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Everything posted by bjelkeman

  1. EBS_freak, looked through the thread. Sorry if I missed it, but do you have a list of the IEM gear you are using?
  2. Ah, just bought an arpeggio book. Need to check this out thanks!
  3. The B3K sells decently well so shouldn't be too bad getting a VMT Deluxe.
  4. Beautiful bass. If I didn't have an MC900NT already I'd be tempted.
  5. Ah, found it, on 3Leaf's Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=629567120412425&set=a.567998503235954.1073741825.167957533240055&type=1&theater
  6. Where did that photo come from? A VMT pre was something I really was looking for, but couldn't wait, so I ended up getting a B7K and a VMT. Haven't looked back.
  7. Thanks guys. Actually the idea is to probably sell something off rather than buying more. Possibly building a studio in the basement. May need some cash... Heh. Also, a few of them are in need of getting electronics and whatnot fixed. So, I have stuff to do. Just recently realised that the RB960 and the MC924 are like Yin and Yang to each other, visually at least.
  8. How about getting a shorter strap with the same strap locks?
  9. Updated Ibanez "family" picture. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/11683769213/"][/url] Left to right [with two exceptions] Ibanez: SR700 (-11) [top], RB850 (-87), RB960, RB760, MC924, AX50 (-85) [bottom],RB850, RB650 (-84), MC900 (-79), MC800 (-78).
  10. Been looking for a Musician MC900 for a while. But nothing felt right for me. Until this one. [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/11514114154/][/url] [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/11514114154/]Ibanez Musician MC900-NT & MC800-NT[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/bjelkeman/]bjelkeman[/url], on Flickr
  11. I visited the Mayones workshop in Gdansk, and can only say that I got top quality treatment. A link to the post I write then: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/211012-visit-to-mayones-guitars-and-basses-gdansk-poland/page__fromsearch__1
  12. I don't play a six string, so keep that in mind. But, I do have a pair of W2126, and I have heard most of the TKS cabs The speakers with the extra 6 for mids and highs are more full range in sound. Not everybody's cup of tea, but personally I would have gone for a 1126.
  13. It is quite amazing how the music industry has changed. We are just in the same position, and I am looking around for the "best" alternative.
  14. Oh dear! That would of course be a perfect complement to my MC800... [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/8469525909/][/url] [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/8469525909/]Ibanez Musician MC800 (1978)[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/bjelkeman/]bjelkeman[/url], on Flickr
  15. Yep, that is really not what I would expect.
  16. Thanks megallica! I wasn't going to get a pbass, but when I saw this and the shape it is in. I couldn't resist. I am going to have to sell something soon at this rate. Wonder why I never find a good deal on something I already have?
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1385276847' post='2286271'] Beautiful. I bet that sounds righteous... [/quote] Thanks! Righteous would be one way of putting it. Gorgeous could be another. Music to my ears!
  18. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1385253324' post='2286235'] Love how simple this bass is, just lovely [/quote] Thanks Kev, yes they have lovely clean lines and I like it in the natural colour rather than the more popular stained MC900.
  19. And continuing on the red bass track, I happened to pick up this today. Apart from a few nearly invisible scuff marks it is nearly as new. Amazingly well preserved 30 year old. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/11027418294/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/11027418294/"]Ibanez Roadstar II Bass Series RB650 (1984)[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/bjelkeman/"]bjelkeman[/url], on Flickr
  20. Got hold of a practically mint Roadstar RB850 from 1987. Handed it in for setup the other day. Considering I like my other RB850 (-84) a lot I am very interested to see how this one plays. [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/10497958326/][/url] [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/10497958326/]Ibanez Roadstar Series II RB850 (1987)[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/bjelkeman/]bjelkeman[/url], on Flickr
  21. [quote name='ChickenKiev' timestamp='1384713986' post='2279855'] Got this recently for my Birthday: [IMG]http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p611/jamesyjamesyjamesy/null_zpsdbb1714d.jpg[/IMG] One word to sum it up: MONSTER. [/quote] Cool! How is it to play? What is the sound comparable to?
  22. [quote name='JizzCat' timestamp='1385195184' post='2285435'] Very good looking stack sir. Cosmetics do seem to matter. [/quote] Indeed. I would have purchased TKS speakers regardless of if I could only get the standard black look. But if you are going to buy new speakers and you know they are right for you and you want to stick with them for the long run, then it is worth going that extra mile I thought.
  23. A bit of self imposed assembly. [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/11001521273][/url]
  24. So my second W2126 arrived, and I got all the bits from Tommy to tweak it the way I want them. I bought cloth for the grill from the US. Asked for black corners and black screws. I also got a TKS case for my Mesa Carbine which I fixed with black corners. I must say I am pretty happy with this now. Took a few hours to put it all together the way I wanted. as I asked Tommy to provide the speakers without mounting the grills. I put the logos in the middle instead of the top corner where they normally are. Well, enough about the cosmetics. These cabs are awesome sounding and brings the best out of the Carbine, no doubt about it. Punchy, loud, strong attack. It is all there. As Musicman20 said. I am done. [url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjelkeman/11000003755][/url]
  25. [quote name='JizzCat' timestamp='1385050388' post='2283873'] Currently waiting for the arrival of this rather pretty S212 cabinet. Thought I'd share a pic while I'm dying of anticipation. [/quote] Nice! Should get my second W2126 tomorrow.
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