Had an obc410 for a few years and have also tried their 115 and SP cabs. I think all of them sounded loose and subpar for the money.
Bought a second hand ebs neo212 which I run my ad200b through. Have never looked back.
Go buy a second hand ebs instead. Top class construction. Proper cab designs with decent specs and volume.
Martin stoneham is a genuinely lovely guy! His unit isn't far from my home, a lot of guys from up here have been in to try his amps and with great reviews.
I myself have an Orange AD200b. It's the happiest I have been with an amp. Use with an ebs neo 212. Sounds great
I had one of these until last year. A genuinely brilliant sounding amp, for some reason over looked and under rated by people. I only sold it as it was sitting there not getting used due to buying an ad200b.
The same model has been used by refused and underoath on their last few albums. I think tool used them for guitar as well.
You got yourself a good purchase.
Is the ashdown drop head the same as the little bastard they had out previously?
I was really excited about the little bastard when I first heard about it and thought it would be excellent for recording. I was however hugely disappointed when I eventually got to try one out. The sound just lacked something compared to my ad200b and jcm 800 super bass. The build quality felt a little under par also. Ive never been into ashdown stuff generally but I expected this to be a step up. Alas it was not.
I'm wanting to trade my TLC for an ebs multicomp.
Owned it since new, in great condition. Velcro on bottom from where it has been on my pedalboard.
Based in Newcastle and happy to post.
Ah ok. I thought selling on behalf of others was prohibited on here? Section 16 d
Anyway another member has messaged me saying he'ld buy my TLC off me. So I'll probably take it.
How old is the pedal? Is it in full working order? And has your cousin owned it from new?
sorry to resurrect a dead thread. From my experience the amplitude ad200b doesn't sound or feel like the real thing. its closerer to the terror head from my experience.
originally i got a sansamp programmable bass driver di to get a more valvey sound out of my solid state amp and also to have a more driven channel option. I used it for a while before deciding that i'ld much rather just have an amp that sounds exactly how i want it to. I find some sound engineers are a pain and wont mic my bass cab, i guess they dont understand the point of tone?!?! so i use my sansamp last in my effects chain and use it as a di. at least this way i get some tone shaping if i have to be di'd
Pedal Power 2 Plus - I was sceptical that it would make much difference compared to running loads of wallwarts and a warwick power supply i have. I wish I had got it sooner, reliability is excellent and a couple of my effects are far far quieter than they used to be.
Personally I think 50w might be a little bitty on the low side. I had a 100W marshall superbass which sounded great until i started playing with a new drummer that is incredibly loud so I ended up getting a 200W AD200B to keep up.
Also the sensitivity of the cab needs to be considered.