfect for one of my bass modding projects. Yep, will ask about that dannybuoy. Thanks!
  2. Lovely reviews. Thanks guys.
  3. I have a couple on order to...
  4. In a few weeks I am going to visit Darkglass Electronics in Helsinki, Finland. I think I hardly need to introduce Darkglass to you, but they build awesome bass effects pedals and preamps. Doug, the founder of Darkglass invited me to their new workshop. If you have any specific questions to Doug I'll share them and we'll see if we can't get answers. I will write a trip report with pictures, pretty much like the Mayones trip report I did earlier. http://www.darkglass.com
  5. Yeah, megallica and I are a bit of Roadstar freaks. I have, like, six.
  6. I don't I am afraid, and that bass is in a different city at the moment, so I can't open her up and look right now either. Maybe I can ask a friend though. I'll check.
  7. [quote name='Tradfusion' timestamp='1414846458' post='2593888'] Ditto mate... on the back of your reviews I have an S112 in the oven at the moment... [/quote]
  8. Nice to see TKS moving out further in the world. I was probably one of the people who answered WoT's questions about TKS cabs. Having owned both a 212 and now two W2126, I can only say I love em.
  9. I have an active and a passive (two actually) RB850. The key differences are: - active vs passive electronics (obviously) - the shape of the pickups, the active pickup has a groowed-out part on the short side (not as comfy to put the thumb on) - exposed metal on the pickups on the passive - passive has push pull pots for serial or parallel pickups (?), my active one does not - passive has the pots in a straight line, active on a curve Active version has a clearer sound, more mid and treble. Passive is more of a growl and a bit muted. Different but both good.
  10. Here is the B3K review: http://www.iguitarmag.com/magazine-editions/guitar-interactive-issue-8/reviews/darkglass-microtubes-b3k-pedal/ And here is the VMT review: http://www.iguitarmag.com/magazine-editions/guitar-interactive-issue-22/reviews/darkglass-microtubes-vintage-distortion-pedal/
  11. I love mine. Versatile, can be brutal, but also more subtle. Takes away woolliness, which I hate in bass sound, and adds punch and brawn.
  12. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1406321499' post='2510685'] Can`t go wrong with The SR range, 300 and above. The only thing I find is the resale value sucks. But here I am going on about resale when you haven`t even got the thing! [size=4] [/size] [/quote] i have had an SR305 and still own an SR700. Based on that, personally I don't think the SR300 series are as good and I feel it is well worth going to at least the SR500. Do love the SR series though.
  13. I spent an hour or two with a four string. I loved it, but then I don't know how to play a fretless. It nearly sounded good anyway. Some people who could plat fretless though tried it too (we had a bass meet recently where the distributor brought a along a few basses) and they loved em too. I think the are real winners. Awesome tone from the piezo pickup.
  14. Yes, but with LukeFRC saying that the ACME going really low and the mids not sounding right, then I think something like the TKS S2126 could be great. Not as much low end emphasis, great mids and easy to power. But, it is just a suggestion. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1403289423' post='2481594'] But the ACME and Hellborg really don't match up well at all. The Hellborg is very very flat and clean sounding, I love it via in ears - and in a more traditionally voiced cab sounds great, but something about the low end being so low, and something about the mids just don't sound right.... [/quote]
  15. Really hard to say without actually hearing what it sounds like now and where you want to go. That said... what HowieBass says is good advice. But with a really nice preamp and power amp setup, I would try some new cabs. Barefaced or even TKS maybe? Not sure if there are any TKS near you to try. The TKS 2126, S2126 or 212 are really good. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/212014-tks-engineering-cabs-new-to-the-uk/page__st__30__p__2143609#entry2143609
  16. Aardvark, check out the new Ibanez SR Portamento both four and five string fretless. Tried it in the weekend at a bass get-together. Several of us that were really impressed by it. The piezo pickup has a killer sound.
  17. I have had an SR305 and I have an SR700. I am not convinced by the 300 series they feel distinctly cheaper in build quality and the pups didn't sound as good and the hardware felt cheaper. All normal for a cheaper bass, but I know a lot of people who are happy with the 500, so I'd pick that over a 309.
  18. Very nice megallica! It outperforms my small Roadstar collection. I feel I need a sun or blue burst.
  19. Mikehay77, that is a very nice!
  20. The M6 is just such an awesome amp. If you haven't tried one for that aggressive rock sound then you really should.
  21. Several of us in Sweden has gotten ourselves som Fluxdrives. A friend even put up his Darkglass B3K and Aguilar Aggro up for sale the other day after trying the Fluxdrive with the band a few times. Mine arrived today, but I haven't tried it yet.
  22. Thanks! Much appreciated.
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