I'm looking for some help trying to find a replacement cab. I use an old Trace Elliot 2x10 at the minute, its a 200w 8ohm one but the details have worn off the back plate (its handwritten). One of the ones that has the kinda green/black fabric covering. Amp is a rackmount hartke ha3500 and I use a Sansamp BDDI too. The TE is a heavy beast for the size of it. Its relatively small but way too heavy. I'd like something the same size or smaller and way lighter. We're sometimes gigging with everything in a car (guitar amp and cab, bass amp and cab and drums) so the more space I can save the better.
Our practice room has an Ampeg SVT810 which sounds amazing but is obviously huge and heavy. So if there was something that was small/lightweight and similar sounding that would be great!